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The term "Lord" is a central designation for God in the Bible, reflecting His sovereignty, authority, and divinity. It is used to translate several Hebrew and Greek words, each with its own nuance and significance.

Old Testament Usage

In the Old Testament, "Lord" is often used to translate the Hebrew word "YHWH" (Yahweh), the personal name of God revealed to Moses at the burning bush (Exodus 3:14-15). This name is considered sacred and is often rendered as "LORD" in capital letters in many English translations to distinguish it from "Adonai," another Hebrew word for "lord" or "master." The use of "LORD" underscores God's eternal existence and covenantal faithfulness to Israel. For example, in Deuteronomy 6:4 , it is written, "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is One."

"Adonai" is another significant term translated as "Lord," emphasizing God's role as master and ruler. It is used in contexts that highlight God's authority and the reverence due to Him. Psalm 8:1 declares, "O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth!"

New Testament Usage

In the New Testament, "Lord" translates the Greek word "Kyrios," which is used to refer to both God the Father and Jesus Christ. This term conveys authority, ownership, and divinity. The early Christians' confession of Jesus as "Lord" was a profound declaration of His divine nature and messianic role. Philippians 2:11 states, "and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

The title "Lord" for Jesus is foundational to Christian belief, affirming His resurrection and exaltation. Romans 10:9 emphasizes the importance of this confession: "If you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."

Theological Significance

The use of "Lord" in Scripture underscores God's supreme authority and the rightful response of worship and obedience from His creation. It reflects His role as Creator, Sustainer, and Redeemer. The acknowledgment of God as Lord is a central aspect of faith, calling believers to live under His lordship and align their lives with His will.

In the context of Jesus Christ, the title "Lord" affirms His divinity and His role in the Godhead. It is a recognition of His authority over all creation and His redemptive work on behalf of humanity. The lordship of Christ is a key tenet of Christian doctrine, emphasizing His victory over sin and death and His ongoing reign.

Cultural and Historical Context

In the ancient Near Eastern context, the term "lord" was commonly used to denote authority figures, such as kings or masters. The biblical use of "Lord" for God and Jesus Christ elevates this concept to its highest meaning, denoting ultimate authority and divine sovereignty. The confession of Jesus as Lord was countercultural in the Roman Empire, where Caesar was often hailed as lord, highlighting the early Christians' allegiance to Christ above all earthly powers.


The title "Lord" is rich with theological and spiritual significance, encapsulating the essence of God's relationship with His people and His sovereign rule over the universe. It calls believers to a life of worship, obedience, and devotion, recognizing the Lordship of God and Jesus Christ in all aspects of life.
Smith's Bible Dictionary


ATS Bible Dictionary

This name belongs to God by preeminence; and in this sense ought never to be given to any creature. Jesus Christ, as the Messiah, the Son of God, and equal with the Father, is often called Lord in Scripture, especially in the writing of Paul. The word LORD, in the English Bible, when printed in small capitals, stands always for JEHOVAH in the Hebrew. See JEHOVAH.

Easton's Bible Dictionary
There are various Hebrew and Greek words so rendered.

(1.) Hebrews Jehovah, has been rendered in the English Bible LORD, printed in small capitals. This is the proper name of the God of the Hebrews. The form "Jehovah" is retained only in Exodus 6:3; Psalm 83:18; Isaiah 12:2; 26:4, both in the Authorized and the Revised Version.

(2.) Hebrews `adon, means one possessed of absolute control. It denotes a master, as of slaves (Genesis 24:14, 27), or a ruler of his subjects (45:8), or a husband, as lord of his wife (18:12).

The old plural form of this Hebrew word is 'adonai. From a superstitious reverence for the name "Jehovah," the Jews, in reading their Scriptures, whenever that name occurred, always pronounced it 'Adonai.

(3.) Greek kurios, a supreme master, etc. In the LXX. this is invariably used for "Jehovah" and "`Adonai."

(4.) Hebrews ba'al, a master, as having domination. This word is applied to human relations, as that of husband, to persons skilled in some art or profession, and to heathen deities. "The men of Shechem," literally "the baals of Shechem" (Judges 9:2, 3). These were the Israelite inhabitants who had reduced the Canaanites to a condition of vassalage (Joshua 16:10; 17:13).

(5.) Hebrews seren, applied exclusively to the "lords of the Philistines" (Judges 3:3). The LXX. render it by satrapies. At this period the Philistines were not, as at a later period (1 Samuel 21:10), under a kingly government. (See Joshua 13:3; 1 Samuel 6:18.) There were five such lordships, viz., Gath, Ashdod, Gaza, Ashkelon, and Ekron.

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
1. (n.) A hump-backed person; -- so called sportively.

2. (n.) One who has power and authority; a master; a ruler; a governor; a prince; a proprietor, as of a manor.

3. (n.) A titled nobleman., whether a peer of the realm or not; a bishop, as a member of the House of Lords; by courtesy; the son of a duke or marquis, or the eldest son of an earl; in a restricted sense, a boron, as opposed to noblemen of higher rank.

