3 Person Team
3 Rounds For Time: 13 Min Cap
- 60ft Tank Sled Push/60ft Tank Sled Drag (All Teammates Complete Relay-Style)
- 5 Synchronized Reps of #sunandfitness Rig Complex (2 Athletes)
- 30 Handstand Push Ups (1 Athlete)
- 30 Partner Wall Ball (2 Athletes) 10’/9’
- 6 Rope Climbs (1 Athlete) 15’
Score is time or total reps at 13 minute cap.
Scaling Key:
- RX:
- Tank Sled: Heavy Resistance*
- Rig Complex: 3 sync toes to bar + 2 sync chest to bar pull ups + 1 sync bar muscle up = 1 rep.
- Wall Ball: 30/20
- Masters 35+:
- Tank Sled: Heavy Resistance*
- Rig Complex: (All 2-Person Sync Movements): Men: as is / Women: 3 TTB + 3 Chest to Bar Pull Ups = 1 Rep
- Wall Ball: 30/20
- Intermediate/Masters 45+:
- Tank Sled: Medium Resistance*
- Rig Complex: (All 2-Person Sync Movements): 3 TTB + 3 Pull Ups = 1 Rep
- HSPU: Scaled HSPU w/ 25lb Plate & AbMat Stacked as Riser
- Wall Ball: 20/14
- Novice:
- Tank Sled: Light Resistance*
- Rig Complex (All 2-Person Sync Movements): 15 Hanging Knee Raises + 15 Ring Rows = All Reps
- HSPU: Hand Release Push Ups
- Wall Ball: 20/14
- Scaled Rope Climb: Supine to Standing
* Tank sleds have mechanical resistance and will be adjusted to a resistance suitable for each division. Everyone will be able to complete the tank sled work!
Team Flow
All athletes will begin in the common starting box between the rig and the field. Non-working athletes must remain in the starting box.
At the call of 3-2-1 GO! One teammate will work at a time to push the tank sled to the 60ft mark. Once the entire sled crosses the line, the athlete will work to drag the sled back to the starting line in a backwards walking motion. Once the entire sled has crossed the starting line, the next teammate will work to complete the sled push/drag until all teammates have completed the required distance.
Upon completion of the tank sled push/drag, two athletes will work to complete the 5 repetitions of the synchronized #sunandfitness rig complex or scaled variation (see scaling key). Athletes may change out at any point until the required reps are complete.
Upon completion of the rig complex, one athlete will work at a time to complete 30 handstand pushups or scaled variation.
Upon completion of the handstand push ups, two athletes will work to complete 30 partner wall ball shots. Each time the ball hits the target will be considered one rep.
Upon completion of the partner wall ball shots, one athlete will work at a time to complete 6 rope climbs.
Upon completion of the rope climbs, teams return to the field to complete the remaining two rounds in the same fashion.
Score is time or total reps at the 13-minute cap.
Coed Duo
3 Rounds For Time: 11 Min Cap
- 60ft Tank Sled Push/60ft Sled Drag (Both Teammates Complete Relay-Style)
- 4 Synchronized Reps of #sunandfitness Rig Complex (2 Athletes)
- 20 Handstand Push Ups (1 Athlete)
- 20 Partner Wall Ball (2 Athletes)
- 4 Rope Climbs (1 Athlete) 15’
Score is time or total reps at 11 minute cap.
Scaling Key:
- RX:
- Tank Sled: Heavy Resistance*
- Rig Complex: 3 sync toes to bar + 2 sync chest to bar pull ups + 1 sync bar muscle up = 1 rep.
