The Jarvis Family and Other Relatives

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Schor (Shore) Family

First Generation

Friedrich Schor was born in 1705 in Muttenz, Switzerland, son of Friedrich Schor and Ursula Tschudi. His paternal ancestors are known for several generations further back. In 1729 he married Margaretha Schneider (b. 1708, daughter of Hans Jacob Schneider and Anna Pfau). They emigrated in 1751, but Margaretha died on the voyage. Friedrich and his children came to North Carolina, and he died in Surry Co. NC in 1773. Modern descendants spell the name Shore, and we have switched to this spelling with the third generation.

Second Generation

Children of Friedrich Schor and Margaretha Schneider
Friedrich Schor (1731-1812) m. Barbara Ries, d/o Johann Jacob Ries
Johannes Schor (1733-ca. 1739)
Heinrich Schor (1735-1819) m. Barbara Miller (1737-1810)
Johannes Schor (1739-1770) m. Maria Magdalena Schmidt (d/o Peter Schmidt; her second husband was Jacob Frederick Fiscus)
Margaretha Schor (1742-1777)
[date corrected 11/3/00] m. Johann Jacob Kapp (1729-1807)

Third Generation

Children of Friedrich Schor and Barbara Ries
Henry Shore (ca. 1771-bef. 1840) maybe m. Catherine Waggoner
[added 1/26/08]
Barbara Shore (1775-1821) m. Johann Ludwig Muecke (Mickey) (1775-1844)
John Shore (ca. 1781?-?) m. Anna Margaret (Peggy) Groce (1785-?)
Jacob Shore (ca. 1785-1819) m. Margaret Scanflin
Elizabeth Shore (1787-1854) m. Daniel Hoots (1785-1844)
Anna Shore (ca. 1789-?) m. John Binkley
Anna Margaretha Shore m. Johann Heinrich Wernly (1746-1803)
Mary Shore

Thanks to Grant Pinnix for the information that Henry b. 1771 was another child of Friedrich and Barbara Shore.
For the deeds and other records that prove this relationship, see Grant's WorldConnect page


Children of Heinrich Schor and Barbara Miller
Anna Maria Shore (1756-1825) m. John Hoehns (Hanes) (1750-1822)
Magdalena Shore (1758-1844) m. George Hauser (1755-1818)
[added 4/6/14]
Jacob Shore (1763-1809) m. Catherine Hauser (1763-1840)
John Henry Shore (1766-1824) m. Elizabeth Love (?-1824)
Peter Shore (1771-1812) m. Anna Maria Ranck
Elisabeth Shore (1773-1867) m. 1) Johann Frederick Hauser (1771-1807), 2) John Christian Lehman (1770-1840)
Maria Barbara Shore (1776-1852) m. Simon Peter Hauser (1778-?)
[added 4/6/14]


Children of Johannes Schor and Magdalena Schmidt
Johannes Shore (1764-1844) m. 1) Elizabeth Boeckel (1766-1816), d/o Friedrich Boeckel and Anna Barbara Frey; and m. 2) another Elizabeth Boeckel (1773-1854), d/o Johann Nicholaus Boeckel and Maria Barbara Moll; she was the widow of Daniel Hauser.
Peter Shore (1766-1837) m. 1) Maria Susanna Ritter (d. by 1810) 2) Christina Boeckel (1771-1846)
John Henry Shore (1768-1826) m. 1) Maria Catharina Boeckel (1774-1809), 2) Anna Margaret Fishel (1772-1825)
Johann Jacob Shore (1770-1843) m. 1) Johanna Gertrude Hauser (1776-1824), 2) Maria Elizabeth Hauser (1790-1874)

