Edgar L. Owen, Ltd.

A Premier Gallery of Antiquities, Ancient Coins & World Art since 1984
Featuring Carefully Vetted & Provenanced Pieces from All Cultures



          Welcome to our extensive online gallery offering a wonderful selection of choice world art and historical treasures from all the great cultures of the world. Edgar L. Owen, Ltd. was established in 1984 and is a well known and highly respected dealer in Antiquities, Ancient Coins and World Art. We select the pieces we offer on the basis of artistic merit, historical interest, rarity, and investment potential, and we include fine pieces in all price ranges. The authenticity, condition, and provenance of every piece has been carefully vetted by at least two experts in the field and is fully guaranteed for as long as you own it. We also guarantee absolute discretion and confidentiality. Certificates of Authenticity with color images are available for all pieces. Please feel free to contact us if you wish additional information on any item. Thank you for visiting and we hope you enjoy exploring our Galleries.


          Our customers are responsible for our success. We have over 12,500 customers and counting. They include the Director and curators of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, The Smithsonian, The Israel Museum, The JPMorgan Chase Art Collection, The American Numismatic Society, The University of North Dakota Art Collections, The New Hampshire Historical Society, the Brigham Young University collection, The University of Vienna Institut f. Numismatik, The Romisch-Germanisches Central Museum, The Politismos Museum, The Macquarie University Museum of Ancient Culture, The Nickle Arts Museum, The Plattsburg State Art Museum, The University of North Dakota art collections, The Finnish Museum of Natural History, The Franklin Mineral Museum, The Museum of Writing at the University of London, The Oriental Institute Oxford, The Taiwan National Museum of Natural Science, The Michael C. Carlos Museum at Emory University, The Living Torah Museum, The Pense Archaeological Museum, The Institute of Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation, Universiti Malaysia, The Institute for Earth Sciences, Univ. Gratz, The Levante Collection, The BCD Collection, The Aiello Collection, The Kinsey Institute Collection, other museums and public collections, and private collectors and dealers worldwide. Pieces purchased from us reside in The Walters Art Gallery collections and in the Museum of Writing. Additional pieces are pledged to the British Museum collections, and the International Tennis Hall of Fame Museum. Pieces purchased from us were exhibited at the Harvard Divinity School Library, Spring 2002. The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, in a groundbreaking study, dated a Roman iron tool obtained from us to ~120 AD from the trace carbon present from the wood used in its forging. Cf. Radiocarbon, Summer 2001.


          Numerous pieces from our Asian Galleries are published in Oriental Antiques & Art, An Identification and Price Guide, 2nd Edition by Mark Moran & Sandra Andacht. Additional pieces acquired from us are featured in the books "Flowers of Ecstasy and The Indus Culture and Soma as well as various scholarly articles on ethnobotany, all by Dr. David Spess of the University of New Mexico. Our Indus Valley frog 9166 published in Man Meets Frog by Dr. Indraneil Das, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. A number of items from our site are published in the book The Power of Gold, by Peter L. Bernstein and the book The History of Geometry by Prof. G. Aumann. More pieces from our site published in Symmetry in Chancay Textiles, a monograph by Prof. Tony Phillips, State University of New York at Stony Brook, and Anderson, W. 2004: An archaeology of late antique pilgrim flasks, Anatolian Studies 54, 79-93. Our B3234, is published in the entry Guanin in the Encyclopedia of Caribbean Archaeology by the University of Florida Press (edited by Basil Reid and Grant Gilmore). A number of Pre-Columbian seals purchased from us are published in Pre-Columbian Stamp Seals by Anthony Ortegon. Pueblo, CO (1999), the standard reference on the subject. Our 9215 the subject of a monograph entitled The Whistler: A Moche Vessel by Clifford C. Richey, December 2011. Our 8367 published in 'The Golden One, A Nazcan Glyph' by Clifford C. Richey, July 2011. Our 9427 published in Romische Identitat und Parthische Kleidung, of Manel Garcia Sanchez and Manuel Albaladejo Vivero, in Mannheimer Geschichtsblatter (18/2010) as part of the International Project: Clothing and Identities. New Perspectives on Textiles in the Roman Empire. Our lot B3135 published in the film The Origins Of Man produced by the Museum of The African Diaspora. Fossils from our site appear in the National Geographic special Colliding Continents. Our lot 4869 published in A Week In The Life Of Corinth, by Dr. Ben Witherington III. Our lot B2114 published in Mibil - A Latin Reference to Punic curiae? by Dr. R.M. Kerr in the journal Die Welt Des Orients, Band XXXVI.2006. Our lots 7686 and 7935 published in The Divine Name In The New Testament, p. 257, by Didier Fontaine, Univ. Jean Monnet. Our Greek terracotta head of Dionysos 4581 published in the book Ras il-Wardija sanctuary revisited. A re-assessment of the evidence and newly-informed interpretations of a Punic-Roman sanctuary in Gozo (Malta), by Dr. George Azzopardi, Archaeopress (Oxford) 2017. Our Roman military diploma 5324 published in Roman Military Diplomas, and a separate monograph by Dr. Paul Holder. Lot 2231 published by The Capelinhos Museum, Azores. Our gold stater of Ephesus published in An Introduction to the New Testament by David DeSilva. Our gold Islamic coin 7127 published in Story of the Qur'an, 2nd edition, January 2013, by Ingrid Mattson, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK. Coins from our site appear in Smith & Helwys Bible Commentary by prof. Wesley Crook. Our 10007 Mesosaur fossil published in Essentials of Oceanography, Garrison, Brooks/Cole. 2008-2011. Our 10415 Magnetius follis published in The Skull and The Cross, by Pastor Tom Hughes MA Published by Remnant Publications, 2013. Our 4986 published in Roman Egypt: Change amid Continuity in the Art and Architecture of an Eastern Imperial Province, Ph.D. dissertation by Christopher Williams, Univ. MO. Our Agrippa dupondius 9488 published in Agrippa, Caesar Augustus' Architect of Victory by Lindsay Powell. Our Ahenobarbus 10761 published in Augustus' Wars and the Generals Who Fought Them (Pen and Sword Books) by Lindsay Powell. Coptic textile images from our site are used in a History course at College of the Canyons, Santa Clarita, CA. Our 5297 published in Greek and Roman Art and Architecture, A Study Guide, by Dr. JC Lamprecht, Univ. of South Africa, Pretoria. Our 8974 Israelite Basalt Potter's Wheel published in the Ibook The Potter's Guide: Introduction to Working on the Wheel, by Paul Linhares. Depaul University lists our site as an online archaeological reference.

          You may Order from our gallery with PAYPAL, VISA, MASTERCARD, AMEX, DISCOVER or by check, money order or bank transfer. Direct orders and inquiries to [email protected] or USA 973-398-9557.

Serving the Collecting, Academic and Museum Communities since 1984

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