Wednesday, October 19, 2011

And then there was One...+ 101

Sooner or later it had to happen, right?

We thought about going out with a bang rather than a whimper but that requires effort we weren't willing to spend and frankly we just don't have the same fire in the belly we once had. So after 5 years, we've decided to call it a day - at least for now - and leave you with a record we loved from the beginning, and not just for the cover.

We've always had a soft spot for the 101 Strings because, like most of the records here, they're derided by hipsters and wannabes alike. Totally un-cool and totally faceless, the 101ers represent everything we tried to shine a light on these past years. Not a bang of a record, and neither a whimper, the 101ers were the epitome of all things Zip Your Rip. That is, long forgotten music that given the chance, you'd happily pass by. Their 1959 classic, East of Suez, was the first vinyl record we ripped back in '06 and now we end with their Plus One album from ten years later - circle of life and all that.

Thanks to everyone who commented and helped out, you know who you are.