Fourth Generation

Children of John Shore and Anna Margaret (Peggy) Groce
David L. Shore ("Old Bridge Dave"; 1806-1875) m. Rachel Clanton (1808-1881)
Elizabeth Shore (b. 1807) m. Henry Robert Allgood (b. 1800)
Rachel (Teeny) Shore m. Thomas Gough
Thomas Shore
Jennie Shore
Mary (Polly?) Shore (ca. 1816-?) m. William Spilman, s/o John Spilman and Rachel Eddleman
John "Jack" Shore (1820-1882) m. Leah Carter (1820-1884)
Minerva Shore
Jane Shore (1824-1906)
Elanie (Delania?) Shore
Isaac Shore (1818-?) m. 1) Elizabeth "Sallie" Steelman, 2) Nancy Hutchins (1825-1907)
Sallie Shore

Are they also parents or perhaps grandparents of Nathan Shore b. ca. 1829? He is living with Margaret in 1850.


Children of Jacob Shore and Margaret Scanflin
William Dahl Shore (1804-1885) m. 1) Elizabeth Hutchens 2) Nancy Wilson (1806-?)
James Shore (1806-?)
Lewis Shore (1808-?)
Mary Shore (1810-?) m. Peter Shermer II
Nancy Shore (1811-?)
Alfred Shore (1812-?)


Children of Jacob Shore and Catherine Hauser
Mary Elizabeth Shore (1788-1792)
Petrus Shore (1790-?) moved to Todd Co. KY, later Montgomery Co. IL; m. Elizabeth Tillman
Christian Shore (1794-?)
Maria Matilda Shore (1798-1854) m. John Gottfried Grabs (1792-1872)


Children of Johannes Shore and Elizabeth Boeckel
Anna Shore (1788-1859) m. John Henry Speas (1789-1862)
John Shore (1790-1867) m. Susanna Arney (ca. 1791-?)
**Mary Elizabeth Shore (1791-1836) m. John Benjamin Miller (1794-1952)
Mary Shore (1793-1846) m. Daniel Speas (1793-1874)
Catherine Shore (1796-1838) m. George Hauser (1797-1864) moved to Owen Co. IN
**Henry Shore (?-1844) m. Susannah Stauber in 1822
Jacob Shore (1801-1840) m. Susanna Stoltz (1803-1855)
[dates corrected 12/28/02]
*Sarah Shore (1804-1864) m. Samuel Stauber (1806-1884)
Solomon Shore (1806-1840) m. Rebecca Elizabeth Werner (1807-1887)

*added to this page 3/6/03
**added to this page 1/12/04

People's Press, 10/11/1888: Shore, Mrs. Susan, Oct. 3, 1888, in Yadkin County, at the advanced age of 90 years and 8 months
Is this Susannah Arney Shore, Susannah Stauber Shore, or someone else altogether?

Children of Johannes Shore and Elizabeth Boeckel Hauser
Isaac Shore (1820-1864) m. Ernestina Maria Werner (1822-1868)


Child of Peter Shore and Christina Boeckel
John Henry Shore (1815-1890) m. 1) Anna Catharina Hauser (1820-1871), 2) Birthania Spach (1841-1915) Did Peter Shore have other children?


Children of John Henry Shore and Maria Catharina Boeckel
Maria Sarah Shore (1792-1843) m. John George Spach (1786-1866)
Elizabeth Shore (1795-?) m. Benjamin Rominger (1792-1866)
John Shore (1799-1872) m. Anna Susannah Rominger (1798-1888)
Jacob Shore (1801-1852) m. Frances Sophronia Rominger (1788-1862)

Children of John Henry Shore and Anna Margaret Fishel
Thomas Shore (1811-1880) m. 1) Lydia Chitty (1812-1849), 2) Mary Magdalene Schott (1819-?)

