Justin Pot
Justin's articles
Automate your work with Zapier

App comparisons
There are too many things on the internet to read at once. Read-it-later apps let you set aside articles or sites, download them to read at your convenience, and even organize them for research.
By Justin Pot
11 min read

Best apps
Video conferencing software isn't niche anymore—it's the main place meetings happen. It's true in remote companies, it's true in hybrid companies, and it's increasingly true in companies that mostly work in physical offices.
By Justin Pot
11 min read

Best apps
I find it hard to get work done while watching movies, visiting theme parks, or hanging out with my friends. So why do I think I can get work done online? Yes, the internet is a place where work happens, but distractions are always a click away.
By Justin Pot
9 min read

Best apps
To-do lists help you remember tasks, prioritize them, and generally keep track of your work and life. Whether it's work assignments, books you want to read, or groceries you need to pick up, you won't remember them if you don't write it down.
By Justin Pot
10 min read
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