- Wall Ball: 20lb to 10’
- Masters 35+:
- Tank Sled: Heavy Resistance*
- Rig Complex: (All 2-Person Sync Movements): 3 TTB + 3 Chest to Bar Pull Ups = 1 Rep
- Wall Ball: 20lb to 9’
- Intermediate/Masters 45+:
- Tank Sled: Medium Resistance
- Rig Complex (All 2-Person Sync Movements): 3 TTB + 3 Pull Ups = 1 Rep
- HSPU: Scaled HSPU w/ 25lb Plate & AbMat Stacked as Riser
- Wall Ball: 20lb to 9’
- Novice:
- Tank Sled: Light Resistance*
- Rig Complex: (All 2-Person Sync Movements): 12 Hanging Knee Raises + 12 Ring Rows = All Reps
- HSPU: Hand Release Push Ups
- Wall Ball: 14lb to 9’
- Scaled Rope Climb: Supine to Standing
*Tank sleds have mechanical resistance and will be adjusted to resistance suitable for each division. Everyone will be able to complete the tank sled work!
Team Flow
Both athletes will begin in the common starting box between the rig and the field. Non-working athletes must remain in the starting box.
At the call of 3-2-1 GO! One teammate will work at a time to push the tank sled to the 60ft mark. Once the entire sled crosses the line, the athlete will work to drag the sled back to the starting line in a backwards walking motion. Once the entire sled has crossed the starting line, the next teammate will work to complete the sled push/drag until both teammates have completed the required distance.
Upon completion of the tank sled push/drag, both athletes will work to complete 4 repetitions of the synchronized #sunandfitness rig complex or scaled variation (see scaling key).
Upon completion of the rig complex, one athlete will work at a time to complete 20 handstand pushups or scaled variation.
Upon completion of the handstand push ups, both athletes will work to complete 20 partner wall ball shots. Each time the ball hits the target will be considered one rep.
Upon completion of the partner wall ball shots, one athlete will work at a time to complete 4 rope climbs.
Upon completion of the rope climbs, teams return to the field to complete the remaining two rounds in the same fashion.
Score is time or total reps at the 11-minute cap.
Teens 14-17 Adult-Youth Duo Rx/Scaled
3 Rounds For Time: 11 Min Cap
- 60ft Tank Sled Push/60ft Sled Drag (Both Teammates Complete Relay-Style)
- 4 Synchronized Reps of #sunandfitness Rig Complex (2 Athletes)
- 20 Handstand Push Ups (1 Athlete)
- 20 Partner Wall Ball (2 Athletes) 9’
- 4 Rope Climbs (1 Athlete)
Score is time or total reps at 11 minute cap.
Scaling Key:
- RX+:
- Tank Sled: Medium Resistance*
- Rig Complex: (All 2-Person Sync Movements): 3 TTB + 3 Pull Ups = 1 Rep
- Wall Ball 20
- Scaled:
- Tank Sled: Light Resistance*
- Rig Complex: (All 2-Person Sync Movements): 12 Hanging Knee Raises + 12 Ring Rows = All Reps
- HSPU: Hand Release Push Ups
- Wall Ball :14
- Scaled Rope Climb: Supine to Standing
* Tank sleds have mechanical resistance and will be adjusted to resistance suitable for each division. Everyone will be able to complete the tank sled work!
Team Flow
Both athletes will begin in the common starting box between the rig and the field. Non-working athletes must remain in the starting box.
At the call of 3-2-1 GO! One teammate will work at a time to push the tank sled to the 60ft mark. Once the entire sled crosses the line, the athlete will work to drag the sled back to the starting line in a backwards walking motion. Once the entire sled has crossed the starting line, the next teammate will work to complete the sled push/drag until both teammates have completed the required distance.
Upon completion of the tank sled push/drag, both athletes will work to complete 4 repetitions of the synchronized #sunandfitness rig complex or scaled variation (see scaling key).
Upon completion of the rig complex, one athlete will work at a time to complete 20 handstand pushups or scaled variation.
Upon completion of the handstand push ups, both athletes will work to complete 20 partner wall ball shots. Each time the ball hits the target will be considered one rep.
Upon completion of the partner wall ball shots, one athlete will work at a time to complete 4 rope climbs.
Upon completion of the rope climbs, teams return to the field to complete the remaining two rounds in the same fashion.
Score is time or total reps at the 11-minute cap.