Children of Johann Jacob Shore and Johanna Gertrude Hauser
Rebecca Shore (1799-?) m. Jacob Fulk, moved to Tennessee
Ludwig Shore (b. & d. 1802)
Sarah Elizabeth Shore (1803-?)
Samuel Benjamin Shore (1806-aft. 1880) m. Mary Magdalene Kiser, moved to Tennessee
Annie L. Shore (1807-1809)
Mary Shore (1813-?)
John Jacob Levi Shore (1816-1884) m. Charity Helsabeck (1820-1884)

Children of Johann Jacob Shore and Maria Elizabeth Hauser
Julina Shore (1826-1911) m. Tandy Kiser (1814-1902)
Permelia Shore (1828-1922) m. William W. Kapp (1811-1903)
Augustine Edwin Shore (1830-1888) m. Anna E. Kiger (1832-1910)
Edward H. Shore (1834-aft. 1880) m. Christina Kiger

Fifth Generation

Children of David Shore and Rachel Clanton
John Shore (1828-1921) m. Rosa Spillman
Thomas Shore (ca. 1830-?) m. Elizabeth Jane Warden
Anderson "Anse" Shore (ca. 1832-?) m. Mary Jane Russell
Frederick (ca. 1834-?) m. Sallie Brilla Dinkins (1838-1864)
James Shore (1836-1904) m. 1) Sarah Margaret Maynard (1839-1882), 2) Lydia A. Little
Isaac Shore (1838-1863) m. Catherine Haire (1841-1920)
Lucinda E. Shore (1837-1926) m. Denson Asburn (1834-1918) [error corrected 1/18/06]
Henry Shore (ca. 1842-?) m. Mary Reece
Jane "Jennie" Shore (1843-1916) m. John Gough
David L. Shore (1846-1920) m. 1) Nancy Sabrah Williams (1845-1910) 2) Della Sprinkle
Sally Shore (ca. 1846-?) David Shore (ca. 1848-?) Wiley Shore Benjamin Shore (1852-1913) m. Jane Murphy (1850-1891)


Children of John Shore and Leah Carter
John Henderson Shore (1843-1916) m. Elizabeth Myers (1842-1901)
Nathan Shore (1844-1916) m. Margaret Joyner (1854-1891)
John Shore ("Hopping John, Jack's John"; 1845-1933) m. Elizabeth Williams (1842-1897)
unnamed infant d. shortly after birth in 1847
Martha Shore, b. Jan 1848, died soon after
*Margaret Shore (1848-1901) m. 1) William Hoots (1839-1874), 2) David Joyner *Mary Jane Shore (1848-?) m. Frederick Shermer
Sallie Shore (1859-1909) m. Isaac David Hoots
Isaac Shore (1852-1931) m. 1) Sarah Zachary (1855-1887), 2) Jettie Zachary (1869-1954; Sarah's sister)
Elizabeth (Bets) Shore (1853-1932) m. William Hutchens (1849-1930)
*Margaret and Mary Jane were twins, born in September 1848.


Children of John Shore and Susannah Arney
William Alexander Shore (1818-aft. 1880) m. Anna Barbara Sprinkle (1820-1900)
John Henry Shore (1819-?)
John Benjamin Shore (1822-1875) m. Eunice Reece (1823-1896)
Solomon Arney Shore (1822-?)
Maria Magdalena Shore (1824-1825)
Rebecca Selina Shore (1825-?) m. Benjamin Bennett Sprinkle (1823-1906)
Hiram Israel Shore (1827-1841)
Lydia Malinda Shore (1829-?)
Jacob Wesley Shore (1831-?) m. Nancy Paulina [Unknown] (ca. 1835-?)
Calvin Eugene Shore (1834-1921) m. Parmelia C. Hauser (1837-1914)

We have conflicting birthdates for John Benjamin and Solomon Arney Shore. They can't both be born in 1822, two months apart!
Can anyone help us?


Children of Jacob Shore and Susanna Stoltz
Jeanette Shore (died by November 1862)
Thomas N. Shore (1824-1866) m. Charity Long (1824-1907)
John Ervin/Irvin Shore (ca. 1833-?). Did he marry Julia Henning?
Anna E. Shore (ca. 1836-?)
Samuel Edgar Shore (1839-1863) m. Elizabeth Wear


Child of Henry Shore and Susannah Stauber
Elvina E. Shore m. Nathaniel (Nathan) W. Craft (abt. 1831-?)


