The Jarvis Family and Other Relatives

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Reich Family

Matthias Reich was born in 1714 in Singen, Baden-Durlach, and died in 1794 in Mannheim, Berks Co. PA (present-day Schuylkill Co.). He married Eva Anna Schmidt in 1737 in Germany. They arrived at Philadelphia 25 Oct 1751 aboard the Duke of Wittenberg out of Rotterdam.

Second Generation

Children of Matthias Reich and Eva Anna Schmidt
Christoph Reich (1738-1801) m. Veronica Lehmann (1743-1823)
Matthaeus Reich (1739-?)
Maria Catherina Reich (1741-?) m. Peter Staller
Eva Kunigunda Reich (ca. 1753-?)
Anna Margaretha Reich (ca. 1755-?)
Christian Reich (1757-1824) m. Anna Maria Cramer

Third Generation

Christoph and Veronica Reich migrated to NC and settled in the "Stinking Quarter" on the Haw River, Orange Co. NC, in the 1760s, later moving to the Stokes Co. area. In 1801 Christoph Reich was drowned in the Staunton River in Virginia while on a journey to Pennsylvania. Veronica was the daughter of Benjamin Lehmann of Zweibruecken Germany and Berks Co. PA. In 1813 she moved to the home of her son Matthaeus near Salem, and joined the Moravian congregation there. She died in Salem in 1823.


Children of Christoph Reich and Veronica Lehmann
Johann Christoph Reich (1763-1824) m. Catharina Transou (1771-1828)
Matthaeus Reich (1764-1829) m. 1) Elizabeth Hauser (1772-1809), 2) Elizabeth Spainhour (1779-1859)
Johann Ludwig Reich (1767-1848) m. Magdalena Tesch (1770-1849)
Jacob Reich (1770-1827) m. Anna Maria Rothrock (1773-1844)
Catharina Reich (1772-1822)
Christian Reich (1774-1864) m. Isabel Swaim (ca. 1781-?)
Johannes Reich (1776-1842) m. Catharina Leinbach (1778-1861?)
Heinrich Reich (1778-?) probably died in infancy
Michael Reich (1779-?)
Verona Reich (1781-1838) did not marry
Elisabeth Reich (1784-1830) did not marry
Peter Reich (1785-?)
Maria Magdalena Reich (1786-1803)
Benjamin Reich (b. & d. 1787)
Benjamin Reich (1788-?)

Fourth Generation

Children of Johann Christoph Reich and Catharina Transou
Johann Phillip Reich (1797-1867) m. Sybilla Cecilia Dull (1800-1866), d/o John Dull and Elizabeth Cogan of Montgomery Co. PA
Friedrich Jacob Reich (1800-1876) m. 1) Nancy Geiger (1803-1833), 2) Martha Geiger (1805-1873)
Anna Rebecca Reich (1802-1806)
Johanna Catharina Reich (1805-1833) m. David Clewell (1804-1862)
Emmanuel Reich (1807-1875) m. Agnes Christina Ruede (1806-1893)
Benjamin Ludwig Reich (b. & d. 1810; twin of Maria Louisa)
Maria Louisa Reich (1810-?) m. John Vogler (1812-1856)
Heinrich Edward Reich (1814-aft. 1880) m. Anna Aurelia Herbst (abt. 1822-aft. 1880)
Lisette Henrietta Reich (1814-1897) m. Lewis Ephraim Belo (1813-1863)


Children of Matthaeus Reich and Elizabeth Hauser
Daniel Reich (1792-1794)
Susanna Maria Reich (1793-?) m. Jacob Spainhour (1790-?)
Anna Elisabeth Reich (1796-1842) m. Joshua Reuz (1793-1879)
Jacobina Reich (1798-1855) m. Peter Rothrock (1798-1882), moved to Indiana
Solomon Reich (1800-1872) m. Sarah Davis (1807-1892), lived in Illinois
Verona Reich (1802-1879) m. George E. Foltz (1798-1871)
Anna Lydia Reich (1805-1886) m. John Heisler [Häusler] (1803-1860)
Johanna Christina Reich (b. & d. 1808)
Johanna Paulina Reich (1809-1861) m. Ernst Augustus Vierling (1801-1858)


