米津玄師(よねづ けんし)さんが紅白で歌った徳島県鳴門市にある礼拝堂にファンが殺到しています。2018年の「紅白歌合戦」で、徳島県出身のシンガー・ソングライター米津玄師さんが、テレビで初めて生の歌声を披露しました。その生中継の舞台が、徳島県鳴門市の大塚国際美術館にある、バチカンのシスティーナ礼拝堂を高さ16mの原寸大で立体再現した「システィーナ・ホール」。放送後に米津玄師さんのファンを中心に聖地巡礼にと次々に観光客が訪れて賑わっています。


The Otsuka Museum of Art is a “Ceramic board masterpiece art museum” with the largest exhibition space in Japan (total floor of 29,412 square meters), built to commemorate the Otsuka Pharmaceutical Group’s 75th anniversary in Naruto City, Tokushima Prefecture. Visitors can walk around freely and touch pictures in the museum.

場所:徳島県鳴門市鳴門町 鳴門公園内 [Google Map]
E-mail:[email protected]

Time : 9:30 am – 5:00 pm
Holiday : Monday (closed the next day when Monday is a public holiday)
Admissions Fee : Adults 3,300 yen / University students 2,200 yen / Small junior and senior high school students 550 yen
Address :  Located in the National Park,Naruto-cho,Naruto-shi,Tokushima [Google Map]
Tel : 088-687-3737
E-mail:[email protected]

2019年3月 – March 2019

『真珠の耳飾りの少女』(ヨハネス・フェルメール / Johannes Vermeer)

『最後の晩餐 / The Last Supper』(レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチ / Leonardo da Vinci)

『快楽の園 / The Garden of Earthly Delights』(ヒエロニムス・ボス / Hieronymus Bosch)三連祭壇画(3枚のパネルからなる祭壇画)。ヒエロニムス・ボス 「快楽の園」 中央画面のほか、両翼が裏と表に描かれ、閉じたときに両翼パネルが合わさって「天地創造」を表しています。扉が自動で開閉するため、両翼が閉じた場面も鑑賞することができます。

戴冠式。「皇帝ナポレオン一世と皇妃ジョセフィーヌの戴冠」 パリ ルーブル美術館所蔵。


『ムーラン・ド・ラ・ギャレットの舞踏会』(Bal du moulin de la Galette / Dance at Le moulin de la Galette)』 ピエール=オーギュスト・ルノワール(Pierre-Auguste Renoir) 1876年 オルセー美術館 パリ

『落穂拾い(おちぼひろい)』 1857年 フランス ジャン=フランソワ・ミレー


ゴッホのヒマワリに触れる! – Touch the Sunflowers of Van Gogh

2011年3月 – March 2011

Three dimensional exhibits with a presence never before experienced where rooms with mural paintings from ancient remains or a church were reproduced exactly as they are.



月別検索回数の推移(目的地) – RESAS(地域経済分析システム)
大塚国際美術館 2014年4月-2022年3月(休日)公共交通

場所:徳島県鳴門市鳴門町 鳴門公園内 [Google Map]
E-mail:[email protected]

Time : 9:30-17:00
Holiday : Monday (closed the next day when Monday is a public holiday)
Admissions Fee : Adults 3,300 yen / University students 2,200 yen / Small junior and senior high school students 550 yen
Address :  Located in the National Park,Naruto-cho,Naruto-shi,Tokushima [Google Map]
Tel : 088-687-3737
E-mail:[email protected]

OTSUKA MUSEUM OF ART|Naruto-shi|Tokushima

Over 1,000 pieces of powerful works of
Western art that will last for more than 2,000 years!
The world’s first ceramic board art museum reproducing masterpieces
in its original dimension using ceramic boards.

The Otsuka Museum of Art is a “Ceramic board masterpiece art museum” with the largest exhibition space in Japan (total floor of 29,412 square meters), built to commemorate the Otsuka Pharmaceutical Group’s 75th anniversary in Naruto City, Tokushima Prefecture. Inside, there are more than 1,000 replicas of priceless masterpieces of Western art selected by a committee of 6, from ancient murals to modern paintings, and collection from more than 190 art museums in 26 countries worldwide. These masterpieces are reproduced to their original size using special techniques by the Otsuka Ohmi Ceramics Co., Ltd. Unlike the paintings in art books or textbooks, visitors will able to appreciate the true artistic value of the original works, and experience art museums of the world while being in Japan.