Children of Solomon Shore and Rebecca Werner
Israel Alexander Shore (1831-1864) m. Florina Rebecca Strupe (1833-1892)
daughter Shore (her baptism mentioned in 1832, Records of the Moravians)
John Henry Shore (1835-1865) m. Martha Dull (1840-1927)
Willliam Turner Shore (1840-1864) m. Mary Jane Dull (1844-1919)


Children of Isaac Shore and Ernestine Werner
Emily Louisa Shore (1848-1849)
Henry Alexander Shore (1850-1872)
Ellen Frances Shore (1852-1934) m. Augustin Kreeger (1849-1901)
Isabel Jane Shore (1854-1931) m. Henry L. Moser (1852-1925)
Dora S. Shore (1855-1947) m. Jesse D. Speas (1850-1933)
Flora Rebecca Shore (1859-1936) m. Augustine Nathaniel Speas (1853-1937)
Gideon Tobias Shore (1862-1903) m. Martha Cornelia. Moser (1863-1939)


Children of John Henry Shore and Anna Catharina Hauser
Martha Jane Shore m. M.E. Scaffe, lived Sumter SC
Joseph Alexander Shore (1841-1876) m. Ellen Rebecca Transou
Maria Cornelia Shore (1843-1844)
John Henry Shore (1845-?) died in Civil War
Juliana Shore (ca. 1849-?)
William E.? or Rufus? Shore (ca. 1852-?)
Mary C. Shore (1854-1875) did not marry
Emma Eliza Shore (1858-1939) m. ?? Miller
Anna Christina Shore (1860-?)


Children of John Jacob Levi Shore and Charity Helsabeck
Julia Permelia Shore (1842-1890) m. Albert W. Craft (1835-1911)
Lucinda Shore (ca. 1844-?) m. Abraham Newsome (1840-?)
Mary S. Shore (1845-1882) m. Henry N. Pfaff (1848-1883)
Caroline Rebecca Shore (1849-1927) m. John W. Krieger (1844-1925)
Adeline Elizabeth Shore (1850-1929) m. James Alexander Kreeger (1848-1926)
Edwin F. Shore (1852-1933) m. Lenora Ann Mock (1858-1939)
Sarah Charlotte Shore (1854-1932) m. John Wesley Spainhour (1853-1914)
Louisa Shore (1856-1953) m. Junius C. Anderson (1850-1938), s/o Nathaniel Seth Anderson and Nancy P. Vest
Martha Jane Shore (1859-1933) m. Oliver Abraham Kiger (1859-1937)


Children of Augustine Edwin Shore and Anna E. Kiger
Louisa Jane Shore (1857-1927) m. Leander B. Wall (1854-1935)
Mary Elizabeth Shore (1860-1935) did not marry
John Augustine Shore (1862-1864)
Samuel L. Shore (1866-1887)
Eugene Shore (1868-1936) m. Nettie Poindexter (1881-1956)
Sidney T. Shore (about 1871-?)
Ellen Shore (1874-1881)
Della Shore (1878-1959) m. Job Worth Davis (1877-1934), s/o Sylvanus David Davis and Jane Elizabeth Transou


Children of Edward H. Shore and Christina Kiger
Delina S. Shore (1862-?) William Shore (1864-?)
Victoria Ann Shore (1867-1942) m. Andrew Thomas Newsom (1868-1902)
Paulina Shore (ca. 1869-?) m. unknown Basket [or Bostick?]
Robert H. Shore (ca. 1873-?) m. 1) Mary Kirby, 2) unknown Sevenley
Martha Shore (ca. 1877-?)
Julianna Shore m. unknown Petree
Jasper L. Shore (d. 1957) m. 1) Ella Huffman (d. 1916), 2) Sallie Shore


