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Animals for kids

Learn about animalsExplore the amazing world of animals for kids with our range of free games, cool science fair projects, interesting quizzes, fun facts, amazing videos and more!

Learn about cats, dogs, insects, birds, spiders, sharks and all kinds of different animals. As well as activities for children, there are also lesson plans and worksheets for teachers, ideas for parents and a whole host of free teaching resources at your fingertips. Enjoy learning about animal science online right here at Science Kids.

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Science for Kids
Animal games for kids

Have fun learning about animals with these cool games. Enjoy a range of interactive activities that will help you understand more about the incredible world of animals.

Animals and plants game

Animals and Plants

Locate animals and plants in a variety of environments. Learn about different habitats and why they suit the characteristics of the animals that live in them.

Food chains game

Food Chains

Discover where various plants and animals fit into the food chains that exist in oceans, forests, swamp and other habitats.

Bones and growth game

Bones and Growth

Sort and label bones and skeletons while learning about movement and growth with this fun, interactive game for kids.

Plant and animal differences game

Plant and Animal Differences

Learn about mammals, insects, birds and plants as you sort them into different categories with this challenging animal activity.

Teeth and eating game

Teeth and Eating

Animals feature a wide variety of teeth shapes and sizes that relate to the type of food they eat. Investigate the teeth of herbivores, omnivores and carnivores.

Animal videos for kids

Take a look at these great animal videos. Watch giant octopus in action, dolphins doing remarkable tricks, learn about some of the fastest animals in the world, find out what makes bees special, how puffer fish defend themselves and much more.

Giant octopus video

Giant Octopus

Enjoy an undersea octopus encounter with this great video.

Shark attack video

Shark Attack

Watch in amazement as a giant shark leaps high out of the water for a snack.

Funny animals video

Funny Animals

Enjoy some hilarious footage of cute animals doing crazy things.

Dolphin bubbles video

Dolphin Bubbles

Check out this incredible clip of a dolphin creating bubble rings under water.

Animal science fair projects for kids

Get some great ideas for animal science fair projects. Follow our example, try one of our suggested topics or start from scratch with one of your own ideas.

Make a fossil project

Make a Fossil

Fossils offer excellent clues into animals of the past such as dinosaurs. Make your own fossil with this cool project.

Animal science fair project ideas

Animal Science Fair Project Ideas

Check out our full list of animal based science fair project ideas. Pick a topic and have fun researching the characteristics and behavior of different animals such as spiders, fish, cats and dogs.

Free animal images, pictures and photos for kids

Check out our cool range of free animal pictures, photos and images. Find pictures of wild bears, farm animals, ferocious big cats, cute cubs, tiny insects, endangered species and more.

Bee in flight
Black cat
Great white shark
White tiger
Animal facts for kids

Check out these fun animal facts for kids and learn more about elephants, frogs, lions, whales, dolphins, cheetahs, wolves, giraffes, leopards and more.

Leopard facts

Leopard Facts

Known for their spotted fur, leopards have a tail that is nearly as long as the rest of their body. Enjoy all our interesting leopard facts.

Whale facts

Whale Facts

Take a look at our whale facts and learn more about the habitat, migration and physical features of these magnificent animals.

Giraffe facts

Giraffe Facts

As well as being the tallest animals on Earth, giraffes offer a range of other interesting trivia related to their neck, spots and weight.

Frog facts

Frog Facts

Learn some cool facts about frogs. Did you know that frogs soak water through their skin rather than drinking it?

Dog facts

Dog Facts

From their average life span to their sense of smell, history and breeds, check out these great dog facts.

Elephant facts

Elephant Facts

The largest land based mammal in the world is definitely deserving of a list of interesting facts and information.

Animal quizzes for kids

Challenge your knowledge of animals by trying one of our fun animal quizzes.

How much do you know about insects, birds, baby animals, animal diets, their habitats and behavior?

Animal quiz

Animal Quiz

Answer a range of general questions about animals with this quiz.

Dog quiz

Dog Quiz

How much do you know about man's best friend?

Animal word scramble

Animal Word Scramble

Can you unscramble all the animal related words?

Bird word scramble

Bird Word Scramble

Are you a bird expert? Find out by trying this fun word scramble.

Insect word scramble

Insect Word Scramble

See if you can unscramble all 20 of our insect related words.

Animal lesson plans and worksheets

Enjoy a range of animal lesson plans, teaching resources, classroom ideas and fun worksheets. Find activities and information on topics such as dinosaurs, snails, farm animals, worms and more.

Spider lesson plan


Learn about spiders and get creative by making a spider web collage with some easy to find household items.

Make a farm lesson plan

Make a Farm

Perfect for younger children, this lesson plan encourages students to create farms featuring animals, fences, barns and other farm structures.

Dinosaur lesson plan


Teach students about dinosaurs and get a range of ideas for fun, dinosaur related games and activities.

Camouflage lesson plan


Help students understand the concept of camouflage and how animals use it to blend in to their environment.

Animal word search

Animal Word Search

How quickly can you find words related to animals? Find out with this printable animal word search for kids.

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