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Sports science for kids

Learn about sports scienceEnjoy sports science for kids with our awesome range of free games, fun experiments, science fair projects, interesting quizzes, amazing facts, cool videos and more!

Learn about forces in action, pitching physics, flight basics and all kinds of interesting sports science topics. As well as activities for children, there are lesson plans and worksheets for teachers, ideas for parents and free teaching resources for anyone interested in learning about sports science online.

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Science for Kids
Sports science experiments for kids

Enjoy our fun sports science experiments for kids. Design a range of parachute designs and test their performance, learn about kinetic energy, and enjoy a series of fun challenges to find the dominant side of your body.

Bouncing balls experiment

Bouncing Balls

Learn how energy is transferred from a large ball to a smaller one with this kinetic energy experiment for kids.

Dominant side experiment

Dominant Side

Which is your dominant side? Understand how your body and brain work together with this fun experiment.

Make a parachute experiment

Make a Parachute

Design and create parachutes from simple materials while learning about air resistance with this cool experiment.

Sprts science videos for kids

Take a look at these great sports science videos. Learn the physics of baseball pitching, how to throw a perfect spiral, the importance of reaction time and much more.

The physics of baseball pitching video

Pitching Physics

Understand how the laws of physics relate to baseball pitching.

Rugby scrum video

Rugby Scrum

How does a rugby scrum work and what are the dangers involved?

How to throw the perfect American football spiral video

The Perfect Spiral

Learn how NFL quarterback Drew Brees throws so accurately.

Sports science games for kids

Have fun learning about sports science with these cool games. Enjoy interactive activities that will help you understand more about forces in action, exercise and keeping healthy.

Exercise and keeping healthy game

Keeping Healthy

Learn how exercises such as walking and running affect your heart rate with this interactive game for kids.

Forces in action game

Forces in Action

Experiment with motion, weights, gradients and resistance while learning how forces affect the movement of different objects.

Free sports images, pictures, diagrams and photos for kids

Check out our cool range of free sports pictures, photos and diagrams. Find interesting images of athletes in action, sports physics, equipment, field dimensions and more.

Stopwatch fitness test
American football kick
Sailing boats
Tennis physics
Sports science facts for kids

Check out these fun sports science facts for kids and learn more about sports physics, injuries, exercise, equipment and records.

Sports science facts

Sports Science Facts

Enjoy a wide range of amazing facts and trivia related to the science of sports such as baseball, tennis and basketball.

Fastest man in the world

Fastest Man in the World

Who are the fastest male and female 100m sprinters in history? How fast did they run? Find out with our top ten list.

Human body facts

Human Body Facts

Trainers need to understand the human body in order to develop new training methods and diets aimed at boosting the performance of athletes.

Sport science quizzes for kids

Challenge your knowledge of sports science by trying one of our fun quizzes. How much do you know about golf, swimming, basketball, the Olympics and sports injuries? Answer as many of the questions as you can and find out.

Sports science quiz

Sports Science Quiz

Enjoy tackling a range of challenging questions with our fun sports science quiz for kids.

Sports word scramble

Sports Word Scramble

How good is your sports vocabulary? Can you unscramble all the sports related words?

Sports science lesson plans and worksheets

Enjoy free teaching resources, classroom ideas, lesson plans and fun worksheets such as our sports word search and introduction to the topic of flight. Find activities and information

Introduction to flight lesson plan

Introduction to Flight

Use our introduction to flight lesson plan to help teach kids about lift, drag, thrust, gravity and other important flight related principles.

Sports word search

Sports Word Search

How quickly can you find words related to sports? Find out with this printable sports word search for kids.

Sports science fair projects for kids

Get some great ideas for a range of fun sports science fair projects. Check out our suggestions which include interesting sports topics and questions that you might like to investigate.

Sports Science Fair Project Ideas

Sports Science Fair Project Ideas

Check out our full list of sports based science fair project ideas on topics such as bicycle gears, tennis surfaces, golf ball flight, string tension, the rotation of a basketball and much more.

Fun Science and Technology for Kids

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