Children of Matthaeus Reich and Elizabeth Spainhour
Ruffina Amelia Reich (1811-1896) m. Christian Heinrich Winkler (1810-1851)
Louisa Rebecca Reich (1813-1855) m. Charles Gustav Brietz (1811-1894)
William Henry Reich (1815-1837)
Naeman Benjamin Reich (1816-1870) m. Martha Ann Emily Harris (1826-1893), d/o Orren Harris and Rebecca Harrison;
   (after the death of Naaman, Martha Ann married Ephraim G. Transou
Charles Renatus Reich (1821-1853) m. Sarah Catharine Spach (1822-1851)
Henrietta Caroline Reich (1823-1894) m. Francis William Miller (1819-1887)


Children of Johann Ludwig Reich and Magdalena Tesch
Johannes Reich (1781-1871) m. Maria Agnes Schulz (1799-1878)
Anna Paulina Reich (1797-1800)
Anna Dorothea Reich (1802-bef. 1880) m. 1) Noah David Speck (1799-1860); moved to Illinois; 2) William Condon
Christian Ludwig Reich (1805-1842) m. Esther Fentress
Maria Magdalena Reich (b. & d. 1810)
Daniel Reich (1813-1876) m. Julia Madison Vawter (c1815-1885)


Children of Jacob Reich and Anna Maria Rothrock
Johanna Salome Reich (1797-?)
Philip Reich (1799-1870) m. Rosina Zimmerman (1801-1870)
Benjamin Reich (1801-1864) m. Rebecca Schneider (1803-?)
Anna Maria Reich (1805-?)
Johann Peter Reich (1808-?) m. Lydia Lockenour (1813-1881), moved to IN, MS, finally TX
Elizabeth Reich (1809-1811)
Catherine Reich (1813-?)


Children of Johannes Reich and Catharina Leinbach
Thomas Reich (1798-1858) m. Maria Elisabeth Hauser (1800-1872)
Johann Michael Reich (1802-1846) m. Anna Rachel Butner (1801-1853?)
*William Reich (ca.1805-1853) m. Anna Salome Hein (1806-1842) m. 2) Lydia Weisner
Jacob Reich (c1810-after 1850) m. Phillipina Transou (1803-1872)
Rebecca Reich (1808-1887) m. 1) Lewis Herman Butner (1806-1831), 2) Henry Henley (?-bef. 1850)
Johann Henry Reich (1810-aft 1880) m. Nancy Anne Ring (1816-1864) m. 2) Perlina ?
Samuel Reich (1812-1894) m. Margaret Day (c1825-aft.1880), d/o Elisha Day and Elizabeth Marshall
Timothy Reich (1811? or 1814?-1891) m. Anna Taylor (1830-1912)
Christian Ludwig Reich (1817-1847)
Eliza Reich (1820-1866) m. John A. Styers (1816-1892)
**Leanna Reich (probably b. & d. 1827)

*It's been suggested that William may actually be the son of Christian Reich and Isabel Swaim, rather than of Johannes and Catharina. If anyone has solid evidence on this question, we would be most grateful.

**conflicting information - this is a late birth for Catharina, and not all sources agree on her parents.

Fifth Generation

Children of Johann Phillip Reich and Sybilla Cecilia Dull
Eugenia Eliza Reich (1825-1827)
Emma Antoinette Reich (1828-1883) m. Elias Alexander Vogler (1825-1876)
James Alexander Reich (1831-1906) m. Paulina Rebecca Miller (1842-1928)
Jane Elizabeth Reich (1834-1920) m. Augustus Friedrich Pfohl (1826-1905)


Children of Friedrich Jacob Reich and Nancy Geiger
William Augustus Reich (1833-1917) m. Mary Lavinia Kitchell (1839-1931)

William Augustus Reich was also known as Gus Rich, The Wizard of the Blue Ridge


Children of Friedrich Jacob Reich and Martha Geiger
Alexander Christopher Reich (1845-1848)
Lewis Leander Reich (1849-1884)


Children of Emmanuel Reich and Agnes Christina Ruede
Gustavus Adolphus Reich (1832-1915) m. Caroline Vierling (1836-1915)
Henry Christopher Reich (1836-1905)
Joseph Reich (1839-?); did he marry Sarah Wolff?
Sophia Louisa Reich (1842-1897) m. Francis Edwin Keehln (1841-1910)


Children of Heinrich Edward Reich and Anna Aurelia Herbst
Laura Elisabeth Reich (1846-aft. 1880) m. B. Beatty (m. 1886)
Francis (Frank) Alexander Reich (1848-aft. 1920) m. Pearl W. ? (abt. 1862-aft. 1920
Mary Reich (abt. 1852-aft. 1880)
Junius A. Reich (abt. 1853-aft. 1879) m. Susan A. Winsler (m. 1879)

This family living in Appanoose, Iowa in 1860, 1870, 1880.

