vadimguzhva 2Devon Rex
CasarsaGuru The Devon Rex is similar to its cousin the Cornish Rex, and has similar features such as high cheekbones and oversized ears. But what sets this breed apart is its desire to be with people. This is definitely the cat to get if you want to spend all your free time snuggled up.
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3Russian Blue
Sunrise@dawn Photography Russian Blues have short coats in a range of shades from light silver to dark gray, according to Rover. They have a tendency to be a bit shy at first, but warm up around family.
Josef Timar//Getty Images The Abyssinian is a very curious cat, reports Purina. They also like to take any item that sparks their interest, so you better keep your things well-hidden.
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5American Curl
Life On White//Getty Images 6Burmese Cat
Svetlana Jones//Getty Images CertaPet calls the Burmese Cat a social butterfly because they bond strongly with their humans. This trait makes them ideal for families.
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7Cornish Rex
Angela Kotsell//Getty Images 8Dwelf Cat
Thomas Leirikh//Getty Images Advertisement - Continue Reading Below
9Japanese Bobtail
NancyAyumi//Getty Images The Japanese Bobtail is one of the most communicative breeds of the list, reports VetStreet. You can expect them to meow or chirp at you when they want something.
Agency Animal Picture//Getty Images The Javanese is clingy and will love spending time with you, whether it's watching Grey's Anatomy on your lap or cuddling by your side as you read in bed.
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Tracy Morgan//Getty Images PetMD suggests keeping your fancy china out of the Laperm's reach. They are highly active and will climb the highest shelf of your home.
Michael Beder//Getty Images If you own any other pets, the Munchkin will get along well with them and can definitely keep up during playtime despite their stubby legs.
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13Oriental Longhair
Agency Animal Picture//Getty Images The Oriental Longhair loves company, so if you spend most of your day at work, maybe you should consider getting a pair.
xel Bueckert / EyeEm//Getty Images Cross-eyed Siamese cats are very common within the species, and, let's be honest, it makes them even more adorable.
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Dorling Kindersley//Getty Images The Singapura is similar to a dog because they will trust their human completely.
16Somali Cat
KIO//Getty Images The Somali cat is a long-haired cat that sheds a lot, so make sure to groom them regularly.
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17Turkish Angora
Elles Rijsdijk / EyeEm//Getty Images Sophia is currently an assistant editor at Womans Day.com with experience in writing everything from fashion and beauty to health, fitness, and wellness.
Kelsey Hurwitz is the assistant editor of WomansDay.com, and covers entertainment, holidays, pets, and good news. When she’s not writing about doughnuts and talk show hosts, she can be found watching hours of bad reality TV, belting ‘70s rock songs, and searching for her next favorite snack.
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