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The SYGMA Network salary estimate


$20.99 hourly rate

Entry-level salary
$25,000 yearly salary
Updated April 25, 2024

How much does The SYGMA Network pay?

The average The SYGMA Network salary in the United States is $43,664 per year. The SYGMA Network salaries range between $25,000 a year in the bottom 10th percentile to $75,000 in the top 90th percentile. The SYGMA Network pays $20.99 an hour on average. Geographic location also impacts The SYGMA Network salaries. The SYGMA Network employees in Washington, DC get paid the most.

Highest paying jobs at The SYGMA Network

The highest paying jobs at The SYGMA Network are corporate director, service director, sales manager, and human resources business partner. Corporate director jobs at The SYGMA Network earn an average yearly salary of $154,095, The SYGMA Network service director jobs average $127,053, and The SYGMA Network sales manager jobs average $83,082.

The lowest paying The SYGMA Network roles include transportation clerk and receptionist. The SYGMA Network transportation clerk average salary is $29,128 per year. So while the average The SYGMA Network salary is $43,664 there is a big variation in pay depending on the role.

Highest paying jobs at The SYGMA Network

RankJob TitleAverage The SYGMA Network SalaryHourly Rate
1Corporate Director$154,095$74.08
2Service Director$127,053$61.08
3Sales Manager$83,082$39.94
4Human Resources Business Partner$82,453$39.64
5Human Resources Manager$75,888$36.48
7Transportation Supervisor$51,828$24.92
8Warehouse Supervisor$48,053$23.10
9Maintenance Technician$43,114$20.73
10Logistics Coordinator$39,734$19.10
12Order Selector$36,716$17.65
13Inventory Specialist$35,366$17.00
14Forklift Operator$34,800$16.73
15Administrative Assistant$34,757$16.71
18Inventory Control Specialist$33,297$16.01
19Warehouse Associate$33,164$15.94
20Customer Service Representative$32,715$15.73

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Average The SYGMA Network salary by state

The SYGMA Network pays the highest salaries in Illinois due to higher costs of living and competition in the state.

RankStateAverage The SYGMA Network SalaryHourly Rate
7North Carolina$41,601$20.00

How much does The SYGMA Network pay by location?

The average The SYGMA Network salary varies by location. The SYGMA Network salaries are the highest in Washington, DC, at $50,981 per year. The SYGMA Network pays the second highest average salary in Trenton, NJ, at $50,112 per year. It's important to factor in the cost of living when negotiating a salary or choosing a place to work.

Highest Paying The SYGMA Network Locations

RankLocationAverage The SYGMA Network SalaryHourly Rate
1Washington, DC$50,981$24.51
2Trenton, NJ$50,112$24.09
3Ithaca, NY$49,372$23.74
4Burlington, VT$49,194$23.65
5Sacramento, CA$47,468$22.82
6Baltimore, MD$47,450$22.81
7Vancouver, WA$47,060$22.63
8Lancaster, PA$46,603$22.41
9Detroit, MI$46,376$22.30
10Danville, IL$45,918$22.08
11Charlottesville, VA$45,281$21.77
12Portland, OR$45,163$21.71
13Indianapolis, IN$44,683$21.48
14Columbus, OH$43,686$21.00
15Denver, CO$43,518$20.92
16Covel, WV$42,450$20.41
17Henderson, KY$42,441$20.40
18Wichita, KS$42,385$20.38
19Kansas City, MO$42,179$20.28
20San Antonio, TX$40,980$19.70

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The SYGMA Network salaries by department

Salaries at The SYGMA Network vary depending on the department you work in. The SYGMA Network salaries in the human resources department are the highest with an average salary of $63,395. Employees in the plant/manufacturing department at The SYGMA Network receive relatively high salaries as well, with an average salary of $54,021 per year. Departments that don't pay as well at The SYGMA Network include the customer service and the administrative organizational functions, with employees earning average salaries of $33,670 and $36,750, respectively.

Average The SYGMA Network salary by department

RankDepartmentAverage The SYGMA Network SalaryHourly Rate
1Human Resources$63,395$30.48
3Supply Chain$52,304$25.15
9Customer Service$33,671$16.19

How much does The SYGMA Network pay by department?