Previously we incorretly stated on this page that Francis (Frank) Alexander Reich married Sarah Boyer. Frank Reich moved to Iowa with his parents sometime after 1850 and before 1860. In 1860, 1870, and 1880 Frank Reich was living at home with his parents and siblings. The 1910 census for Appanoose, Iowa shows that Frank's wife was named Pearl W. and that he had married only once at the age of 35 or about in 1885.


Children of Benjamin Naeman Reich and Martha Ann Emily Harris
Sarah Elizabeth Reich (1847-?) m. Eugene Levin Strupe (1839-1898)
Emma Naomi Reich (1855-1914) m Eugene Romulus Pfaff (1852-1926)
Louisa 'Lulu' Virginia Reich (1858-1939) m. Samuel Milton Tesh (1853-1919)


Children of Johannes Reich and Maria Agnes Schulz
Robert Alexander Reich (1821-1890) m. Maria Louisa Sides (1818-1874)

Augustus Nathaniel Reich (1823-1895) m. Antoinette Nading (1829-1889)
Constantine Samuel Reich (1826-1849) m. Catherine Thomas
Owen Alson Reich (1828-1891,TX) moved to Bonham, Fannin Co.,Texas
Janetta Susanna Reich (1830-1878) m. William Ebert (1827-1907); who were his parents?
Reuben Vanneman Reich (1833-bef. 1870) m. Cornelia Shoaf
Charlotte Malvina Reich (1837-1861) m. George W. Leake
John Edward Reich (1839-1861)
Lewis Emmanuel Reich (1843-1861)


Children of Christian Ludwig Reich and Esther Fentress
McKendree Reich (1833-?); did not return from the Civil War
Henrietta Reich (1836-?)
William Fentress Reich (1840-?)
Catherine Reich (1842-?)

This family lived in Randolph Co. NC


Children of Daniel Reich and Julia Madison Vawter
George Franklin Reich/Rike (1833-1906) m. Sarah A. Boyer (1835-1907) (moved to Texas)
Emily R. Reich (1835-1906) m. William Jarvis (1833-1894)
Mary S. Reich (1838-1914) m. John R. Harper (1832-bef. 1874)
John L. Reich (1840-1862) (died during Civil War, did not marry)
Alpha Jane Reich (1843-1868) m. Reuben John Crater (1838-1915)
C. Columbus Reich (1846-1915) m. Lutitia Jones (1847-1932), (photo)
Martha E. Reich (1849-?) m. John Wesley Woosley (abt. 1845-?), s/o William Woosley and Louisa Rominger
Ellen V. Reich m. Jacob Wagoner


Children of Philip Reich and Rosina Zimmerman
John Sanford Reich (1824-bef. 1860) m. Emilie Sybilla Stolz (1829-1876)
Anna Melvina Reich (abt.1826-1847)
John Reich (1829-1873) m. Anna Minerva Tesch (1827-1898)
Jacob Harrison Reich (1831-1847)
Benjamin Franklin Reich (1833-1863) m. Maria Catherine Sides (1843-prob. 1917)
William James Reich (1835-1901) m. Ellen Sink (1840-1915)
Sarah Catharine Reich (1838-1875) m. 1) Lewis W. Long (1830-1864); 2) Josiah Brewer (abt 1845-?)
s/o Elizabeth Boeckel and Henry Brewer
Eliza Belinda Reich (1841-1899) m. Benjamin Hampton (1825-1904)
Naaman (Norman?) Augustus Reich (?-1845)
Mary Rebecca Reich (?-1847)


Children of Thomas Reich and Maria Elisabeth Hauser
Henry Edwin Reich (1822-1824)
William Ephraim Reich (1825-1892) m. Abigail Livengood (1835-1888)
Elisabeth Lisanna Reich (1827-1828)
Jonathan Saunders Reich (1829-1932)
Isaac Reich (1833-1919) m. Sarah Livengood (1837-1928)
Regina Catharine Reich (1838-1840)
Maria Priscilla Reich (1841-?); did she marry R.Y. Whicker March?


