Mormon temple

Spread of the Mormons

The "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints", known as the Mormons, was founded in the USA by Joseph Smith in 1830. The religion developed rapidly, but also met with considerable opposition and persecution, causing the early followers to move several times before finally settling in Utah.

Today, most Mormons also live on the American continent or in the Pacific region. The total number of followers is estimated at over 16 million members.

Origin of Mormonism

Mormon temple Joseph Smith claimed to have received divine visions, including the discovery and translation of the Book of Mormon, another testament of Jesus Christ used alongside the Bible in the church. Unique to Mormon doctrine is the practice of proxy baptisms, in which members can perform baptisms on behalf of deceased non-members, indicating a comprehensive doctrine of salvation that extends beyond death.

The Mormon Church is known for its missionary activities, strong emphasis on family values and charitable endeavors. It is characterized by a strong community orientation and a tightly organized belief system. Core doctrines include a belief in continuing revelation through living prophets, the central role of Jesus Christ, the importance of family and post-mortem existence, and the plan of salvation, which includes a belief in a pre-earthly life and three degrees of celestial glory.

The Mormons see themselves as Christians, as their religion is based on the Church of Christ. However, this attitude is not shared by the other Christian churches. Mormons are not organized in the Christian ecumenical movement.

Distribution Mormons
United States of America2.0 %6,698,000
Brazil0.7 %1,478,000
Philippines0.7 %747,000
Chile3.0 %590,000
Argentina0.9 %410,000
El Salvador0.7 %44,000
Samoa15.2 %33,000
Tonga16.8 %18,000
Kiribati4.7 %6,000
Federated States of Micronesia1.5 %2,000
Marshall Islands2.1 %800
Cook Islands4.4 %700
Niue10.0 %200