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Your presence, your ART, your work, your life is changing the world . . . KEEP DREAMING!
End of Circle — Transparence
Do you ever notice coincidences — seemingly random numbers connecting in patterns that may be only relevant to you? Colors, synchronous communications, someone on the radio or television saying something that you were just thinking of, opening a book at just the right page, standing in front of the elevator door that opens first — these are all small breadcrumbs — signs that you are walking in rhythm!
Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, whatever seeming success you have or don’t have — KEEP CREATING — keep using whatever is at your disposal to make your life and the lives of those around you better. We are all creating the future; and you will inherit whatever it is you are working on — life is a continuum — and it extends beyond this present world. ART and imagination allow us to ponder and hint at some of the possibilities beyond . . .
Photo: Slavasam 777 — Courtesy of Getty Images
In an effort to explore, attract, and exposit new and exciting works of poetic art, this space is dedicated to publication of a curated collection of traditional, avant-garde, and revolutionary poetic works from those who submit to us.
Photo: © Sasza Baristow — “Aviva”
Our goal is to eventually update these poetry pages weekly with our editors’ selections from ZO’s increasing artistic network. The aim in publishing thoughtful poetic contributions, is to spur us all to consistently ask ourselves to reevaluate our position in this world in relation to art — in a sense asking: “What Cloud Are You On?”
Photo: © Sława Kładoczna-Gryta Photography — “Rain 4”
Rarely do clouds accumulate and cover without contributing their holdings to the ground below.
Thus, while endeavoring to exposit our curated gallery of work, we invite criticism and commentary to deepen our understanding, appreciation, and knowledge of (to follow through with the metaphor) our culture’s clouds. They give shape to our day and define what is to come.
We intend that this page will be one of continuing poetic distillation; and in the future feature articles on individual works, collections, poets, as well as a diverse array of general and enlightened aesthetic discussion.
Photo: © Emiley Smith — “Earth Greens”
(Emiley is a photographer from Franklin Heights High School and this was her entry into one of our “Teen Media Expos”). Awesome shot!
Walt Whitman has no answer, and then too many answers to this essential question in regard to poetic and literary endeavors.
We further continue our poetic journey with postulations of life because all of us are in a continual transcendence of our own revelations. That is the nature of growth.
Eventually, we hope to pick up where Whitman left off in our discussion on the nature of reading, writing, and appreciating literary arts. Is the reason we write to clear our conscience? Or perhaps it is to escape it?
While many poets have written on the subject, we would like to postulate with a contemporary consciousness, the essential question of why we write literature, why we read literature, and ultimately, what literature can achieve for our fellows and ourselves.
© 2025 · ZO International