Welcome to SECONDARY

The Secondary grades at the Western International School of Shanghai offer students an unparalleled International Baccalaureate education within a caring and internationally diverse community. Students are at the center of everything we do, and the variety and quality of academic, athletic, artistic, and extracurricular options available to students is something we are very proud of.

Our students develop their knowledge, skills, and conceptual understanding through inquiry facilitated by caring and supportive teachers. Secondary students participate in experiential and collaborative learning opportunities with increasing depth and specialization, including in-depth science labs, artistic expression through creation and composition, musicals and plays, and various curricular and extracurricular physical education and athletics.



At the Western International School of Shanghai, we believe secondary students are at a unique stage in their lives – a time when they are exploring their identity, seeking greater independence, and developing aspirations. Therefore, we are committed to providing learning experiences relevant to their individual journey.

Through a safe and nurturing learning environment supported by caring teams of teachers, our programmes provide each student with opportunities to explore, inquire, and develop confidence.

Our rigorous academic programmes are designed to help students connect with the world around them and equip them with the skills, knowledge, and understanding necessary for life both within and beyond school.

Core academic subjects are balanced with elective and exploratory classes in the arts and technology, physical health education, and languages.

Through the WISS Education, our experienced teachers strive to meet each student’s unique learning needs. To this end,  the students themselves become not passive recipients of knowledge, but active participants in their learning, while our classrooms are transformed into places of engagement, debate, student choice, and consideration.

For our learners to achieve academic success and personal growth, we believe their affective needs must be nurtured.With this in mind, our advisory program is designed to meet the developmental needs of our students, foster relationships, and shape the community while providing an adult advocate for every student. Furthermore, our academic program is balanced with a diverse offering of extra-curricular sports and activities, opportunities for leadership, and the ability to contribute meaningfully to society.

As a community of learners, we constantly strive to be the best we can be.



At the Western International School of Shanghai, the International Baccalaureate is in our DNA. We stand out from other IB schools in China because we offer unparalleled choices to our students. WISS is the only school in mainland China that offers all four IB programmes, and three of the IB programmes  (IBMYP, IBDP, and IBCP) are housed in the Secondary.

Students also have an incredible number of choices for learning languages – an essential part of our mission to create internationally-minded global citizens. Students can take language acquisition and language and literature classes in English, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, German, and French with multiple phases and levels that support students and ensure their language development. Similarly, we offer a wide breadth of options in the Creative Arts, Humanities, Sciences, and across the curriculum. Offering many choices in every school aspect helps us keep class sizes low to facilitate the high quality of learning and teaching that we are known for.


In Secondary, the journey for our children from the start of Grade 6 to graduation day in Grade 12 is one of tremendous growth in self-discovery and intellect. As part of a vibrant international community, we embrace all our learners and provide the support and the structure to allow our students to develop into mature, confident, and independent young people ready for the world’s challenges. Everything that we do at school encourages our graduates to exhibit the qualities and traits of the IB Learner Profile: Knowledgeable, Inquirers, Reflective, Communicators, Open-minded, Thinkers, Principled, Inquirers, and Caring. By embracing the IB Learner Profile attributes and through purposeful learning opportunities, WISS is committed to developing global citizens who:

– Value the culture, language, and unique histories of others
– Act upon local and global issues
– Advocate for fairness, justice, respect, and equity
– Promote sustainable development



& learning


Grades 6 to 12

The Secondary grades at the Western International School of Shanghai offer students an unparalleled International Baccalaureate education within a caring and internationally diverse community. Students are at the center of everything we do, and the variety and quality of academic, athletic, artistic, and extracurricular options available to students is something we are very proud of.

Our students develop their knowledge, skills, and conceptual understanding through inquiry facilitated by caring and supportive teachers. Secondary students participate in experiential and collaborative learning opportunities with increasing depth and specialization, including in-depth science labs, artistic expression through creation and composition, musicals and plays, and various curricular and extracurricular physical education and athletics.

Welcome to Secondary

Secondary Principal at the Western International School of Shanghai.

Curriculum Overview

Angles Down



At the Western International School of Shanghai, the International Baccalaureate is in our DNA. We stand out from other IB schools in China because we offer unparalleled choices to our students. WISS is the only school in mainland China that offers all four IB programmes, and three of the IB programmes  (IBMYP, IBDP, and IBCP) are housed in the Secondary.

