Watch Superjail!
- 2007
- 4 Seasons
7.7 (8,050)
Superjail! is an animated television series that premiered on Adult Swim in 2007 and quickly became known for its distinctive visual style, dark humor, and ruthless portrayal of violence and surrealism. The show unfolds within the confines of a high-tech prison known as Superjail, which is absurdly over-the-top in both design and operations. The series is the brainchild of creators Christy Karacas, Stephen Warbrick, and Ben Gruber, whose unique artistic vision combines elements of cartoonish absurdity with a striking aesthetic reminiscent of classic animation while embracing a chaotic, psychedelic flair.
The premise centers around the eccentric and power-hungry warden, who runs Superjail with an iron fist and an unorthodox approach to incarceration. With his flamboyant personality and an obsession with keeping order
Superjail! is a series that ran for 4 seasons (38 episodes) between May 13, 2007 and on Adult Swim