Source: Dorann Weber / Getty
Jennifer Boyle has already raised over $12,000 on a GoFundMe page.
CHICAGO (WBBM/CNN) – In a YouTube video that’s gone viral, a white female shopper gets upset with a black employee who she said tried to “force” her to purchase a $1 reusable bag.
A customer who witnessed the confrontation is now trying to help that employee. It happened beside the Christmas crafts at the Lakeview Michaels.
“I am making a report against you, you discriminated against me twice,” the woman says in the video.
The confrontation, laced with racial overtones, occurred when a customer was reportedly asked to buy a larger bag, by a cashier and then her manager, both African American.
The female shopper says she was discriminated against for being white and because she voted for Donald Trump.
“Your job is to ring people up and tell them to have a nice day,” the woman says.
Jessie Grady, another shopper at the store, recorded the incident. She said she felt compelled to defend the manager.
“I don’t know how she could have handed that better,” Grady said. “She was so professional, never raised her voice with this woman, gave her multiple chances to complete purchase and she kept screaming and calling her names.”
Getting hundreds of thousands of hits on YouTube wasn’t her intent.
“I felt like I needed to do more,” Grady said.
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Article Courtesy of CNN, WBBM-TV Chicago, and WOIO Cleveland 19 News
Picture Courtesy of Dorann Weber and Getty Images