Best paying The SYGMA Network warehouse salaries

RankPositionAverage The SYGMA Network SalaryHourly Rate
1Warehouse Supervisor$48,053$23.10
2Inventory Control Supervisor$47,864$23.01
4Order Selector$36,716$17.65
5Forklift Operator$34,800$16.73
7Inventory Control Specialist$33,297$16.01
8Warehouse Associate$33,164$15.94
9Order Builder$33,147$15.94
10Material Handler$32,880$15.81
12Receiving Associate$31,117$14.96
13Receiving Clerk$31,054$14.93
16Transportation Clerk$29,129$14.00

Best paying The SYGMA Network supply chain salaries

RankPositionAverage The SYGMA Network SalaryHourly Rate
1Director Of Distribution$102,429$49.24
2Transportation Manager$63,466$30.51
3CDL Driver$60,819$29.24
5Distribution Supervisor$55,047$26.46
6Transportation Supervisor$51,828$24.92
7Logistics Specialist$46,226$22.22
8Delivery Driver$44,291$21.29
9Logistics Coordinator$39,734$19.10

Best paying The SYGMA Network customer service salaries

RankPositionAverage The SYGMA Network SalaryHourly Rate
1Field Specialist$47,454$22.81
2Customer Service Clerk$34,243$16.46
3Customer Service Representative$32,715$15.73

The SYGMA Network competitors’ average salaries

Average salaries at The SYGMA Network competitors, like Sysco, Ruan, and Penske Logistics, vary. Sysco employees earn the highest salaries, with an average yearly salary of $51,212. The average salary at Ruan is $48,589 per year, and the average salary at Penske Logistics is $48,299 per year.

Highest paying The SYGMA Network competitors

RankCompany NameZippia ScoreAverage Salary
3Penske Logistics4.7$48,299
4The Floyd Peterson Company4.3$45,878
5NEHDS Logistics4.0$45,265
8Martin Brower4.5$41,663
9Factory Motor Parts4.0$40,139
10Matheson Trucking Inc.4.3$39,836
11Genesis Logistics4.2$38,754
12National Delivery Systems4.0$38,729
13Serpro Logistics4.0$38,680
14Hazen Transport Group3.9$38,440
15Dunham Express3.9$38,428
16DEMAR Logistics4.1$38,346
17City Line Distributors3.6$38,060
18Jet Delivery3.7$37,956
19Eastern Connection3.4$37,892
20Dynamic Courier Service4.5$37,392

Recently added The SYGMA Network salaries

JobLocationDate AddedSalary
CDL A Delivery Truck Driver-NOWPortland, OR10/22/2024$90,000
Class A Driver-SygmaHilliard, OH10/18/2024$75,000
CDL A Delivery Driver-Sygma-RutherEnon, VA10/18/2024$85,000
Class A CDL Delivery Truck DriverKansas City, KS10/18/2024$85,000
CDL A Delivery Truck Driver-NOWKansas City, MO10/17/2024$85,000

Frequently asked questions about The SYGMA Network salaries

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Zippia gives an in-depth look into the details of The SYGMA Network, including salaries, political affiliations, employee data, and more, in order to inform job seekers about The SYGMA Network. The employee data is based on information from people who have self-reported their past or current employments at The SYGMA Network. The data on this page is also based on data sources collected from public and open data sources on the Internet and other locations, as well as proprietary data we licensed from other companies. Sources of data may include, but are not limited to, the BLS, company filings, estimates based on those filings, H1B filings, and other public and private datasets. While we have made attempts to ensure that the information displayed are correct, Zippia is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of this information. None of the information on this page has been provided or approved by The SYGMA Network. The data presented on this page does not represent the view of The SYGMA Network and its employees or that of Zippia.

The SYGMA Network may also be known as or be related to SYGMA Network, SYGMA Network Inc The, The SYGMA Network, The SYGMA Network Inc, The SYGMA Network, Inc., The Sygma Network and The Sygma Network Inc.