Children of Johann Michael Reich and Anna Rachel Butner
Eli Edmund Reich (1826-1897) m. Amanda Catharina Schneider/Snyder (1824-1899); is she d/o David Snyder/Schneider and Elizabeth Schauss?
Emily Regina Reich (1828-?). Did she marry William Schneider?
Thomas Israel Reich (1831-1898) m. 1) Tempy James, 2) Louisa Faulk (abt. 1830-aft.1880)
John Henry Reich (1832-?) m. Maria Theresa Tesh (1825-?)
William Benjamin "Billy" Reich (1835-1918) m. 1) Mary Arnold in 1855 in Obion Co. TN;
2) Mary Amanda "Mollie" Campbell (1844-1941); moved to Missouri
Mary Eliza Reich (1836-aft. 1846)
Leanna Elizabeth Reich (1839-1875) m. William Elias Spach (1830-1891)
Sara Catherine Reich (1841-?) moved to Indiana


Children of Jacob Reich and Phillipina Transou
Emma Sophia Reich (1830-?) probably m. John Tesh (1828-?)
Constantine Evan Reich (1832-?)
Parminio Transou Reich


Children of Johann Henry Reich and Nancy Anne Ring
Henry T. Reich (1841-1862)
Lavannas Jackson Reich (ca. 1843-?)
John Hilary Reich (1847-1888) m. Florina Jane Ledford (1846-1935)


Children of Samuel Reich and Margaret Day
James A. Reich (abt. 1849-aft. 1920) m. Martha E. (abt. 1839-aft. 1920)
John Reich (abt. 1848-aft. 1880) m. Malissa Thomason (abt. 1841-aft. 1880) widow of Hartwell McGee


Children of Timothy Reich and Ann Taylor
William Lewis Reich (1858-?)
*Susan Catharine Martha Reich (1860-1929)
Rebecca Jane Clementine Reich (1863-?)
Eliza Elvira Reich (1868-?)

*Susan M. Reich of Forsyth County died August 8, 1929 at the Broughton Mental Hospital in Morganton, NC. She is buried in the hospital's cemetery.

Sixth Generation

Children of James Alexander Reich and Paulina Rebecca Miller
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Reich (abt. 1870) m. Albert Griffin
Charles A. Reich (abt. 1873-aft. 1910) m. Lillie Pegram
James A. Reich (abt. 1879-aft. 1910) m. Agnes O'Sullivan


Children of Gustavus Adolphus Reich and Caroline Vierling
Ellen L. Reich (ca. 1856-bef. 1910)


Children of Robert Alexander Reich and Maria Seitz
Henry Augustus Reich (1844-aft. 1860) m. Mary Warden
John Samuel Reich (1846-aft. 1870) m. Elizabeth (Betty) Holden
Lewis Jacob Reich (1849-aft. 1860) m. Samie Lunsford
Julia Reich (abt. 1852-aft. 1870) m. Fotion Hayes
Owen Reich (abt. 1854-aft. 1870) m. 1) Lizzie Gates, 2) Louisa Hendrix, 2) Mattie Gotcher
Robert E. Reich (abt. 1856-aft. 1870) m. Mattie Gray
George W. Reich (abt. 1858-aft. 1870) m. Blanche Odom
Mary Reich (abt. 1861-aft. 1870) m. J.W. Peevey

This family moved to Collin Co., TX about 1850. Maria's name appears as Miriah in the 1860 census record. In 1870 Robert's wife is Martha, age 29. We list Maria's death date as 1874. Can anyone clarify this for us?


Children of Augustus Nathaniel Reich and Antoinette Nading
Emma Jane Agnes Reich (1851-1932) m. Christian Henry Fogle (1846-1898)
John Franklin Pierce Reich (1853-1939) m. Emma Hanes (1859-1945)
Charlotte Antoinette Augusta Reich (1855-?)
Sarah Ann Imogen Reich (1859-1865)


Children of John Sanford Reich and Emilie Sibylla Stoltz
Rufus Dabney Reich (1848-1889) m. Mary Jane Waldraven (1846-1883)
Isabel Jane Reich (1850-1921) m. William H. Glascoe (1843-1925)


Children of John Reich and Anna Minerva Tesh
Ellen Jane Reich (1857-?)
Mary Elizabeth Reich (1859-1860)
Samuel Augustus Reich (1860-?)
Rosa Isabella Reich (1862-1932) (not married in 1910)
Louisa Sarah Ann Reich (1864-?)
Rufus Franklin Reich (1866-?)


