Eurofox Literature.pdf

Eurofox Literature.pdf

Eurofox Literature.pdf


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Rainscreen support systemsFIbre Cement/Fibre ConcreteCeramic/Thin StoneTimber● Aluminium ‘Hybrid’systems allowTimber Claddingto be usedbut with all theadvantages ofAluminium backframes being adoptedFeaturing MLZ/k-v-00Featuring XLP-v-300Terracotta/Brick SlipRenderAluminium CompositeFeaturing XLP-v-400Featuring MTA-v-300Featuring MUK-va-1002☎ 01707 333 396

MetalMaterial (ACM)Featuring MLA-v-100High Pressure Laminate (HPL)Visible Fix Concealed Fix Concealed Fix <strong>Eurofox</strong> / TimberMechanical Structural Bond HybridRivet Profile SikaTack MacUNIClampsAnchorTimberMUH-v-100Metal MLA-v-100 MLA-v-570 MUH-v-200XLA-h-100MLA-v-400XLA-h-100Aluminium MUK-va-100 MTK-v-900Composite (ACM) MTA-v-400 MYH-v-900MTA-v-900MYA-v-900Fibre Cement / MTA-v-100 MLV-k-v-20 MTK-v-100 MWH-h-100High Pressure MLZ-v-500 MLZ/k-v-00 XLP-v-300laminate (HPL) XLZ-h-100 XLP-v-300Fibre ConcreteCeramic / MTC-v-300 MLV/k-v-20 MTK-v-100Thin Stone MTC-v-100 MLZ/k-v-00XLC-h-350XLP-v-300TerracottaRenderXLP-v-400MTS-v-400MTS-v-500MTS-v-700MTS-v-710XLT-v-100XLS-h-400MUH-v-600● Please note: Codes highlighted in Red above are featured in this brochureFor the full range refer to ‘A Structured Approach to Facades’ - Availableon requestFeaturing MTK-va-100www.eurofoxengineering.com3

Helping handsFor <strong>Eurofox</strong> the ‘helping hands’ ethos covers many aspects of your business from getting the rightproduct in the right place at the right time to the introduction to our <strong>Eurofox</strong> partners includingappropriate installers, facade manufacturers and trade associations● We can introduce you to specialist facade installers/enveloping contractors selected by geographicallocation, project scope and size● We offer comprehensive technical support - available as AutoCAD files, method statements, and asanimations. All <strong>Eurofox</strong> support systems are available as NBS Plus Specification Clauseswww.rainscreenworks.com● Partnerships are important. Based upon significant international and domestic experience we canintroduce you to original facade manufacturers - Market leaders who have adopted <strong>Eurofox</strong> as theirsupport system of choiceAutoCAD● Helpful Sales support staff will be able toassist with current stock availability andprice information. Immediate stockallocation is available to get a projectunderway and to ensure its smooth running● We hold extensive stocks of brackets,components and extrusions● We offer a prompt efficient deliveryservice, accurately picked, clearlyidentified whenever and wherever required4 ☎ 01707 333 396

Vertical fixingInstallationvertical fixing1 Clipped Connection,adjustFor initial line and level adjustment theEUROFOX profiles are clipped into theMacFOX-brackets2 Final FixingAfter adjustment the EUROFOX profilesare fixed to the MacFOX-brackets withscrews. Round holes and elongatedholes in the MacFOX-brackets allow forthe creation of both, fixed points (FP)and flexible fixing points (GP)12343 MacFOX – fixedpointThe vertical profile is fixed to theMacFOX support bracket by screwsthrough the round holes. TheMacFOX bracket absorbs bothvertical dead loads and horizontalwind loads4 MacFOX – flexiblepointScrews fixed through theelongated holes connect thevertical profile to the MacFOXbracket. Consequently, thermalexpansion is not constrained bythe support system. The MacFOXflexible point bracket absorbswindloads only55 Structural systemvertical fixingEach vertical profile is fixed to oneMacFOX fixed point and a number ofMacFOX flexible point brackets. As aconsequence of thermal expansion, thelength of the profiles normally does notexceed the storey height. The bracketspacing is determined by claddingoptions such as the dimensions andweight of the facade cladding, windloads and cladding zone<strong>Eurofox</strong> systems are fully adjustable in1 mm increments from 40 mm - 340 mmHorizontal fixingInstallationhorizontal fixing6 76 Clipped connection, adjustFor initial line and level adjustment the <strong>Eurofox</strong> profiles areclipped into the XFox brackets7 Final fixingAfter adjustment the profiles are fixed to the XFOX-bracketswith screws. Round holes and elongated holes in the XFOXbracketsallow the creation of both, fixed points (FP) andflexible points (GP)www.eurofoxengineering.com 5

