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iTunes : http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/warr...
Melon : http://www.melon.com/cds/album/web/al...
TS Entertainment has put in tremendous work into B.A.P, standing for "Best", "Absolute", and "Perfect", which symbolizes how they seek the best, absolute, and perfect value.
The title song "Warrior" is a new genre in which krump and rock elements have been added to strong hip-hop beats. Making their appearance as warriors showing off their wild masculinity, B.A.P presents a stage performance for "Warrior" that is both spectacular and grandiose with the strong and quick beats as its background. The lyrics contain a message that urges for changes to the rampant social conflicts rising from man's nature. The warrior-like low rap of the leader Bang Yong-Gook and the high-speed rap of Zelo harmonize to constitute the flow of the song and main vocal Daehyun and Youngjae mark the highlight of the song with their outstanding vocals. The br…...more
[ ♬ Download ]
iTunes : http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/warr...
Melon : http://www.melon.com/cds/album/web/al...
TS Entertainment has put in tremendous work into B.A.P, standing for "Best", "Absolute", and "Perfect", which symbolizes how they seek the best, absolute, and perfect value.
The title song "Warrior" is a new genre in which krump and rock elements have been added to strong hip-hop beats. Making their appearance as warriors showing off their wild masculinity, B.A.P presents a stage performance for "Warrior" that is both spectacular and grandiose with the strong and quick beats as its background. The lyrics contain a message that urges for changes to the rampant social conflicts rising from man's nature. The warrior-like low rap of the leader Bang Yong-Gook and the high-speed rap of Zelo harmonize to constitute the flow of the song and main vocal Daehyun and Youngjae mark the highlight of the song with their outstanding vocals. The brilliant dancing of the dance prodigy Jongup and the heart-breaking acting of Himchan adds visual attraction, raising expectations for the entrance of these warriors to the K-pop scene.
TS Entertainmentが心血を注いで準備した野心作B.A.Pは、Best、Absolute、Perfectの略語で、最高の絶対的で完璧な価値を追求するという意味だ。
タイトル曲「WARRIOR(ウォリアー:戦士)」は、強烈なヒップホップ・ビートをベースにクランプとロックの要素が加わった新しいジャンルの曲だ。強い男性美を誇示する戦士として登場するB.A.Pは、「WARRIOR」で強烈で速いビートを背景に、華麗で壮大な舞台パフォーマンスを披露する。歌詞には 現在社会に散在する人間の本性に起因した葛藤を変えたいというメッセージが込められている。戦士の声に乗って流れるリーダー、バン・ヨンクックのロー・ラップとジェルロのハイスピード・ラップが調和を成して歌をリードし、メインボーカルのテヒョンとヨンジェのパワフルな歌唱力で歌はピークを達する。ここにダンスの天才ゾンオップの華麗なダンスとヒムチャンの心しびれる目の演技まで加わり、歌謡界に新たに登場したこの戦士(WARRIOR)たちへの期待も高まる。
TS Entertainment가 심혈을 기울여 준비한 야심작, B.A.P는 Best, Absolute, Perfect의 약어로 최고의 절대적인, 완벽한 가치를 추구한다는 뜻이다
타이틀 곡 'WARRIOR' (워리어: 전사)는 강렬한 힙합 비트 위에 크럼프와 록의 요소가 가미된 새로운 장르의 곡이다. 거친 남성미를 뿜는 강렬한 전사로 등장하는 B.A.P는 'WARRIOR'에서 강렬하고 빠른 비트를 배경으로 화려하고 웅장한 무대 퍼포먼스를 선사한다. 가사에는 인간의 본성에 비롯된 현재 사회에 산재한 갈등을 바꾸고자 하는 메시지를 담았다. 전사의 목소리를 타고 흐르는 리더 방용국의 로우 랩과 젤로의 하이스피드 랩이 조화를 이루어 노래를 이끌어 가고, 메인 보컬 대현과 영재의 시원한 가창력으로 노래의 정점을 표현한다. 여기에 댄스 신동 종업의 화려한 댄스와 힘찬의 가슴 시린 눈빛 연기는 볼거리까지 더하며 가요계에 새롭게 등장한 이 전사(WARRIOR)들에 대한 기대감을 높이고 있다.…...more