Furthermore, while the original masterpieces cannot escape the damaging effects of today’s pollution, earthquakes and fire, the ceramic reproductions can maintain their color and shape for over 2,000 years, and this is a large contribution in the nature of preserving the history of cultural treasures. This is a groundbreaking experiment where we have reproduced ″Guernica,″ which can no longer be moved, and El Greco’s high altar panels, which have been dispersed during war. We received many endorsements and compliments from Picasso’s son, Miro’s grandchildren and art museum curators from all over the world who came to check the quality of these 1,000 works. The Otsuka Museum of Art can be considered as the world’s first and only ceramic art museum, both technically and philosophically.

Ichiro Otsuka Director General, Otsuka Museum of Art

Over 1,000 pieces of Western masterpieces ceramic board replicas displayed in the Otsuka Museum of Art are selected by 6 renowned art historians including Masanori Aoyagi, Vice President of the Tokyo University (March 1998 – ).

What is the Ceramic Board Masterpiece Art Museum?
~ Masterpieces, faithfully reproduced to the original work, that will last for a thousand years ~

As the name ″Ceramic Board Masterpiece Art Museum″ implies, this museum displays faithfully reproduced paintings to its original color and size on large ceramic boards. Compared to paintings done on paper, canvas or walls, the paintings displayed here will not fade with time because they are reproduced on ceramic boards. In addition, since the paintings were faithfully reproduced down to its size, viewers will be able to feel the intensity and the presence of looking at the actual work. It would be great if you are able to find the work you like while experiencing the genuine art up close and personal.

The Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, The Guernica…
If only the world’s greatest arts can be preserved forever…!

The ceramic board masterpiece and its reproduction technique were born from earnest wishes of such people. The Otsuka Museum of Art is the world’s first ceramic board masterpiece art museum created to turn such wishes into reality, and right now, within its largest exhibition space in Japan, more than 1,000 of the world’s masterpieces that were replicated on ceramic boards using special technique by Otsuka Ohmi Ceramics Co., Ltd. down to its original size and dimension are being displayed under one roof.

The World’s First Museum of Fine Art Ceramic Reproductions
The museum houses over one thousand reproductions of treasured Western artworks in actual size, from ancient frescoes to modern paintings in the collections of more than 190 galleries in 26 countries around the world.

The Otsuka Museum of Art is a museum in Naruto City, Tokushima, showcasing ceramic reproductions of famous artworks. Established to commemorate the Otsuka Pharmaceutical Group’s 75th anniversary, it is the largest permanent exhibition space in Japan (total floor area of 29,412m2). The museum houses over one thousand reproductions of treasured Western artworks specially selected by a six-member committee, from ancient frescoes to modern paintings in the collections of more than 190 galleries in 26 countries around the world. Using the specialized technology of Otsuka Ohmi Ceramic, these masterpieces are reproduced in sizes identical to the original works. Unlike textbooks and art publications, these reproductions offer a true sense of the artistic value of each original painting, allowing visitors to experience the world’s art museums without leaving Japan.

Moreover, while the original works are subject to fading and deterioration due to recent pollution, earthquakes and fires, our ceramic reproductions retain their color and form for more than two thousand years, making a significant contribution to the recording and preservation of cultural properties. We have also undertaken ground-breaking endeavors such as reproducing the Guernica canvas, now considered too fragile to move, and reconstructing an El Greco altarpiece whose pieces were dispersed in wartime. The museum has received numerous endorsements and compliments from Picasso’s son, as well as gallery directors and curators from around the world who visited Japan to inspect our collection of over one thousand pieces.

Both technically and conceptually, the Otsuka Museum of Art can be regarded as a pioneering and truly unique art museum.



■大塚国際美術館 館長 大塚一郎 より

■武者小路実篤記念館 次長 福島さとみ様

■山本顧弥太氏御令孫 亀井知永子様

■監修 千足伸行 様(成城大学名誉教授 / 大塚国際美術館絵画学術委員)

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