We are reminding jobseekers that ZALORA only posts job openings on our official channels: ZALORA's career website and LinkedIn.
We never charge for a job placement. If you see a job posting for ZALORA that wasn't posted on our official channels, it's probably a scam.
We are reminding jobseekers that ZALORA only posts job openings on our official
channels: ZALORA's career website and LinkedIn. We never charge for a job placement. If you see a
job posting for ZALORA that wasn't posted on our official channels, it's probably a scam.
We also don't endorse any job postings or recruitment advertisements that weren't posted on our
official channels or coursed through our verified recruitment partners.
Only apply for jobs that are posted on ZALORA's career website and LinkedIn.
Be wary of job postings that ask for money upfront.
Don't give out your personal information, such as your Social Security number, Official ID
numbers, or bank account information, unless you're sure the company is legitimate.
If you're not sure about a job posting, contact ZALORA directly to verify its authenticity.
If you see a job posting that you think might be a scam, please report it to us at [email protected] and the relevant authorities so we can take action.