Lisa Holitzner
Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse
Berufserfahrung von Lisa Holitzner
- Bis heute 5 Jahre und 6 Monate, seit Okt. 2019
Employee Experience Lead
Houzz Germany GmbH
- 1 Jahr, Okt. 2018 - Sep. 2019
Office Manager
FreightHub GmbH
•Organize and plan the Christmas party for around 150 people with a budget of 20k EUR •Organize and plan the company birthday party for around 400 people (including partners and customers) with a budget of 40k EUR •Plan and organize business travels (management, as well as group travels and travels between our office locations) •Organize First Aid Course and monthly Health Days for the employees
- 5 Monate, Mai 2018 - Sep. 2018
Senior Office Manager
glispa GmbH
•Organize and plan the summer party for around 100 people with a budget of 15k EUR •Manage our two Receptionists and our Kitchen Helper •Organize and supervise the office move incl. being the contact person for all maintenance and building companies, interviewing moving companies, deciding on and ordering office furniture and decoration, designing the office space together with a Design team member, arranging renovations for the old office, doing the handover of the new and old office space
•Organize and plan the summer and winter staff parties for around 200 people with budgets with a range from 10k to 20k EUR •Organized and supervised the office move - from 5 offices to one big space - incl. interviewing moving, cleaning and plant companies, arranging renovations for the old offices, deciding on and ordering office furniture •Order office supplies for 5 offices and liaise with the different landlords and janitors for maintenance requests
• Organize and plan various staff parties from 40 to 100 people with budgets with a range from 10k to 30k AED • Supervise the Office Assistant and two Office Drivers with managing their calendars and bookings • Manage five meeting rooms of different sizes for 90 staff with daily meetings (internal or with clients) • Handle 1k AED petty cash and prepare payment request forms for the monthly payments of suppliers and courier companies
- 6 Monate, Mai 2014 - Okt. 2014
Front Desk Receptionist
Hilton Dubai The Walk
•Daily check in and out of up to 300 guests with working closely together with House Keeping to provide the best service for the guests •Handled costumer requests and complaints, arranged room moves and upgrades, birthday and anniversary surprises and ensured that the guests were satisfied during their stay •Prepared guest invoices, dealt with payments and closed bills on a daily basis
- 1 Jahr und 1 Monat, Feb. 2013 - Feb. 2014
Guest Relation Manager
Reethi Beach Resort
•Daily contact with around 300 guests during check ins/outs at the reception and all around the island •Arranged decoration in the room for repeater guests, honeymooners and birthdays, as well as complimentary surprise dinners for them •Helped guests with wedding proposals e.g. booked an uninhabited island, decorated the beach with flowers and set up a romantic picnic and weddings as flower girl and translator into German
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