News & Announcements

Recent and forthcoming books

I’m writing a YA space opera trilogy. The first one, Moonstorm, is available now!

Even gravity comes at a price.

In a society where conformity is valued above all else, a teen girl training to become an Imperial pilot is forced to return to her rebel roots to save her world in this adrenaline-fueled sci-fi adventure—perfect for fans of Iron Widow and Skyward!

Now available from

or the independent bookstore of your choice!

I hope you’ll consider giving it a look! I promise there are big space battles /and high body counts/.

Support My Writing & Other Endeavors!

You can reach me at:
[email protected]

I have a newsletter. It’s 100% free and runs once or twice a month, with essays and maybe news when I have it. You can read the archives online at the link without signing up if you prefer.

For a one-time donation:

You can see my art portfolios at:
Deuce of Gears Art (digital) and my Displate shop
Deuce of Gears Art (traditional media – watercolor, ink, acrylics, mixed media in general)

I’m raising money toward an A3 scanner ($350) for Ninefox comic and art purposes. Any support toward this goal is much appreciated!

For the generous, gift cards for Lebenzon Paintbrushes (watercolor/ink painting) or Sweetwater (music gear), or my Amazon wishlist.

Latest short story


The life and times of an ~actress fronting for an AI ~novelist that ~writes books like Wrecked and Overripe and Plastered and Mastered. Free to read!