Specification: Size 4-5 left/kg
Characteristics: cam sành are spherical, slightly flattened at the top, greenish-yellow, the surface of the cardstock. The timezone flesh is orange, soft, plenty of water. Orange aroma, sour sweet (Brix levels 8 – 10%).
Cam sành especially good for the health of pregnant women and young children. In addition, orange connoisseur, there are other uses such as the prevention of colds, fever, treatment of bronchitis and asthma, treatment of constipation, good for people with cardiovascular disease or high blood pressure, anti-aging
The oranges have a slightly flat sphere, yellowish green, and a rough surface. Fruit flesh is orange, soft, watery. Orange has a characteristic aroma, sweet and sour taste (Brix level 8-10%).
Orange are particularly good for pregnant women and young children. In addition, oranges help to prevent colds, fever, to treat bronchitis and asthma, to treat constipation, anti-aging. Oranges are also good for people with cardiovascular disease or high blood pressure.
• Grown in: farm Yuthfarm link with the farmers in Ben Tre, tien Giang...
• Standard cultivation: towards organic or VietGAP
• Certificate/ Paper test: Attachments
Link more: https://www.yuthfarm.com/fresh-sanh-orange