Export paths of selected songs from iTunes to clipboard applescript
Alec Jacobson
October 07, 2009
Here's an applescript to find all the (unix) paths of selected songs (in a playlist or library) in iTunes and copy them to the clipboard (with newlines in between).
Extract the location paths for all songs selected in iTunes and
copy the list (newline separated to the clipboard)
Adapted from:
Export Selected Song List v1.1 AppleSript for iTunes written by Doug Adams [email protected]
-- check if iTunes is running
tell application "System Events"
if (get name of every process) contains "iTunes" then set okflag to true
end tell
if okflag then
tell application "iTunes"
if selection is {} then -- no selection
display dialog "Select some tracks first..." buttons {"OK"} default button 1
set selected_songs to ""
repeat with this_track in selection
if selected_songs is not equal to "" then
set selected_songs to selected_songs & "
end if
set selected_songs to selected_songs & (quoted form of POSIX path of (get this_track's location))
on error
display dialog "Could not get location for " & (get this_track's name) buttons {"OK"} default button 1
end try
end repeat
if selected_songs is "" then
display dialog "None of the selected tracks had valid locations. Nothing copied..." buttons {"OK"} default button 1
set the clipboard to (selected_songs as string)
display dialog "Paths to locations of selected songs copied to the clipboard." buttons {"OK"} default button 1
end if
end if
end tell
end if