The following is a list of Teen Choice Award winners and nominees for Choice Sci-Fi/Fantasy TV Show. This award was first introduced (along with Choice Sci-Fi/Fantasy TV Actor and Choice Sci-Fi/Fantasy TV Actress) in 2010. The Vampire Diaries was the first recipient of the award.

Quick Facts for Choice Sci-Fi/Fantasy TV Show, Country ...
Teen Choice Award for Choice Sci-Fi/Fantasy TV Show
CountryUnited States
First awarded2010
Last awarded2019
Currently held byShadowhunters (2019)
Most awardsThe Vampire Diaries (7)
Most nominationsThe Vampire Diaries (8) Supernatural (8)

The Vampire Diaries is the all-time winner in this category, with seven wins of eight nominations. Supernatural hold the record with most nominations (tied with The Vampire Diaries) without a single win (8 each).

Currently the last TV Show awarded as Choice Sci-Fi/Fantasy is Shadowhunters in 2019.

Winners and nominees


Series with multiple wins

The followings TV series received two or more Choice Sci-Fi/Fantasy awards:

7 Wins

2 Wins

Series with multiple nominations

The followings TV series received two or more Choice Sci-Fi/Fantasy nominations:

8 Nominations

5 Nominations

4 Nominations

3 Nominations

2 Nominations


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