Children of Benjamin Franklin Reich and Maria Catherine Sides
Ambrose Jesse Reich (1862-1930) m. Sarah ? (1854-1939)


Children of William James Reich and Ellen Sink
Jacob Franklin Reich (1859-1918) m. Morena Isabelle, surname unknown (1862-1939)
Daniel Augustus Reich (1861-1888)
John Henry Reich (1864-1946) m. Alice Crouse (1867-1942)
Mary Catharine Reich (1868-?)
Lewis Philip Reich (1877-aft 1930) m. Anna E. (abt 1882-aft. 1930)


Children of William Ephraim Reich and Abigail Livengood
Alexander Nathaniel Reich (1853-1879)
Henry Thomas Reich (1855-1857)
Mary Elisabeth Reich (1858-1859)
William Wesley Reich (1860-1944) m. Salina Henreitta Walker (1858-1923)
Martha Elvira Reich (ca. 1862-1924) m. ? Walker
Regina Catherine Reich (1866-?) m. Thomas Richard Walker
Wiley Sylvester Reich (1869-?) m. Mary Etta Whittaker, d/o Henry G. Whittaker and Sarah Adaline Marion
Sarah Adeline Reich (ca. 1872-bef. 1880)
Charity Pauline Reich (1875-1881)


Children of Isaac Reich and Sarah Livengood
John William Thomas Reich (1857-1863)
Mary E. Reich (ca. 1860-?)


Children of Eli Edmund Reich and Amanda Catharina Schneider/Snyder
James William Reich (b. & d. 1850)
Anna (Annie) Elisabeth Reich (1852-aft. 1880) m. Adolphus Sanford Tipton (abt. 1849-aft 1880)
James William Reich (1854-1935) m. Sarah Safrona Jones (abt. 1860-aft. 1880)
David Crockett Reich (1857-1941) m. Kissey Artilly Jones
Frances M. (Frank) Reich (1860-?)
Edmund P. Reich (1863-aft 1935) m. Jane
Joseph (Joe) E. Reich (1866-aft. 1900) m. Maggie C. (1872-aft. 1900)

This family moved to Tennessee about 1858-1860; living in Missouri by 1880
Kelley Lynn Harris-Zehr is a direct descendant of Eli and Amanda and has information regarding later generations. Kelley's e-mail address is: [email protected]


Children of Thomas Israel Reich and Tempy James
Caledonia Reich (1855-1943)
James Inmus Reich (1860-1904)

This family moved to Tennessee between 1855 and 1860, and then on to Dade Co. Missouri.


Children of Thomas Israel Reich and Louisa Faulk
John Reich (1865-?)
Anna Reich (1866-?)
Mary E. "Mollie" Reich (1868-1956)


Children of John Henry Reich and Maria Theresa Tesh
Robert Alanson Reich (1857-?)
Adelaide Augusta Reich (1859-?)
Anna Adela Reich (1861-?)
Charles Reich (ca. 1865-?)


Children of John Hilary Reich and Florina Jane Ledford
Henry T. Reich (1867-1949) (not married in 1910)
Anna Reich (1870-1946) m. Robert Ring
Napoleon Jackson "Jack" Reich (1872-1934) m. Mary Moir Banner
John Cicero Reich (1874-1964) m. Ophelia Phillips (1884-1973)
Minnie Florina Reich (1877-1963) m. Jacob Schultz (1879-1901)
Samuel Joseph Reich (1879-1956) m. Carrie E. Schultz (1881-1970)
Mahala Susan Reich (1881-1970) m. Lemuel Burchette (abt. 1879-aft. 1910)
Robert Hillary Reich (1884-1932) m. Bertha Weisner (abt. 1884-aft. 1930)
Martha Jane Reich (1886-1953) m. Luther Swaim

Florina Jane Reich and her son Henry T. Reich are living with Lemuel and Susan Burchette in 1910, Forsyth Co., NC. In 1920, Jane Reich is living in Old Town, Forsyth Co., NC with Poindexter family.


Children of George Franklin Reich/Rike and Sarah A. Boyer
Mary Jane Rike (1854-?)
James Francis Rike (1857-1929) m. Leona C. Willcockson (1860-1940)
Julia A. Rike (1859) m. John L. Wilcoxson
Emory Eugene Rike (1861-1935) m. Maggie Elizabeth (1876-1921)
Reuben W. Rike (1864-1928) m. Dixie Huson (1869-?)
John Rufus Rike (1866) m. Mollie (1878-?)
Augusta L. Rike (1869-?) m. W. A. Sewell
Ida V. Rike (1875-?) m. C. M. Honaker
Mattie Rike (1876-?)
(This family moved to Collin County, Texas between 1875 and 1876)


Children of C. C. Columbus Reich and Lutitia Jones
William Reich (1867)
Julia Elizabeth Reich (1874) m. Oscar Leander Shields (1869-1936)
Margaret Reich (1880)
Robert Lee Reich m. 1) Ada Hudson, 2) Percie Bullard
[updated 3/30/09]

