Under the Hood: Batteries 1-27-22
A battery may be caused by something as simple as just a light, or a door ajar that's been left overnight. This will easily drain your battery down and give you potential…
Under the Hood: Tread Depth 1-20-21
Today we're going to talk about tires and tread depth. When it comes to tires, bald isn't always beautiful. A bald tire such as this…
Under the Hood: What do you look for in a tire shop? 1-13-22
Okay, so you've asked your friends, your neighbors, even your coworkers, and you're still unsure if you found the right tire and auto service center for you and your vehicle.…
Under the Hood: Oil Changes 1-06-22
Over time, engine oil does break down due to high temps, dust, combustion residue, things like this which will actually break down the oil and cause less performance. That's why…
Under the Hood: Wheel Balance 12-30-21
Today, we're going to talk about wheel balancing and why it's necessary. A perfectly balanced wheel and tire is going to give you a smooth ride, and give you even…
Under the Hood: Fuel Service 12-23-21
Today I want to talk about a fuel injection service for your vehicle. Reasons you may need a fuel injection service regardless of the miles that you have…
Under the Hood: Snow Tires 12-16-21
Today we want to discuss whether winter tires are right for you. With winter weather that's already arrived, I get asked all the time, "Do I need…
Under the Hood: Suspension 12-09-21
Today, we're going to talk about some warning signs with your vehicle's suspension. Some of the symptoms or noticeable signs can be severe tire wear, or maybe squeaking when you…
Under the Hood: Transmission Service 12-02-21
Transmission fluid is an essential lubricant that helps cool and protest the moving components of your vehicle's transmission. Like the other automotive fluids, transmission fluid will degrade…
Under the Hood: Oil Changes 11-25-21
Engine oil is the heart and soul of your car's engine, and keeping it clean and changed is very important. Over time, engine oil does break down due to high temps,…
Under the Hood: Alignment 11-18-21
Today we're going to talk about your car's alignment and the ways you may know that your car is out of alignment or needs to be realigned. One, if your car is pulling…
Under the Hood: Synthetic Oil Change 11-11-21
Today we're here to talk about grades of oil and how to choose what's best for your vehicle. The days of the 3,000 mile conventional oil change are disappearing in favor of…
Under the Hood: Tune Up 11-04-21
Are you noticing poor fuel efficiency, or performance from your vehicle? Maybe a rough idle? It's time for a tune-up. A tune-up performed by your automotive professional will help…
Under the Hood - Warning Lights
In this week's Under the Hood, Taylor McNeil from S&S Tire on Richmond Road, talks to us about warning lights in our vehicles and what they mean.
Under the Hood - Battery Troubleshooting
James O'Daniel with S&S Tire at Brannon Crossing, talks to us about car battery troubleshooting.
Under The Hood - Money Saving Tips
Jason from S&S Tire gives us some money-saving tips in todays Under The Hood tip of the day!
Under The Hood - Oil Changes
James from S&S Tire talks about oil changes in today's Under The Hood tip of the day!
Under The Hood - Tire Rotation
Taylor from S&S TIre explains why we should rotate our tires!
Under The Hood - Belts & Hoses
James from S&S Tire talks about the importance of checking your vehicle's belts and hoses.
Under The Hood - Transmission Service
James from S&S Tire talks about the importance of checking and changing your transmission fluid!
Under The Hood - Suspension Issues
Taylor McNeil from S&S Tire talks about suspension issues in today's Under The Hood tip of the day!