Can I Get Pregnant With One Fallopian Tube?

Yes! Yes! Yes! One can definitely get pregnant with one healthy fallopian tube. There have been many women who were in their prime reproductive health (i.e. in the age group of fact, as many as 85% of women who are at optimal pregnancy age (22 – 28) have given birth to healthy children with one single tube. In normal scenarios, women are born with two fallopian tubes, and during ovulation, the egg can transfer to either one of them to meet a healthy sperm along the way. But even with one fallopian tube, the double duty is possible. Tubes could be blocked due to issues like scarring, trauma, or a former ectopic pregnancy. If all other factors, such as hormones, regular periods, etc, are there, then your chances of getting pregnant are still normal as long as other factors are in play.

Do you know this amazing fact? Fallopian tubes can actually move. They are very active parts of your reproductive tract, so in the case of a “broken” tube, the remaining healthy one can move over to the opposite ovary and “pick up” an available egg. How wonderful is the reproductive system !!!

What is a blocked fallopian tube?

When any obstruction in the tube prevents the egg from travelling down the tube, it means that one has a blocked fallopian. Blocked fallopian tubes are one of the most common reasons for female factor infertility, alongside ovulatory disorders, endometriosis, and pelvic adhesions. Out of all the female infertility cases, blocked fallopian tubes amount to 25 per cent of them.

Causes for tubal blockage

  • Pelvic inflammatory disease is caused by sexually transmitted infections like chlamydia or gonorrhoea. 
  • Uterine tube endometriosis
  • Adhesions in the pelvis from previous surgery
  • A non-tubal infection like appendicitis, pelvic tuberculosis, and salpingitis isthmica nodosa cause scarring of the tube. 

Diagnosis of a tubal blockage

Hysterosalpingography: A liquid dye is injected through a catheter into the uterus and uterine tubes so X-ray scans can be taken. 

Chromopertubation: A similar dye as above is injected into the uterine tubes during laparoscopy.

Sonohysterography: Ultrasonography is used to visualise the uterus and adnexa after infusing the liquid via a transcervical catheter.

When can one get pregnant with one blocked fallopian tube?

Yes, having two functional tubes is the most desired state since the egg can choose either of the tubes during ovulation. But also, you can still get pregnant with a single tube, provided the following conditions are met:-

Age: Age is a crucial part of a woman’s egg quality, so even under the best of circumstances, where your ovulation cycle is regular and your single tube is picking up the majority of the eggs, conception is possible if your age is below 40 years old.

But if you are between the late 30s and 40 years of age and have only one functioning fallopian tube, we recommend meeting with a fertility centre to discuss your options.

Regular ovulation: If your menstrual cycles range between 21 to 35 days, it means you ovulate regularly. So, with one fallopian tube, if you have irregular periods, it means that something should be checked; please schedule an appointment with your ZIVA Fertility specialist.

Using an over-the-counter ovulation prediction kit (OPK), you can track your “fertile window. “

The single tube is healthy: If you have a blocked fallopian tube, your remaining tube must be healthy. The existing tube should be healthy without any blocks since the egg and sperm need a completely clear pathway to do their job well. If the single remaining tube has issues, it can reduce your chances of conception, and chances of ectopic pregnancy may increase.

Existing medical conditions: Even with a single tube to conceive successfully, all other factors for a healthy pregnancy should be satisfied. One should be fertile and maintain a healthy lifestyle, with no smoking and limited alcohol consumption. It is also important that conditions like PCOS, etc, should not exist. Your male partner’s health condition is equally crucial. Hence, when you visit your doctor, tell the ZIVA fertility experts absolutely every detail of your medical and reproductive history. Sometimes, there are small red flags which can lead to more accurate testing and not miss out on any minor detail. A case of mild endometriosis, which could have led to scarring or tubal failure for one tube, is an important detail since it may affect the other tube, too. 

Treatment for blocked uterine tubes and subsequent pregnancy

Laparoscopic surgery

During the surgical procedure, a small cut is made around the belly button to fill the abdomen with carbon dioxide gas. Once there is required space in the abdomen, a laparoscope is passed through the incision to look around at the pelvic organs. The surgeon will usually look for cysts, hydrosalpinges, fibroids, scar tissue, pelvic adhesions, and endometrial growths. The surgeon will try to open blocked fallopian tubes or remove the tissues that are causing these issues. This procedure may not always work due to factors such as age and the location and cause of the blockage. The surgeon will remove ectopic pregnancy if found. If the uterine tube repair went successfully, pregnancy may be possible without any further treatment.

Tubal ligation reversal surgery

If the cause of blocked fallopian tubes is tubal ligation, then this surgery is required. This means that the tubes are tied up, causing blockages. In this surgical procedure, the blocked segments of the tubes are reconnected properly for the eggs to move again freely through the tubes, and sperm can travel up the tubes to join an egg. This surgery has better chances of conception if a large portion of a healthy uterine tube is still intact.

ART – In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

With an IVF, pregnancy is possible since the eggs are retrieved manually using an ultrasound-guided needle through the vaginal wall. The retrieved eggs are combined with sperm from a partner or sperm donor. The resulting healthy embryos (one or two) are then transferred to the uterus, as it is evident that blocked uterine tubes don’t matter in this procedure. 

We at ZIVA Fertility Clinic are very happy to let you know that we have helped many couples where the female partner had blocked tubes to get pregnant. So please do consult us and let us help you realise your dream. For more information please visit our website or contact us at +91-9100002737, +91-9392834024, and [email protected]