Seventh Generation

Children of John Franklin Pierce Reich and Emma Hanes
Marietta Reich (abt. 1892-aft. 1910)
Ethel H. Reich (abt. 1894-aft. 1920)
John L. Reich (abt. 1898-aft. 1920)
child who is living in 1910, name unknown


Children of Rufus Dabney Reich and Mary Jane Waldraven
Clara Amelia Reich (1873-1897)
Cabell Murray Reich (1875-1950) m. Mary Crother Flower
Fannie Maria Reich (1876-1952)
George Rufus Reich (1878-1879)
Sallie Belle Reich (1880-1966) m. William Christopher Hohman
Edward Roscoe Reich (1882-1958)


Children of William Wesley Reich and Salina Henreitta Walker
Cora Estelle Reich (1883-1977) m.David Alexander Binkley (1876-1959)
William Fred Reich (1886-1933) m.Margaret Black (1883-1986)
Ida Bell Reich (1888-1961) m. Olesta Arthur Binkley (1886-1968)
Della Mae Reich (1891-?) m. Rober Gray Shouse
Dolly Ector Reich (1893-1972) m. Clevenland Zebulon Norman (1888-1969)
Eddie Lee Reich (1896-1896)
Infant (died at birth) 04/23/1898)
Lela O'Dell Reich (1899-1994) m. Wofford Critz Tatum (1891-1983)
This family added June 18, 2006


Children of Ambrose Jesse and Sarah Reich
Franklin P. Reich (abt. 1884-aft. 1910) m. Lydia R. (abt. 1886-aft. 1910)
Bertha Cathsanda Reich (1886-1911) (is she the mother of Shellborn Reich, born abt. 1904?)
Pleasant A. Reich (abt. 1888-aft. 1920)
Minnie M. Reich (abt. 1890-aft. 1910)
R. Stanford Reich (abt. 1891-aft. 1910)
Mrytle R. Reich (abt. 1893)-aft. 1910)
P. Simeon Reich (abt. 1896-aft. 1910)


Children of John Henry Reich and Alice Crouse
Carl W. Reich (abt. 1890-aft. 1910)
Alma M. Reich (abt. 1900-aft. 1910)
Ralph Reich (abt. 1905-aft. 1910)
Mildred Reich (abt. 1907-aft. 1910


Children of Napoleon Jackson "Jack" Reich and Mary Moir Banner
John Edward Reich (1894-1928)
Clarence Thomas Reich (1895-1966) m. Florence Duggins
Beulah Reich (1898-?) m. Thomas Swaim Bennett
Banner Jackson Reich (1901-1983) m. Daisy Eddinger (1907-1996)
Blanch Reich (1904) m. Ferdinand DeSota Marshbanks
Della Jane Reich (1906-1996) m. James Roberts "Bob" Matthews
Minnie Pearl Reich (1909-?)
Hilary Franklin Reich (1912-1943) m. Ruth Holden
Mary Myrtle Reich (1916-1976)
Joseph Henry Reich (1919-1996) m. Hazel Mae Jones
Herbert Fries Reich (1922-after 1996) m. Phoebe Arlene Thomas


Children of Robert Hillary Reich and Bertha Weisner
Robert W. Reich (1907-1971)
Maurice H. Reich (abt. 1910-aft 1930)
Horace W. Reich (1912.-1979) m. Lillie Mae Hall (1912-1985)
Grace Reich (abt. 1915-aft. 1930)
Marshall W. Reich (abt. 1918-aft. 1930)
Ralph Henry Reich (1920-1965)
Chester Reich (abt. 1924-aft. 1930)
Curtis D. Reich (1926-aft. 1930)


Personal communications from Merrill Reich and Peggy Tesh
Personal communications with Judy S. Cardwell. Judy's email address is: [email protected]
Death Notices from the People's Press (Salem, NC) 1851-1892), Robert M. Topkins
Records of the Moravians in North Carolina
Forsyth County NC cemetery records
Forsyth County 1850,1860, 1870, 1880, 1910, 1920, 1930 census records
Daniel Reich's Will, probated Forsyth Co., 1876
Farlow, Clara B., A Brief History of the Reich Family 1738-1984 and the Grabs Family 1716-1984, typescript

This page was revised on July 13, 2001;August 7, 2004; December 18, 2005

©, 2001-2007 Faye Jarvis Moran and Elizabeth H. Harris
[email protected], [email protected]

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