Canadian youth: hopeful, resilient and hard-working
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Canadian youth: hopeful, resilient and hard-working
Canadian youth: hopeful, resilient and hard-working
Percentage | |
Going to school | 71% |
In the labour force1 | 26% |
Not in school or labour force | 3% |
1Includes those looking for paid work. |
More young women than men experience financial obstacles toward achieving their educational goals
- Women: 71%
- Men: 59%
Among all youth 78% feel hopeful for the future
75% feel that they are able to bounce back quickly after hard times
Among youth who work 72% feel happiest when they are working hard
Most youth feel that they have better educational opportunities than their parents
- Non-immigrant: 68%
- Immigrant: 86%
Note: For the purpose of this infographic, youth include Canadians aged 15 to 24 years.
Source: General Social Survey (Canadians at Work and Home), 2016.
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