Science Kids - Fun Science & Technology for Kids!
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Fun science experimentsCool science games & activitiesAmazing science factsScience quizzesScience fair projectsScience lesson plans and class ideasScience images, photos & picturesScience videosScience topics

Science for KidsAbout Science Kids

The aim of Science Kids is to provide educational resources for teachers and parents that help make science fun and engaging for kids, taking important concepts and putting them into a form that kids can not only understand but also enjoy.

Inspiring an interest in science at a young age can help kids grow up with the tools needed to form questions about the world around them and make decisions based on their own reasoning.

Fun activities, facts, projects and experiments can be the first step in fostering a desire amongst kids to learn more about science and technology, subjects that have practical applications in both careers and everyday life.

Rene Smith

About Me

My name is Rene Smith and I am the creator of the Science Kids website. After studying at Canterbury University I worked for 4 years at a science centre in New Zealand called 'Science Alive', running education programmes, demonstrations and workshops. I taught in Japan for 2 years and was a preliminary judge for the Google Science Fair in 2011.

Science Kids began in August 2007 as a product of my interests in science, technology and education and has since grown to provide educational resources to millions of visitors around the globe.


Feel free to contact Science Kids at [email protected] with any questions or comments you might have. Although I can't respond to each one, I read them all and do my best to reply to as many as I can.

Science Kids ���|��Home��|��About��|��Topics��|��Experiments��|��Games��|��Facts��|��Quizzes��|��Projects��|��Lessons��|��Images��|��Videos��|��Privacy��|��Sitemap��|��Updated: Oct 9, 2023