Our approach to facades● <strong>Eurofox</strong> Aluminium Rainscreen cladding support systems havebeen developed to service the ever changing face of facade designand the Architects / Engineers demands for more flexible andeconomical cladding solutions and are suitable for New Build /Renovation - Steel / Concrete / SIPS substructure - up to any height● Modern Rainscreen support systems need to maintain quality andoffer excellent technical performance - We offer advanced verticaland horizontal support systems, utilising both mechanical fix andstructural adhesive techniques for visible and concealedconstruction● <strong>Eurofox</strong> systems are available for facades ranging fromlightweight panels to 70 + kg/m2 cladding elements● <strong>Eurofox</strong> facade ventilated rainscreen systems incorporateextruded aluminium fully adjustable ‘helping hand’ supportbracket and rail systems, and include <strong>Eurofox</strong> isolator pads tomitigate cold bridging● Cladding zones from 40 - 340 mm can be accommodated. Thisversatility provides the designer with an almost infinite range offacade appearances and layout options, each of which must besafely engineered?TimbMetAluminium Composite (ACMFibre CemenHigh Pressure laminate (HPFibre ConcreCeramic / Thin StoTerracotRendThe dimensional lofacade / facade wecorporating insulatin accordance withimposed and windAt <strong>Eurofox</strong> we believe that cladding is a serious business.<strong>Eurofox</strong> offer a support service for the safe and optimisedsetting out of Rainscreen bracket components, rails and gridsystems. The structural requirements of the back framingsystem can be calculated to ensure the integrity of theinstallation. Project material quantities can be accuratelyestimated and potential cost savings identified<strong>Eurofox</strong> can provide static calculations and setting outinformation for the components and rails that will berequired to support the chosen facade. Each calculation is‘project specific’ and will reflect the engineering intent ofthe scheme e.g. panel weight / cladding zone / buildingheight and the architectural intent e.g. panel layoutStraightforward access is provided via completion of the‘Project Checklist’ via www.eurofoxengineering.com<strong>Eurofox</strong> systems are all produced in European facilities and aremanufactured using appropriate alloys - Systems have beentested in the UK at BRE and Taylor Woodrow facilitiesDesign Matters- Static calculations- Specification writing assistance- AutoCAD- Layout advice- Method statements6 ☎ 01707 333 396

Visible Fix Concealed Fix Concealed Fix <strong>Eurofox</strong> / TimberMechanical Structural Bond Hybrider ● ● ● ✓al ✓ ✓ ● ✓) ✓ ● ✓ ●t / ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓L) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓te ✓ ✓ ✓ ●m 1ne ✓ ✓ ✓ ●ta ● ✓ ● ●er ● ● ● ✓cation of the brackets is dependant upon the type ofight / building location / cladding zone (normally inionand a ventilation cavity), structural design factorsBS6399: Parts 1 & 2 : 1977 - Code of practice for dead,loadings for buildingsLegends:www.eurofoxengineering.com7

EUROFOX Engineering LTDUnit 10 Blenheim CourtBrownfields - Welwyn Garden CityHERTS AL7 1ADTel: +44 (0)1707 333 396, Fax: +44 (0)1707 333 343E-Mail: info@eurofoxengineering.comwww.eurofoxengineering.com

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