raccoons; care & feeding of baby raccoons; emergency wildlife rescue; rehabilitation resources; raccoon rabies; raccoon stories, pictures and more!
Portions of this website contains music or sounds.

www.RaccoonWorld.com will be developed as a premiere website for all things raccoon - including  raccoon related merchandise - while continuing to provide resources for raccoon rescue and rehab, raising pet raccoons, dealing with raccoon problems, and much, much more.  In the interim, I have moved a complete copy of The Gable's Raccoon World to this site as Yahoo will be shutting down Geocities later this summer.  While I will be updating the information, links and contact info (something I had been unable to do through Geocities), it still contains a wealth of award-winning information, fantastic photographs, and the heartwarming stories of some special raccoons.  Please bookmark the new site.

Don't let your raccoon website disappear from the web.  I will be offering free hosting for approved websites (on either this or my raccoonlovers.com website) and will be posting further details shortly, including new contact information, so please check back.

Thank you.

~ Judy ("The Gable")     

Click for a September 11th rememberance tribute

Gable's RaccoonsThe Gable's Raccoon World - an extensive website all about raccoons

Welcome to Gable's Raccoons


For emergency raccoon rescue information,
The Gable's Raccoon World offers quick
Emergency Rescue Help info and much, much more!

There is a LOT to see and read in the Gable's Raccoon World.
Enjoy your visit and Bookmark this site for a return visit

Come on in, the raccoons are waiting ...

Site, Contents and Backgrounds Copyright�1997-2009 The Gable
and may not be used without express permission of owner.