Students also have an incredible number of choices for learning languages – an essential part of our mission to create internationally-minded global citizens. Students can take language acquisition and language and literature classes in English, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, German, and French with multiple phases and levels that support students and ensure their language development. Similarly, we offer a wide breadth of options in the Creative Arts, Humanities, Sciences, and across the curriculum. Offering many choices in every school aspect helps us keep class sizes low to facilitate the high quality of learning and teaching that we are known for.


In Secondary, the journey for our children from the start of Grade 6 to graduation day in Grade 12 is one of tremendous growth in self-discovery and intellect. As part of a vibrant international community, we embrace all our learners and provide the support and the structure to allow our students to develop into mature, confident, and independent young people ready for the world’s challenges. Everything that we do at school encourages our graduates to exhibit the qualities and traits of the IB Learner Profile: Knowledgeable, Inquirers, Reflective, Communicators, Open-minded, Thinkers, Principled, Inquirers, and Caring. By embracing the IB Learner Profile attributes and through purposeful learning opportunities, WISS is committed to developing global citizens who:

– Value the culture, language, and unique histories of others
– Act upon local and global issues
– Advocate for fairness, justice, respect, and equity
– Promote sustainable development

Angles Up



& learning

Explore Secondary Programmes


Students in Secondary follow a rigorous and varied academic program each day. Students in the Middle Years Programme take a broad range of classes, including Physical Education, Visual Arts, Music, Media, Drama, and Dance, and can choose from various Language Acquisition and Language and Literature classes. In the IBCP and IBDP, students can select from an impressive number of courses, including History, Geography, Economics, Business, and Psychology in the Humanities field alone. Additionally, IBCP students follow a routine centered around their selected career-related study while also undertaking the core requirements, including the challenging Reflective Project.

Social and emotional learning is a core component throughout every programme at WISS. Each day, Secondary students have advisory meetings with a small group of 6 or 7 students. A caring mentor-teacher leads community circle discussions around social and emotional development, organization, self-management, academic skills, and life skills. Advisory time is also used to support student goal setting, self-reflection, and community service initiatives.

Finally, the IB program enhances classroom learning at WISS through various core elements. Grade 10 students work throughout the year to create a culminating Personal Project, and showcasing their work is a highlight for them and the entire community. Extending this, our IBCP and IBDP students complete Service Learning and Creativity, Activity, and Service and write high-level academic research papers through the Reflective Project and Extended Essays.



At the Western International School of Shanghai, we provide many opportunities for students to participate in activities that allow them to grow and develop as individuals outside of the classroom. CP pathways in various topics, including Aeronautics, Sports, Business Management, Art, and Design, offer a unique path for dedicated and driven students in these career areas. WISS has an active Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Programme and supports all students to participate in adventurous journeys and residential projects. Students in Grades 6-10 take their learning outside the school walls through our week-long Explore China trips. 

These annual trips build bonds through physical activity, cultural experiences, community service, and adventure. Students have so many ways to get involved in school life through our robust extracurricular and after-school activity program. Students can participate in clubs and activities like Model United Nations, Stoke City FC Academy, Saturday School, the Global Alliance for Innovative Learning, the annual Secondary Musical, Summer Internship Opportunities, and more.

Students are encouraged to get involved in the many opportunities for student leadership, activity, creativity, and service at WISS. With exceptional athletics, creative arts, and STEM facilities, engaging students through clubs and activities is a natural extension of classroom learning and a lot of fun!

The Student Council meets regularly and offers students a voice in school decisions and policy. The iShare group is a student-led initiative that aims to create inclusive and fun events in Secondary and the entire WISS community.


Students joining Secondary are supported through a detailed orientation, school tour, a WISS Student Handbook, and a buddy to guide the student around.

Similarly, at WISS, the parents of children in Secondary often enjoy parent evenings, socials, clubs, concerts, exhibitions, plays, and after-school community activities, including the Community Orchestra and Community Choir. Many parents also actively support the school through volunteer work. Events such as the WISS Sundowner, “WISStival,” International Day, and many others showcase what we feel is a unique and vital partnership and community.


Learning and teaching in Secondary features small class sizes supported by knowledgeable and caring staff. Teachers facilitate student inquiry through engaging units and topics that build on students’ prior knowledge. We believe that student learning is best accomplished through experiential and cooperative tasks. 

Throughout the three IB programmes delivered in Secondary, students explore conceptual topics, make multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary connections, and develop as global citizens.



