This Meditation Will Allow You to Control Your Mind (Yes, Really)
Spend a few minutes with your mind today—stressful thoughts not included.
Cyndi Lee is the first female Western yoga teacher to fully integrate yoga asana and Tibetan Buddhism. Her book May I Be Happy: A Memoir of Love, Yoga, and Changing My Mind is New York Times critically acclaimed.
Spend a few minutes with your mind today—stressful thoughts not included.
Restore your muscles—and your mind.
Check out Cyndi Lee's author page.
Cyndi Lee describes her mendfulness practice.
Check out Cyndi Lee's author page.
Check out Cyndi Lee's author page.
Check out Cyndi Lee's author page.
Check out Cyndi Lee's author page.
Replace your push-and-collapse Wheel Pose with a sustainable precision that will keep you practicing it for years to come.
Find safe alignment for your body.
New to yoga? We've got answers for you. These 10 common questions for yoga beginners should get you on your way to a deeper practice and mindful meditation.
Deepen your practice and become better partners by learning how to offer one another gentle adjustments.
Quiet your mind to start hearing to the conversation happening in your body in Warrior I.
Learn to pay more attention to how you come in and out of Uttanasana and less to where you end up.
No time to do everything? Take a few minutes to do nothing in Viparita Karani.
With curiosity and persistence, you can drop back into Wheel Pose from standing.
Throughout all the years of hair coloring and styling, embracing gray pride left her feeling free and refreshed.
A mindful home practice is a healthy practice, because you're in charge: When you're feeling low, you can take it easy, and when you're energized, you can rev it up.
Practice this flowing sequence at home and let it remind you of your connection to things larger than yourself.
Check out Cyndi Lee's author page.
Cyndi Lee offers suggestions for sequencing backbends safely.
Check out Cyndi Lee's author page.
Check out Cyndi Lee's author page.
Check out Cyndi Lee's author page.
Check out Cyndi Lee's author page.
Check out Cyndi Lee's author page.