The Best Moisturizer for Oily Skin Complexion

oil free moisturizer

I found a great moisturizer for oily skin. And the best part is that it really hydrates without clogging pores.

I'm very excited because many oil free facial moisturizers never seem to offer enough hydration.

Or they still contribute to breakouts and blackheads.

If you suffer from oily skin, then you know what I'm talking about...............

Finding the right moisturizer can be very frustrating!!

Why you need a face moisturizer

Dermatologists know best........

I learned an interesting and - might I say - cheap lesson from my dermatologist.

I thought about maybe getting Botox for the little crinkly lines under my eyes/tops of my cheeks that only showed up when I smiled - it really bothered me. 

However, after looking at my complexion she told me I didn't need Botox, I need a better moisturizer! 

She said after a certain age, our skin looses the ability to hold moisture and as a results the skin will look more crinkly, wrinkled and drier.

She also said regardless of complexion type (oil, dry, or in-between) we all need to moisturize after a certain age.

Wow, was she right............

I started applying a good a oil free hydrating cream everyday all over my face and neck and it has made a big difference.

That's why I think it's important that we hydrate.

And that goes for the men too. I got my husband using a moisturizer daily! Not an easy task :-)

Having oily skin is not a reason to stop using moisturizers.

You still need to keep your skin hydrated if you want it to look smooth, healthy and supple.

This is especially important for people over 35.

Best types of moisturizers?

Look, even oily skin types need a moisturizer. Just make sure the one you select contains one or all of the following:

  • formulated for oily skin or sensitive acne prone complexion
  • pH balanced and free from lanolin, fragrances, or petroleum
  • if possible, try look for organic ingredients
  • finally, moisturizers with anti-aging ingredients like vitamins and antioxidants is always a good idea. Whether you have oily skin or not.

Additionally: It's best to choose a moisturizer that's not only oil free - but has mattifying ingredients to regulate excess oil production and reduce shine.

If you suffer from Rosacea or redness try this Oil-Free Lotion by Zenmed.

Why do some have oily skin?

Ok, I'm not going to bore you with a detailed explanation on why some people suffer from an oily complexion.

But, just in case some of you don't is the quick and dirty run down.

The dermis (yes, were getting technical here) has sebaceous glands that are attached to the hair follicles. When the glands secrete sebum it travels up the hair follicle and spreads out onto the upper layer of the dermis.

This is a good thing because it helps keep it moist and healthy.

But for some people, too much sebum is produced and it causes the hair follicle to get blocked -- so the oils can’t get out and spread out.

This often results in clogged pores, blackheads, bacteria and eventually inflammation. AND, this may explain why some people with an excess oily complexion complain of dry, flaky skin too.

If the oils are blocked and can spread out evenly to properly hydrate - then yes, your complexion will get dry.

What's worse, all those little tiny flakes (which are dead cells) are now sitting in and on top of your pores........further causing more clogging and even breakouts.

This is why every complexion (whether oily or dry) needs a good moisturizer and a good exfoliating scrub.

It's important to really clean well (get all of the "gunk" out of the pores) and hydrate/nourish the complexion. 

In case you're interested in a good scrubbing facial.....Click here Renew Intensive Skin Therapy to read more.

This intense facial only needs to be done a few weeks on and few weeks off for a clearer, smoother, less blotchy complexion.

And remember, when you're done - it's always best to finish with a good moisturizer for oily skin. 

› Best Moisturizer for Oily Skin Types


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