Climate comparison
Compare the climate in any country or individual parts of the country with each other. First select the countries to be compared. Then you can specify the desired region.Compare the climate in any country or region with each other
Whether for vacation planning or simply out of interest: With this climate comparison you can compare countless regions of the earth climatically with each other. Mostly, the regions correspond to a federal state, a state or a province. In countries that have an extremely large number of such official "first-order administrative units" in relation to their surface area, the regions have been grouped together. Turkey, for example, has over 80 provinces. The small state of Slovenia would even have 210 municipalities, because it does not have any federal states.The climate can be regionally very different. Even in the same country just a few 100 kilometers away, mountain ridges, coastal strips or even oceanic influences can have a major impact. Especially in the Pacific region of Asia, ocean currents are responsible for strong or less pronounced rainy seasons.
Mountains are also a frequent weather divide. For example, there is always a different climate north and south of the Alpine ridge or on both sides of the American Rocky Mountains. Warm and cold winds and thus also clouds together with the water bound in them are stopped by mountain ranges. Thus, completely different climate regions develop over a distance of only a few kilometers. While on one side it is often rainy and cool, on the other side there is sunshine with significantly higher temperatures.
Difference between climate and weather
Both the climate and the weather provide information about the same meteorological factors such as temperature, precipitation or humidity. However, the weather is a snapshot, e.g. right now at a certain place. The climate, on the other hand, is a long-term observation over many years. Here the weather data are evaluated over mostly 20-30 years and an average is formed. The climate does not show what the weather will be like tomorrow. Instead, it shows a multi-year average of how the weather normally is.Our climate data were compiled from the awards of the German Weather Service of the last 20 completed years, i.e., from the years 2004 - 2024. In order to exclude too large falsifications by extreme weather conditions, climate stations in unpopulated altitudes were not considered. These are, for example, the weather stations near the summits of large mountains.