13 and Under Adult-Youth Duo Rx/Scaled
3 Rounds For Time: 9 Min Cap
- 60ft Tank Sled Push Down/60ft Sled Push Back (Both athletes push at once)
- Each Athlete Completes Reps (“You go-I go”):
- 10/10 Toes to Bar
- 10/10 Pull Ups
- 10/10 Handstand Push Ups
- 10/10 Wall Balls Adult 10’/9’ – Youth 9’
- 2/2 Rope Climbs 12’
Score is time or total reps at 9 minute cap.
Scaling Key
- RX:
- Tank Sled: Medium Resistance
- Wall Ball: Adult 20/14-Youth 14
- Scaled:
- Tank Sled: Light Resistance, Hanging Knee Raises, Ring Rows
- Hand Release Push Ups
- Adult=Wall Ball 20/14 – Youth = Med Ball Squat 14
- Scaled Rope Climb: Supine to Standing
Both athletes will begin in the common starting box between the rig and the field.
At the call of 3-2-1 GO! Both teammates will work together to push the tank sled to the 60ft mark. Once the entire sled crosses the line, the athletes will go around the sled to the opposite side and work to push the entire sled back across the starting line.
Upon completion of the tank sled push, athlete 1 will work to complete 10 toes to bar or hanging knee raises, followed by athlete 2 completing 10 toes to bar or hanging knee raises.
Athletes will work in the same “you go – I go” style to complete 10 pull ups or ring rows, 10 handstand push ups or hand release push ups, 10 wall ball shots or MB squats, and 2 rope climbs or scaled rope climbs
Upon completion of the rope climbs, teams return to the field to complete the remaining two rounds in the same fashion.
Score is time or total reps at the 9-minute cap.
10 and Under Adult-Youth Duo
3 Rounds For Time: 9 Min Cap
- 60ft Tank Sled Push Down/60ft Sled Push Back – Light Resistance (Both athletes push at once)
- 10 High Five Sit Ups
- Each Athlete Completes Reps (“You go-I go”):
- 10/10 Ring Rows
- 10/10 Hand Release Push Ups
- 10/10 Adult Wall Ball – Youth Med Ball Squats (Adult 20/14 10’/9’ – Youth 10)
- 2/2 Scaled Rope Climbs – Supine to Standing
Score is time or total reps at 9 minute cap.
Both athletes will begin in the common starting box between the rig and the field.
At the call of 3-2-1 GO! Both teammates will work together to push the tank sled to the 60ft mark. Once the entire sled crosses the line, the athletes will go around the sled to the opposite side and work to push the entire sled back across the starting line.
Upon completion of the tank sled push, both athletes will work to complete 10 high five sit ups.
Upon completion of the sit ups, athlete 1 will work to complete 10 ring rows, followed by athlete 2 completing 10 ring rows.
Athletes will work in the same “you go – I go” fashion to complete 10 hand release push ups, 10 wall ball shots/MB squats, and 2 scaled rope climbs.
Upon completion of the rope climbs, teams return to the field to complete the remaining two rounds in the same fashion.
Score is time or total reps at the 9-minute cap.

Handstand Push Up: The rep begins with the athlete in the handstand position with elbows fully extended and heels touching the backboard. The mass of the athlete’s hand must be inside or on the 3 ft box line. The athlete must then lower head to touch the ground or riser. The rep is complete when the athlete returns to the starting position with elbows fully extended and heels touching the backboard. Kipping is permitted.
Hand Release Push Up: The rep begins with the athlete’s chest touching the ground and hands lifted. The rep is complete when the athlete lifts knee, hips, and chest to achieve full elbow lock out.
High Five Sit Up: The rep begins with both athletes face up with hands touching the ground above the shoulders and feet interlocked. The rep is complete when both athletes sit up and complete a “high five” with both hands.
Med Ball Squat: The rep starts with the ball held anywhere above the waste. Athletes must squat until the crease of hips cross the plane of the knee. The rep is complete once athletes stand and achieve full extension at the same time.