Distinguishing Programmes

Global Alliance for Innovative Learning

Savannah College 

of Art & Design

Sustainability Management School Switzerland

The Duke of Edinburgh’s 


International Schools 

Theatre Association

Academic Advisory Programme



As part of the University Guidance Support available to our students, WISS offers opportunities for students to attend in-person and virtual university fairs.  


These sessions are designed to inform and guide students through the varied University Admissions Criteria, which include: sharing and connecting students with high-quality Online Resources to assist them with researching university options, the different Application systems, support with writing Essays/Personal Statements, and exploring Scholarship and Financial Aid options offered by universities.


A series of Individual Meetings further supports students in Grades 11 and 12.  These allow students to ask more specific questions and receive personalized guidance.  Students can meet with the University Counsellor at any time throughout the year.

Explore Secondary

A Typical Day in Secondary

                            Students  arrive, settle in and participate in various learning activities
                           Selected Subjects  (Math, English, Chinese, Humanities, Sciences)

                          Selected Subjects  (Math, English, Chinese, Humanities, Sciences)

                           Break Time
                           Selected Subjects  (Math, English, Chinese, Humanities, Sciences)

                            Integrated Inquiry (Math, English, Chinese, Units of Inquiry)
                            Selected Subjects  (Math, English, Chinese, Humanities, Sciences)                           


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555 Lian Min Road, Xujing Town, Qing Pu District, 

Shanghai, PRC, 201702


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555 Lian Min Road, Xujing Town, Qing Pu District, 

Shanghai, PRC, 201702


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+86 (21) 6976 6013

+86 (21) 6976 6015



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Discover WISS through our collection of videos that showcase our academic programmes, activities and events.

A Typical Day in SECONDARY

Student Arrive and Settle In

Selected Subjects

Selected Subjects

Break Time & Refreshments

Selected Subjects

Selected Subjects

Lunch Time

Selected Subjects

Selected Subjects

Students prepare to depart from campus

EXPORE OUR Secondary Programmes

The Western International School of Shanghai is the first and only full-continuum IB World School in mainland China offering the four programmes of the International Baccalaureate (IB).

This allows us to provide the entire and unbroken IB curriculum model leading to the world's most sought-after qualification for university entry.

At WISS, we are dedicated to the IB Mission of creating a better world through education. As an IB World School, WISS has been visited, inspected, and approved by the International Baccalaureate Organization.

IB World Schools maintain their high quality through the regular professional development of staff, effective delivery of cutting-edge teaching practice, and a rigorous approach to inquiry-based learning. Schools authorized by the IB must put students at the center of everything they do, treat learning holistically from multiple perspectives, emphasize strong communication skills, and promote intercultural awareness. The IB conducts regular evaluations to ensure schools provide a learning culture aligned with its international philosophy and goals.

IB Middle Years Programme

The Middle Years Program (IBMYP) is for students aged 11-16 at the Western International School of Shanghai. This programme builds upon the inquiry-driven and concept-focused foundation created during the PYP. IBMYP students deepen their disciplinary understanding in the subject areas while focusing on key concepts and interdisciplinary links that tie subject areas together – such as Systems, Relationships, Logic, and Creativity.

Students can make connections across subjects and link prior learning to new material by focusing on concepts. We also strongly believe that learning happens best when set in a specific Global Context. Students are guided to approach units of inquiry through a contextual lens of Globalization and Sustainability, Scientific and Technical Innovation, Fairness and Development, etc.

Learning in the IBMYP programme is recognized at the end of Grade 10 with the awarding of the IBMYP Certificate to those who complete the rigorous requirements of the Personal Project, ePortfolios, meaningful Service as Action, and eAssessments.

IB DipLOMA Programme

The IB Diploma Programme (IBDP) at the Western International School of Shanghai offers students a well-rounded, rigorous, and internationally recognized curriculum. 

The IBDP seeks to develop breadth and depth of knowledge, and WISS students have a wide range of options within the IBDP model. Students also extend their learning across the disciplines through the DP Core: 

Theory of Knowledge, 

Extended Essay,



The Career-related Programme (IBCP) is an excellent choice for Grade 11 and 12 students who have already decided on a career path and would like to specialize and even earn college credit during high school. 

The IB Career-related Programme (IBCP) facilitates an in-depth exploration of a career-related study complemented by study in selected IBDP courses. 

The CP Core is composed of the 

Reflective Project, 

Personal and Professional Skills course, 

Service Learning, and 

self-directed language development. 

The Reflective Project is an academic research paper examining an ethical dilemma related to their career-related study. Students also complete the Personal and Professional Skills course to prepare for professional conduct and personal life skills.

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