Children of John Shore and Anna Susannah Rominger
Maranda Emerline Shore (1840-1872) m. John Alexander Rothrock (1842-1910), s/o Jesse B. Rothrock and Louisa Jane Wesner; lived Indiana and Illinois


Children of Jacob Shore and Frances Sophronia Rominger
Solomon Shore (b. & d. 1823)
William Shore (1824-1867) m. Lisetta Henriette Walk (1827-1889)
Melvina Shore (1829-1866) m. Benjamin Hampton (1825-1904)


Children of Thomas Shore and Lydia Chitty
Anna Jenetta Shore (1830-1877) m. Wesley Schott (1834-bef. 1870)
Henry Washington Shore (1831-1906) m. Lavinia Boyer (1835-1914)
James Franklin Shore (1834-1848)
Margaret Maria Shore (1836-1897)
Emma Lucinda Shore (1838-1912) m. Lee Hendricks (1835-1902)
Jacob Augustus Shore (1840-1916) m. Luticia Philina Martin (1844-1927)
Naaman Thomas Shore (1842-1912) m. Lydia Lavinia Evans (1849-1895), d/o Hendrick Evans and Mary Spach
Mary Permelia Shore (1845-1883) m. Franklin Spach (1845-1916)

Children of Thomas Shore and Mary Magdalene Schott
Jonas Amos Shore (1852-1890) m. Martha Elizabeth Thomas (1850-1916), d/o John Thomas and Eleanor Boeckel
Samuel Joshua Shore (1854-1920) m. Emma Jane Myers (1856-1918)
George Benjamin Shore (b. & d. 1855)
Alson Martin Shore (1856-1874)
Lucy Elizabeth Shore (1857-?)
Amanda Catherine Shore (1860-1905) m. Joseph Robert Williard (1855-1914)
Nelson Shore

Sixth Generation

Children of William Alexander Shore and Anna Barbara Sprinkle
Susannah M. Shore (ca. 1843-?)
Martha J. Shore (ca. 1845-?)
Mary A. Shore (ca. 1846-?)
Permelia F. Shore (ca. 1850-?)
John H. Shore (ca. 1851-1884)
Sarah Adelia Shore (1853-1934) m. Ellis M. Long (1854-1953)
Thomas W. Shore (ca. 1856-?)
Lydia P. Shore (ca. 1858-?)


Children of John Benjamin Shore and Eunice Reece
James Henry Shore (1847-?)
Aquilla Eugene Shore (1849-1903)
William Alfred Shore (1851-1915)
John Wesley Shore (1853-1928)
Levi Sanders Shore (1861-1947)
Wiley Sanford Shore (1863-1949)


Children of Jacob Wesley and Nancy P. Shore
Louisa Augusta Shore (1856-1933) m. Sanford Pearson Davis (1855-1946), s/o Thomas Davis and Anna Malinda Speas
Julius F. Shore (ca. 1858-?)
Augustine E. Shore (ca. 1860-?)


Children of Calvin Eugene Shore and Parmelia Hauser
Sarah C. Shore (1859-1926) did not marry
Henry Flavius Shore (1862-1936) m. Jennie Poindexter
John Benjamin Shore (1867-1946) m. Artie Apperson
Malinda Shore m. Will H. Renigar
Irvin Shore (1870-1953) m. Maude Flynt (1879-1967)
Ellis Eugene Shore (1876-1952) m. Kate Clark (1879-1945)


Child of Israel Alexander Shore and Florina Rebecca Strupe
Alfred Erastus Shore (1854-1918) m. 1) Sarah Catherine Poindexter (1853-1879), 2) Almira J. Kapp (1849-1934)


Child of John Henry Shore and Martha Dull
John Henry Shore (1865-?); appears to be a posthumous child, since John Henry Sr. died only a few months after their marriage. He is named in the will of his grandfather John Dull


Child of William T. Shore and Mary Jane Dull
John Solomon Shore (1861-1942) m. Elizabeth Strupe (1864-1935)