Partner Wall Balls: Two athletes will be positioned on each side of the target. The rep begins when the medicine ball is taken by athlete 1 from the bottom of a squat, hip crease below the knee, and thrown to hit the specified target. The center of the ball must hit the target at or above the specified target height for the rep to be completed. From here, athlete 2 may receive the ball and must then drop below parallel and hit the target in the same fashion for the next rep to complete. Each time the ball hits the target is one rep. If the ball hits low or does not hit the wall, it is a “no rep.” If the ball drops to the ground from the top, it cannot be caught off the bounce to begin the next rep. The ball must settle on the ground before being picked up for the next rep. If there is a no rep by an athlete, the opposite athlete may continue on to the next rep.
Rope Climb: Using any style rope climb employing both hands and feet, the athlete must climb the rope and touch the crossbeam at the top. Jumping up to begin each ascent is permitted. Athletes must show control on the descent for the rep to be credited.
Scaled Rope Climb: The rep begins with the athlete lying with shoulder blades on the ground and hands above their shoulders, touching the ground. From that position, the athlete will grab the rope and pull their body upright and jump with both feet clearing the ground finishing the rep.
Sync #sunandfitness Rig Complex Movements: 2 Athlete Synchronized movements. If athletes are no repped or break for any reason, they must repeat the complex starting from the first movement in order to complete the rep. Breaking in-between completed complex reps is permitted. All movements require feet to return behind the plane of the rig each time. Double or triple tap/rep movements are not allowed.
**NOVICE Divisions may break as needed. They will complete 15/15 one time per round.**
Sync Bar Muscle Up: The athletes must begin with or pass through a hang below the bar, with arms fully extended and feet off the ground. Kipping the muscle-up is acceptable, but pullovers, rolls to support, and glide kips are not permitted. No portion of the foot may rise above the lowest part of the bar during the kip. The athlete must pass through some portion of a dip before locking out over the bar. The Synchronized rep is complete once both athletes achieve full lock out above the bar at the same time.
Sync Chest to Bar Pull Up: The athletes must start each rep with their arms fully extended and their feet off the ground. Any style of pull-up or grip is permitted as long as the other requirements are met. The synchronized rep is complete when both athlete’s chest clearly comes into contact with the bar at the same time at or below the collarbone.
Sync Hanging Knee Raises: The rep begins with the athletes hanging from the bar with arms fully extended and feet behind the plane of the rig. The synchronized rep is complete when the athletes raise their knees above the level of the hips at the same time. There will be 1 stepper attached to the rig for each team to assist with climbing to the bar if needed.
Sync Pull Up: The rep begins with the athletes hanging from the bar with arms fully extended and feet behind the plane of the rig. The synchronized rep is complete when both athletes’ chins rise above the bar at the same time. One stepper will be available on the rig in each lane to assist with getting to the rings.
Sync Ring Row: The rep begins with the athletes’ elbows fully extended and heels on the ground across the plane of the rig. The synchronized rep is complete when the athletes pull until the chest or arms touch the rings at the same time. Kipping is permitted.
Sync Toes to Bar: The rep begins with the athletes hanging from the bar with arms fully extended and feet behind the plane of the rig. The synchronized rep is complete when the athletes touch both feet to the bar at the same time between the hands. There will be one stepper attached to the rig for each team to assist with climbing to the bar if needed.
Tank Sled Push & Drag: A Valor Fitness Tank Sled will be used (see photo). The sled has mechanical resistance and will be adjusted to fit each division. Every athlete will be able to move the sled! The rep begins with the sled entirely behind the starting line. Athletes will face the sled and use both arms to push the sled forward until the entire sled crosses the 60ft line. From here, athletes will continue to face the sled and use their arms on each sled post or the crossbar to secure the sled. Athletes will then drag the sled in a backwards walking motion back towards the starting line until the entire sled crosses back over the starting line.

Wall Balls: The rep begins when the medicine ball is taken from the bottom of a squat, hip crease below the knee, and thrown to hit the specified target. The center of the ball must hit the target at or above the specified target height. If the ball hits low or does not hit the wall, it is a “no rep.” If the ball drops to the ground from the top, it cannot be caught off the bounce to begin the next rep. The ball must settle on the ground before being picked up for the next rep.