Ret bonuses must be fine, since I don't see them here. Hmmm.
More nerfs to Feral, whilst most other specs are left untouched. I'm not even a feral player, never have been, this is just sad. Feral and Shadow just aren't as OP OP as other specs. The tier set does nothing to change their gameplay much and nor does it make up for their weaknesses.
Feral can't aoe at all and this massive over nerf is really bad 65% plus removed from tigers fury is literally dead st and aoe
props for having the bravery to nerf feral, god knows what they'd do with passable AOE when they're already not desirable in raids due to lacking utility and being outclassed by literally all 3 rogue specs and a few others. Smart move to execute the worst m+ spec while 2 of the others in the same class have been meta for 3 tiers. guess we're paying for being above average but not amazing in raid damage by being one of if not the worst AOE spec in the game.
Honestly, just delete any dps spec that doesn't belong to mage or rogue at this point.
there go any hopes for feral viabilitycya in 10.0, maybe
They really hate MW and Feral, huh.
Because Feral was so "overpowered" and had synergy again between tier and legendary pieces, it had to be nerfed? Really? Is that the idea?It wasn't even like these were really a good or fun combo, it was purely average - we've seen a lot better and more interesting tier sets for Feral over the years and they go and botch the return of tier by butchering it further. Typical snubbing of Feral by Blizzard once again.
Can someone explain the changes to Frost DK easily enough that an idiot could understand it? Asking for a friend.
This is the second nerf to feral...can a kitty get a break this expansion :(
That's all guys. We are officially became Blizz's punching bag... It was a nice hope for few weeks. Time to go back to reality. Maximum respect to all who still plays feral.
You’re kidding? Everyone was expecting MW buffs and Resto Sham nerfs today. MW is literally unusable in higher keys with the Venthyr leggo 50% nerf. Dmg is absolute trash in aoe and you’ve got every single other healer doing tonnes more dmg…The 40/50k DPS Resto Shamans are doing on PTR is a joke compared…
Thank for killing Feral ... f blizz
Stay down Feral! Final Warning!
"Feral druid nerf" -- never something I expected to read. Ever. XD