Family and friends Landscape Portrait

Thursday October 24, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – More of baby Victoria Campbell with my Leica S2 medium format camera.
More of Victoria
More of Victoria

Instruction manual.


On this day one year ago: big rat.

Big Rat
Big Rat

Family and friends Landscape Portrait

Wednesday October 23, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I’ve mentioned that Laura and Alexander are living with us while their kitchen is being finished, right. And that her due date is Friday and we’re timing contractions and going back and forth to the hospital. I started to give up hope on seeing a baby today so I went out on the street with my medium format Leica S2 and caught a dog’s eye view picture that I had noticed earlier while walking Basil. But mid-day Laura went into the delivery room in a definitive fashion, and . . . Welcome to the world, Victoria! Here’s our first grandchild, about 30 minutes old in these pictures, taken with my Leica S2, 70mm lens and a speed light.
Welcome Victoria
Welcome Victoria
Hello Victoria
Hello Victoria
Basil eye view
Basil eye view

On this day last year: Partners.


Family and friends Interior

Tuesday October 22, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Housebound today with work. We’ve also got a baby watch going on here. Laura and Alexander are staying with us while some work on their kitchen is being completed. She’s had some contractions (her due date is Friday) so we’ve got a baby watch going on. Today I put my f.95 Noctilux lens on my Leica M and practiced focusing around the apartment. Here’s an example:

iPhone shot of dinner at 11 Madison Park:

11 Madison Park
11 Madison Park

Here we are at 11 Madison Park, shot by a server with my iPhone:

11 Madison Park
11 Madison Park

On this day last year: David.



Monday October 21, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I shot store fronts today with my Leica Monochrom and Luxochron lens.
Storefront 3
Storefront 3
Storefront 1
Storefront 1
Storefront 2
Storefront 2

On this day last year: tree line.

Tree line
Tree line

Landscape Urban

Sunday October 20, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Our lovely warm Autumn has permitted the begonias on the Park Avenue islands to grow longer and larger than I’ve ever seen them before – they are actually chest high. Taken with my Sony RX100 II, which I’m still carrying around after last night. Kind of a mundane image but keeps the photo a day thing alive.
Park Avenue
Park Avenue

On this day last year: Fall color. A lot of these this time of year. A lot of them in black

Fall color
Fall color

Events and holidays Family and friends

Saturday October 19, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – We stayed in New York this weekend to attend a party in honor of Donna Tartt and the publication of her new novel, The Goldfinch. Here are pictures from the party.

On this day last year: More fall non-collor.

Fall color
Fall color

Landscape Urban

Friday October 18, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – First day back I’ve taken exactly one picture (Monochrom with Luxochron lens):
Johnny Rocket
Johnny Rocket

On this day one year ago: Debris.


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