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Updated: 7 hours ago
|By Nolan Bulmahn
Marathon boys took down Columbus Catholic while Almond-Bancroft girls took down Amherst in day two of the Sentry Classic.
Updated: 7 hours ago
|By Samuel Dehring
We usually do not think of dense fog around this time of year. The mild temperatures have played a role in that over the past few days.
Updated: 9 hours ago
|By Mark Holley
Mild and wet weather this weekend
Updated: 11 hours ago
|By Bree Bylak
Whooping Cough cases are at an extremely high level nationwide. Marathon County echoes those high levels with 73 reported cases of pertussis just this year.
Updated: 15 hours ago
|By Sean White
Here are some tips to help you with any holiday gift returns and exchanges you may need.
Updated: 16 hours ago
|By Sean White
The event is held at the Rosholt Village Fairgrounds.