Common Features
- Membrane delimited nuclei
- Membrane-bound organelles that perform specific functions
- Intracytoplasmic membrane complex serves as transport system
- More complex and larger than Bacterial or Archaeal cells
Flagella and Cilia
- Locomotion or Move substances along cell surface
- Enclosed by Plasma Membrane
- Contain Cytoplasm
- 9 rings of Microtubule in a ring and 2 single Microtubule in center
- Flagella: LOng whip-like projections
- Cilia: Short hair-like Projections
Cell wall
- Lack of External cell wall
- Protozoa have a flexible outer layer called PELLICLE instead of cell wall
- Animal cells have a sticky glycocalyx surrounding the cell membrane
- Importnat for attachment,Strength and Cell-Cell recognition
- Cell wall is chemically simpler and lack Peptidoglycan
- Algae and Plants: Cellulose
- Fungi: Chitin
- Yeasts: Glucan and Mannan
Cell Membrane
- Similar to Prokaryotic cell membrane
- Different Membrane Proteins
- Contain Carbohydrate (Important for cell-cell recognition and serve as sites for Bacterial attachment)
- Contain Sterols which increase resistance to osmotic lysis
- Site of Protein synthesis(Translation)
- Found in all eukaryote and Prokaryote cells
- Made of Protein and Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
- May be found free in cytoplasm or associated with the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER)
- Eukaryotic ribosomes (80S) are larger and more dense than Prokaryotic ribosomes (70S)
Two subunits
- Small Subunit: 40S
- Large Subunit: 60S
Golgi Apparatus
- Sacks of flattened membrane sacs that may be distended in certain regions. Sacs are not interconnected.
- First described in 1898 by camillo Golgi
- Works closely with the ER to secrete proteins
- Receiving side (receives Proteins in transport vesicles from ER)
- Modifies Proteins into final shape, sorts and labels them for proper transport
- Shipping side- Packages and sends proteins to cell membrane (export) or other parts
- Packages digestive enzymes in Lysosomes
- Released from Golgi
- Contains at least 4 different digestive enzymes
- Optimal PH is about five
- Found mainly in animal cells
- Molecular garbage dump
- Recycles macromolecules
- Destruction of foreign material
- Digestion of food particles taken in by cell
- after cell dies lysosomal membrane breaks down causing rapid self-destruction
- Contain digestive enzymes used to break down various molecules
- Can digest any bacteria that enters the cell
Central Vacuole
- In Plants cells
- Store starch, Water, Pigments, Poisons and wastes
- May occupy up to 90% of plant cell
Contractile Vacuole
- Regulate water balance by removing escess water from cell
- Found in many aquatic prosites
Food or Digestion Vacuole
- Engulf nutrients in many protozoa (protists)
- Fuse with lysosomes to digest food particles
Other Organelles
- Oxidation of Organic substances
- Decompose H2O2 (Catalase)
- Oxidize toxic substances
- Pericentriolar
- Centrioles
Site of Photosynthesis in plants and algae
- CO2 + H2O + Sun Light
- Sugar + O2
- Number in Range may range from 1 to over 1000
- Disc shaped, with three membrane systems
- Rod shaped Organelles
- Central role in ATP production through the degradation of organic compounds
Site of cellular respiration
- Food(Sugar) + O2
- CO2 + H2O +ATP
- Changes Chemical energy of molecule to ATP
- Oval or sausage molecule
- Their own DNA
- 70S ribosomes
- Make some Proteins
- Can devide to form daughter mitochondria
- Inner/outer membrane
- Inter membrane space
- Cristae
- Matrix (inner liquid)
- Many enzymes are sequestered in organelles
- Contains the cytoskeleton (A complex network of thread and tube-like structures, Provides support, shape and movement)
Cytoskeleton components
Micro filaments
- Smallest Fibers action protein
- Amoeboid motion of white blood cells
Intermediate Filaments
- Anchor organelles (nucleus) and hold cytoskeleton in place
- Abundant in cells with high mechanical stress
- Largest Fibers
- Work in cell division
- Moving Chromosomes
- Flagella and ciliary movement
- Envelope: Double nuclear membrane
- Nuclear pores
DNA (Genetic Material) combined with Histones
- Chromatin (Loose, Thread-like DNA. Most of the cell life)
- Chromosomes (Tightly packaged DNA. Found only during cell division)
- Nucleoli: Dense region where ribosomes are made
- House and protect cell's DNA
Ribosome synthesis
- Mastermind of the eukaryotic cell
- Usually the largest structure of the cell
- Body prepares for Asexual reproduction or cell maintenance
- Replacement of Old cells with New cells
- produces two daughter cells that are identical to the parent cell
- Allows multicellular organisms to grow and repair damaged tissue
- Chromosomes not visible (uncoiled)
- The chromosomes coil
- The nuclear membrane disintegrates
- Spindle fibres (microtubule) form
- Chromosomes become aligned
- Chromatids separate (chromosomes double up)
- Cell divides into two
- Chromosomes uncoil
- The nucleus reforms
- The spindle apparatus disassembles
G1 Interphase
- Chromosomes have one chromatid
G2 Interphase
- Chromosomes have two chromatid each
- Producing daughter cells with half number of chromosomes as the parent cell
- Used in reproducing sexually
- Gametes (Sperm and eggs) are haploid
- Produces four daughter cells
- In animals, meiosis occurs only when gametes are formed
- In plants gametes are not produced directly. Meiosis produces spores and then mitosis produces Gametes
Involves 2 divisions
Number of cells doubled but number of chromosomes don't change (1/2 as many chromosomes per cell)
- Prophase1
- Events similar to Prophase of mitosis
- Chromosomes produce tetrads
- The two chromosomes may exchange fragments(Crossing over)
- Metaphase1
- Tetrads become aligned in the center of the cell and attach to spindle fibres
- Anaphase1
- Separation of homologous
- Telophase1
- Nuclear envelope reforms
- Two cells formed
- each cell has 4 chromosomes
Meiosis 2
like mitosis, The number of chromosomes don't reduce
- Prophase2
- Metaphase2
- Anaphase2
- Telophase2
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
- Network of flattened membranous tubules within the cell
- Extensive maze of membranes that branches throughout the cytoplasm
- continuous with plasma membrane and outer nucleus membrane
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER)
- Flat, Interconnected, Rough membrane sacs
- Rough: Outer walls are covered with Ribosomes
- Ribosome may exist free or attached to RER
- Synthesis and Modification of Proteins
- Synthesis of cell and organelles membranes
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER)
- Network of interconnected tubular smooth membranes
- Smooth: No ribosomes
- Lipid synthesis
- Phospholipids
- Fatty acids
- Steroids (sex hormones)
- Breakdown of toxic compounds
- Drugs
- Alcohol
- amphetamines
- Sedatives
- Antibiotics, etc
- Helps develop tolerance to drugs and alcohol