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Light science for kids

Learn about lightTurn on the lights and discover the science subject of light for kids with our cool range of experiments, free games, science fair projects, fun facts, interesting quizzes, videos and more!

Learn about rainbows, camouflage, color, stars, eyes and all kinds of interesting light topics. As well as activities for children, there are also lesson plans and worksheets for teachers, ideas for parents and a whole host of online teaching resources for anyone interested in the science subjects of light and vision.

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Science for Kids
Light and shadow games for kids

Have fun learning about science with these cool light games. Enjoy a range of interactive activities that will help you understand light sources, reflections, shadows, and how humans see.

Light and shadows game

Light & Shadows

Try this fun science game for kids and enjoy experimenting with light while learning about shadows and the sun.

How humans see game

How We See

Learn about how we see and enjoy the challenge of illuminating a range of different objects using light and mirrors.

Light sources and reflections game

Light Sources & Reflections

Understand the difference between a light source and a reflection with this cool science game for kids.

Light and vision experiments for kids

Enjoy our fun light experiments. Make a rainbow and experiment with light, color and heat.

Light, color and heat experiment

Light, Color & Heat

Do some colors absorb more light than others? Experiment and find out.

Rainbow experiment

Make a Rainbow

Separate sunlight into different colors and make a rainbow using refraction.

Light bending experiment

Bending Light

Does light bend? Use water to see if you can bend light like magic.

Light science videos for kids

Take a look at these cool science videos related to the topic of light. Learn what scientists know about the sun, see how light bulbs are made and watch a spectacular lightning strike.

Light bulb video

Light Bulbs

How are light bulbs made and how do they work? Find out with this interesting science video.

The sun video

The Sun

Learn how our view of the sun has changed over time thanks to new theories and inventions such as telescopes and satellites.

Lightning strike video

Lightning Strike

Enjoy the epic noise, bright light and incredible intensity of a lightning strike with this science video.

Free light images, pictures, diagrams and photos for kids

Check out our cool range of light related pictures, photos and diagrams.

Find interesting images of optical illusions, the sun, aurora borealis, the visible spectrum, electricity, the human eye, colors and more.

aurora borealis (northern lights)
The sun
Electrical spark
Human eye
Optical illusion
Light and vision facts for kids

Check out these fun light facts for kids and learn more about sunlight, human eyes, the speed of light, optics, ultraviolet light and infrared light.

Light facts

Light Facts

Enjoy a range of fun light facts and trivia related to sunlight, rainbows, wavelengths, electromagnetic radiation and more.

Human eye facts

Eye Facts

These fun eye facts for kids help explain the processes that allow us to see the world around us.

The closest stars to Earth

Closest Stars

Have you ever looked up at the night sky and wondered which stars are the closest to Earth? Our top ten list helps answer that question for you.

Light quizzes for kids

Take the challenge of our quizzes related to light science. How much do you know about light properties, processes and uses?

Physics quiz

Physics Quiz

The process of light bending as it enters a new medium is known as what?

Electricity quiz

Electricity Quiz

Do you understand electric currents, light bulbs and batteries?

Physics word scramble

Physics Word Scramble

Can you unscramble all the words related to light and physics?

Light and vision lesson plans and worksheets

Enjoy our fun lesson plans which include activities related to camouflage and physics. Make use of all our free teaching resources, classroom ideas and fun worksheets while finding activities and information on topics such as light and vision.

Camouflage lesson plan


Enjoy a fun activity while learning how animals use camouflage to blend in or stand out from their environment.

Physics word search

Physics Word Search

How quickly can you find words related to light and physics? Find out with this printable physics word search for kids.

Earth science fair projects for kids

Make a kaleidoscope and get some great ideas for a range of fun light and physics science fair projects. Check out our suggested topics and find one you like.

Make a kaleidoscope project

Make a Kaleidoscope

Make a kaleidoscope and learn how they form beautiful colors and patterns.

Light and physics science fair project ideas

Physics Science Fair Project Ideas

Check out our full list of physics based science fair project ideas.

Fun Science and Technology for Kids

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