Impact on the ground: WHO’s action in countries, territories and areas


Country case studies are one of three integral components of WHO Results Framework. Together with Impact Measurement and Output Scorecards, they paint qualitative picture of WHO’s work at the country level and give narrative texture to 2020 WHO Midterm Results Report. As a mainstay of GPW13 reporting, this publication presents a collection of more than 80 country case studies on WHO’s role and its adaptability to drive public health impact in different country contexts. Case studies come directly from the field and highlight WHO’s key achievements and impact realized during 2019-2020. Covering a wide spectrum of technical areas of the Organization’s work in countries, territories and areas, these stories connect outputs, outcomes and impact of WHO’s work. They illustrate a snapshot of the Organization’s range of efforts to deliver on the promise of the triple billion target to ensure healthy lives and well-being for all. Going forward, qualitative case studies offer examples of and experiences in how to strengthen collaboration and synergies with development and humanitarian national and international partners in health and how WHO can build and facilitate these alliances. Additionally, the stories elaborate on promising practices and best examples in support of governments and stakeholders to improve peoples’ health.


WHO Team
Country Strategy and Support (CSS)
World Health Organization
Number of pages
Reference numbers
ISBN: 9789240032804