Almost every teenager will wish for rich parents once in a while. You hear people say the same things over and over but they have one thing in common. They’ll use money as an excuse.
If I had more money than…….
If I had rich parents than…..
You can fill in a thousand excuses but they’ll still make you look weak. When you want something you go for it no matter what.
“But I’m afraid that I’ll lose everything when I try this or that”. If you’re assuming this I suggest you read and reread the underlined sentence until you get what I mean.
Now not every kid with rich parents will end up as a spoiled brat but most of them do. There are always exceptions that we shouldn’t neglect.
So why do I call this a curse?
You’ll get a spoiled attitude
These kids get everything if they’ll ask for it.
“Hey, it’s my birthday can I get a Ferrari? Sure son here you’ll get one for Christmas too.”
These kids don’t learn the value of working to get something. They don’t know how you should set goals to achieve something. Working towards a goal takes time; they’ll get things within the minute.
Bleep bleep and everything is paid.
When you come from nothing you’ll learn the value of money and putting hard work into a project. When your dad is CEO of his own company you’ll probably take in his position once he retires.
I once heard a guy claim that he was self-made, so I asked him politely how he did it just out of curiosity. He had inherited 50 million euros and by putting it on a bank account he added another 2 million just by the interest. I laughed at him and said “good for you”.
You see what I mean that guy put the label of the self-made man onto himself but he wasn’t one at all. He just wanted to show off and make people jealous. He made easy money but if you’re somewhat intelligent you can get a lot more out of 50 million.
I guess he just was searching for a quick way to get more money.
You’ll make enemies and fake friends
In high school we had an extremely wealthy kid in my class, everybody seemed to like him but there was a good reason why they liked him. He bought his friends with gifts and by using his swimming pool as a catch.
A guy who’s 16 years old and already buys his friends. Pretty sad, isn’t it?
Nobody really liked the guy, he did too much effort to be someone’s friend. I have to admit that I never really knew him either.
When it takes that much effort and gifts, three things can happen
- They’ll use you for the gifts
- They’ll be jealous and envy you
- They don’t want the presents and ignore you
I was the one who took the third option, I had low self-esteem, three good friends and I had lacking social skills. But I had one thing I always tried to protect. That’s right, I’m talking about my dignity.
I recently saw his old group of friends and they ditched him once they were bored with him.
The first option is the worst; they’ll accept whatever you buy them but gossip behind your back. It’s simply because they’re jealous but they’ll never admit it.
Luckily there are people with rich parents who act normal and with whom you’ll never notice they are rich. The ones that are modest and work hard. The people who just want to be liked for who they are.
You’ve learned no valuable life lessons that are worth sharing
If you ask these kids why they have such a wealthy lifestyle they can’t tell you an inspiring story.
Mommy and daddy were rich so it’s logical that I’m as equally wealthy.
So what did we learn today? NOTHING
Let me give you an inspiring story.
The story of a real self- made men
I was looking at my snapchat story when I suddenly saw an old buddy of mine who was attending a conference in Paris. It wasn’t the first time that I noticed his life was different than most people.
Around that time I had a vague idea that I wanted to write a blog so I did what I had to do. I contacted him on Facebook asking if he was still studying because if he had stayed in college he would have.
Turns out he had quit college in the second year; he was tired of school and knew he didn’t want to work with that degree. He started working at a sports store and after that, he worked in shifts in a factory.
His big change
Suddenly he released this wasn’t a great life; he lacked sleep and was working his ass off for a minimum wage. Luckily he had a degree from high school that made it possible to become self-employed. He worked his ass off and sacrificed more of his sleep to make his dreams possible, he wanted to escape the work-life and work under his terms. He was sick of the endless stress and all the consequences caused by it.
So he quit his job and invested all his money in his own business. In the beginning, he only had family who’d come to his practice but after a while, he became well known and his business started rolling.
Currently, he has a whole team that works for him and he’s still growing.
He’s a sports masseur and a damn good one too. Interested people can find him here. This will only be relevant if you are from Belgium.
Note: On this blog, I’ll only support books and other stuff that I’ve tried and have 100% my support. If I don’t like it I won’t promote it not even for friends.
Do you see how his story can motivate others? That’s the story you want to share with your children.
It’s also the perfect example of the law of attraction. Like-minded people always attract each other.
So yeah he’s a part of the wolf pack because he has a vision and a clear goal in life.
You’ll attract empty-headed gold diggers
When you show off your wealth you’ll attract the gold diggers. These girls look like models but add no value to your life.
They just care about one thing: living the dream and doing nothing. Those are the marriages that just have sex and live next to each other.
Does that sound like a dream to you? It sounds more like a freaking nightmare.
You’ll invest all your money in a girl and you’ll get nothing in return.
Maybe you should go for a girl with some common knowledge that wants to work hard and get somewhere in life.
In the end, I don’t make your choices and I won’t regret your mistakes.
I warned you.
You’ll get bored with all the luxury
How can you be happy if you have everything and even more than you want?
The answer is simple, you can’t.
That’s the reason most rich kids will try drugs or end up in jail. Unhappiness makes people do extremely dumb things. Besides, why bother if your rich parents can pay the bail instantly.
Stepping in rich parents footsteps is dangerous
When your dad was a successful CEO you’ll have to prove yourself twice as hard before people will accept you.
These kids have to compete with their old man and that isn’t easy. Becoming more successful than your father is a tough task if you never learned the value of hard work.
Some people succeed but there are multiple examples of businesses that go bankrupt after poor choices.
Be smart and think twice about taking over your old man’s place. This is a curse instead of a gift, just think about it.
The saddest part about having rich parents
Rich parents mostly think about making more money, most of them even count every penny they spend. But rich parents forget about one thing and that’s spending time with their kids. These kids have to entertain themselves with all the toys they get. Too bad that these gifts never make up for all the time that has been lost.
You can be rich but you don’t have to act like a spoiled bitch.
I could say sorry for this quote but why should I use an overvalued word?!
Till next time
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Rich mom and dad