Children of Gideon Shore and Martha Moser
Sallie Shore
Hugh Thomas Shore (d. 1974, Missouri)
Eula Shore


Children of William Shore and Lisetta Henrietta Walk
Francis Jacob Shore (1849-1939) m. 1) Emma Cornelia Kimel (1848-1887), 2) Cynthia Thomas (1848-1927)
John Joseph Shore (1851-1941) m. Mary Elizabeth Mock (1850-1918)
David Alexander Shore (1852-1928) m. Victoria Daniels (1852-1890)
Nathan William Shore (1858-1930) m. Elizabeth Johnson (1859-1941), d/o William Coston Johnson and Salome Seitz
Adelia Lucetta Shore (1859-1912) m. Henry Dusenbery Hinkle, s/o Mathias Hinkle & Mary Link
Eugene Benjamin Shore (1862-1963) m. Sarah Madora Crouse (1861-1924)
Ada Miranda Shore (1865-1955) m. Luther Calvin Hine (1855-1924)


Children of Henry Washington Shore and Lavina Boyer
Flora Elizabeth Shore (1857-1945) m. Francis Christian Meinung (1854-1932)
Charles Edward Shore (ca. 1859-?)
William Thomas Shore (1860-1884) m. Lelia Webb
George Decatur Shore (1862-?)
Henry Augustus Shore (1864-?)
Lewis Francis Shore (1866-1930) m. 1) Amanda Peoples, 2) Lena Kestler (1879-1920)
Ellen Lydia Shore (1867-1943) m. John Alexander Seaber (1861-1928)
Bernard Paul Shore (1869-1902)
Adelaide Lavinia Shore (ca. 1872-?) m. Thomas Siddall
Clarence Albert Shore (ca. 1874-?)
Lindsay Theodore Shore (1875-1876)
Howard James Shore


Children of Jacob Augustus Shore and Luticia Philina Martin
Ella Maria Shore (ca. 1868-?) m. Will Armfield
Walter Augustus Shore (1869-1959) m. Eugenie Miller
Emma Jane Shore (1871-1956) m. John Wesley Drye (1865-1950)
Sarah Etta Shore (1874-1946) m. Jonathan Newton Fine (1867-1931)
Elizabeth Agnes Shore (b. & d. 1877)
Birdie Dora Shore (1878-1922) m. 1) W.O. Cox (1873-1905), 2) Wiley V. Hartman (1875-1925)
John Martin Shore (1881-1891)


Children of Jonas Amos Shore and Martha Elizabeth Thomas
Rufus A. Shore (1876-1939) m. Susie James, d/o Franklin James and Jane Spach
Fred E. Shore (1880-1963) m. Martha Newsom (1878-1965)
James Shore


Children of Samuel Joshua Shore and Emma Jane Myers
Minnie Lenora Shore (1875-1947)
Louella Shore (1878-1959) m. George Henry
Robert Lee Shore
William Harvey Shore
Edgar Samuel Shore (1883-1924)
Claudia Shore (1891-1969) m. John Allan Kester (1890-1969)
Ruth C. Shore (1892-1971) m. Irvin Andrew Hudgins (1887-1960)
Raymond Thomas Shore
Kathleen Elizabeth Shore


Records of the Moravians in North Carolina, 12 volumes; Publications of the North Carolina Historical Commission

Forsyth Co. NC Cemetery Records, also marriage and death records

The Heritage of Stokes County North Carolina

And special thanks to Barbara Shore, Carl Dickerson, Ann Holladay, Robin Morris, Mary Spainhour, Bunny Harvey, Elke Hall, Chris Shore and Brenda Wagner!

This page was revised on February 10, 2001. Thank you, Susan Gall!

Additional revisions were made on June 20, 2005. Quite a few dates and spouses were added.

©, 2001-2007 Faye Jarvis Moran and Elizabeth H. Harris
[email protected], [email protected]

Elizabeth Harris

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