WHO/A. Esquillon
The Asia-Pacific Parliamentarian Forum on Global Health (the Forum) is a platform for parliamentarians to exchange ideas, build political will, enhance capacities and foster collaboration in driving sustainable action for health.
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Parliamentarians call for strengthening health workforce in the Asia Pacific

6 September 2024
News release
Port Vila, Vanuatu

The eighth Asia-Pacific Parliamentarian Forum on Global Health concluded today, with parliamentarians from 13 countries in the Asia Pacific region emphasizing the need for a strengthened health workforce, which is essential for achieving health for all. 

The Forum was held from 4 to 6 September 2024 in Port Vila and hosted by the Parliament of Vanuatu, with support from the Vanuatu Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization (WHO). The participants were speakers, members of national parliaments and ministers from Cambodia, Cook Islands, Niue, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, the Philippines, the Republic of Korea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Thailand, Tuvalu, Vanuatu and Viet Nam. 

Health workforce for a resilient health system  

The theme of the Forum was the health workforce. As the host, Honourable Simeon Davidson Seoule, Speaker of the National Parliament of Vanuatu, emphasized the crucial role of a strong health workforce in building a resilient health system: “A resilient health system depends on a well-functioning workforce that includes nurses, doctors, community health workers and specialists. To effectively support our communities and provide the care they need throughout their lives, we must ensure that our health workers are well-supported and equipped,” he said.  

He reminded his fellow leaders that, “As parliamentarians, we have a critical role in shaping health policies and ensuring that our health systems are both well funded and well managed. This includes creating and enacting stronger laws and creating support systems that address the needs of our health workers, enabling them to deliver the best possible care to our communities.”  

The meeting presented the latest evidence on health workforce in the region and enabled discussion on strengthening health workforce policy, in line with WHO’s Regional framework to shape a health workforce for the future of the Western Pacific. Participants exchanged country experiences on supporting health workforce policy through various system entry points, shared innovations addressing workforce issues, and forged connections with one another at global, regional, national and local levels.  

Common challenges across the region  

The parliamentarians also had the opportunity to conduct site visits to local health facilities, where they interacted with health workers and discussed the various challenges of providing care across different settings. These highlight the dedication and commitment of health workers and underscore the urgent need for better support and resources for them, especially for those working in rural and underserved areas – issues shared across the Asia Pacific region. A common challenge across all health systems is the need for a robust workforce, without which there can be no functioning health system.  

Addressing the challenges faced by Pacific island countries, Minister of Health of Vanuatu, Honourable John Still Tariqetu, said: “Ensuring that everyone in the Pacific has access to quality health services requires bold, new approaches to building and maintaining a well-trained health workforce. In Vanuatu, we are committed to implementing forward-thinking strategies to ensure we have the skilled workforce we need, so that our communities can receive the care they deserve.” 

Highlighting the importance of having a well-supported health workforce, Dr Saia Ma’u Piukala, WHO Regional Director for the Western Pacific, reiterated: “The success of our health systems relies on having a workforce that is well prepared and supported. It is vital for parliaments to use their functions to advance health workforce development to ensure that our health systems can meet the needs of all people in the region.” 

Notes for editors 

The Asia Pacific Parliamentarian Forum on Global Health is a platform for parliamentarians to exchange ideas, build political will, strengthen capacity and foster collaboration towards sustainable health action. This was the eighth meeting of the Forum, which was themed “Health Workforce”. 

Target 3c of the Sustainable Development Goals urges countries to substantially increase health financing and enhance efforts in recruiting, developing, training and retaining the health workforce, particularly in developing countries, least developed countries and small island developing states. Currently, eight countries from the Western Pacific Region (Kiribati, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, the Federated States of Micronesia, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu and Vanuatu) are listed in the WHO Health Workforce Support and Safeguards List 2023. These countries face a low service coverage index (below 55) and have fewer health workforce than the global median of 49 doctors, nurses and midwives per 10 000 people. As such, these countries require prioritized support for health workforce development and health system strengthening, including measures to manage international recruitment effectively.  

Parliamentarians participating in the eighth Asia-Pacific Parliamentarian Forum on Global Health in Vanuatu this week: Hon. Mrs LORK Kheng, Cambodia; H.E. Ms MOM Sandap, Cambodia; Hon. Ms Te-Hani Rose Alexandra BROWN, Cook Islands; Hon. Dr Jiho CHA, Republic of Korea; Hon. Mr Bounelome KEOBOUAHOME, Lao People’s Democratic Republic; Hon. Mr Vongphet OUDOMLITH, Lao People’s Democratic Republic; Hon. Mr Suhaizan bin KAIAT, Malaysia; Hon. Mr Logopati SEUMANU, Niue; Hon. Mrs Florence Maureen VILITAMA, Niue; Hon. Mr Ciriaco B. GATO, Jr., the Philippines; Hon. Mr Foisala Lilo Tuu IOANE, Samoa; Hon. Mr Aiono Tile GAFA, Samoa; Hon. Dr Paul Popora BOSAWAI, Solomon Islands; Hon. Mr Morris TOIRAENA, Solomon Islands; Hon. Mr Tosaporn SERERAK, Thailand; Hon. Mr Iakoba Taeia ITALELI, Tuvalu; Hon. Mr Tuafafa LATASI, Tuvalu; Hon. Mr Seoule Davidson SIMEON, Vanuatu; Hon. Mr Alick TERRY, Vanuatu; Hon. Mr Blaise SUMPTOH, Vanuatu; Hon. Ms Julia Gloria KING, Vanuatu; Hon. Mr Marc MWELSUL, Vanuatu; Hon. Mr Silas BULE, Vanuatu; Hon. Mr Ulrich SUMPTOH, Vanuatu; Hon. Ms NGUYEN Thi Thu Dung, Viet Nam; Hon. Mr LE Van Kham, Viet Nam. 

Media Contacts

Mr Ruel E. Serrano

Senior Communications Associate
WHO Western Pacific

Telephone: +632 8528 9993