4. (n.) A title bestowed on the persons above named; and also, for honor, on certain official persons; as, lord advocate, lord chamberlain, lord chancellor, lord chief justice, etc.

5. (n.) A husband.

6. (n.) One of whom a fee or estate is held; the male owner of feudal land; as, the lord of the soil; the lord of the manor.

7. (n.) The Supreme Being; Jehovah.

8. (n.) The Savior; Jesus Christ.

9. (v. t.) To invest with the dignity, power, and privileges of a lord.

10. (v. t.) To rule or preside over as a lord.

11. (v. i.) To play the lord; to domineer; to rule with arbitrary or despotic sway; -- sometimes with over; and sometimes with it in the manner of a transitive verb.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

In Matthew 12:46; Mark 3:31; Luke 8:19, while Jesus was in the midst of an earnest argument with scribes and Pharisees, His mother and brothers sent a message evidently intended to end the discussion. In order to indicate that no ties of the flesh should interfere with the discharge of the duties of His Messianic office, He stretched His hands toward His disciples, and said: "Whosoever shall do the will of my Father who is in heaven, he is my brother, and sister, and mother." In Matthew 13:54; Mark 6:2, while He was teaching in His own town, Nazareth, His neighbors, who, since they had watched His natural growth among them, could not comprehend the extraordinary claims that He was making, declare in an interrogative form, that they know all about the entire family, mother, brothers and sisters. They name the brothers. Bengel suggests that there is a tone of contempt in the omission of the names of the sisters, as though not worth mentioning. In John 2:12, they are said to have accompanied Jesus and His mother and disciples from the wedding at Cana. In John 7:3, they are described as unbelieving, and ridiculing His claims with bitter sarcasm. This attitude of hostility has disappeared, when, at Jerusalem, after the resurrection and ascension (Acts 1:14), in the company of Mary and the Eleven, and the faithful group of women, they "continued steadfastly in prayer," awaiting the promise of the gift of the Holy Spirit. Their subsequent participation in the missionary activity of the apostolic church appea rs in 1 Corinthians 9:5: "Have we no right to lead about a wife that is a believer, even as the rest of the apostles, and the brethren of the Lord, and Cephas?" In Galatians 1:19, James, bishop of the church at Jerusalem, is designated "the Lord's brother," thus harmonizing with Matthew 13:55, where their names are recorded as James, Joseph, Simon and Judas. When, then, "Jude,. brother of James" is mentioned (Jude 1:1), the immediate inference is that Jude is another brother of the Lord. In reading these passages, the natural inference is that these "brethren" were the sons of Joseph and Mary, born after Jesus, living with Mary and her daughters, in the home at Nazareth, accompanying the mother on her journeys, and called the "brethren" of the Lord in a sense similar to that in which Joseph was called His father. They were brethren because of their common relationship to Mary. This impression is strengthened by the fact that Jesus is called her prototokos, "first-born son" (Luke 2:7), as well as by the very decided implication of Matthew 1:25. Even though each particular, taken separately, might, with some difficulty, be explained otherwise, the force of the argument is cumulative. There are too many items to be explained away, in order to establish any other inference. This view is not the most ancient. It has been traced to Tertullian, and has been more fully developed by Belvidius, an obscure writer of the 4th century

Two other views have been advocated with much learning and earnestness. The earlier, which seems to have been prevalent in the first three centuries and is supported by Origen, Eusebius, Gregory of Nyssa and Ambrose, Epiphanius being its chief advocate, regards these "brethren" as the children of Joseph by a former marriage, and Mary as his second wife. Joseph disappears from sight when Jesus is twelve years old. We know nothing of him after the narrative of the child Jesus in the temple. That there is no allusion to him in the account of the family in Mark 6:3 indicates that Mary had been a widow long before she stood by the Cross without the support of any member of her immediate family. In the Apocryphal Gospels, the attempt is made to supply what the canonical Gospels omit. They report that Joseph was over eighty years of age at his second marriage, and the names of both sons and daughters by his first marriage are given. As Lightfoot (commentary on Galatians) has remarked, "they are pure fabrications." Theophylact even advanced theory that they were the children of Joseph by a levirate marriage, with the widow of his brother, Clopas. Others regard them as the nephews of Joseph whom, after the death of his brother Clopas, he had taken into his own home, and who thus became members of his family, and were accounted as though they were the children of Joseph and Mary. According to this view, Mary excepted, the whole family at Nazareth were no blood relatives of Jesus. It is a Docetic conception in the interest of the dogma of the perpetual virginity of Mary. All its details, even that of the advanced age and decrepitude of Joseph, start from that premise. Another view, first propounded by Jerome when a very young man, in antagonizing Belvidius, but afterward qualified by its author, was followed by Augustine, the Roman Catholic writers generally, and carried over into Protestantism at the Reformation, and accepted, even though not urged, by Luther, Chemnitz, Bengel, etc., understands the word "brother" in the general sense of "kinsman," and interprets it here as equivalent to "cousin." According to this, these brethren were actually blood-relatives of Jesus, and not of Joseph. They were the children of Alpheus, otherwise known as Clopas (John 19:25), and the sister of Mary. This Mary, in Matthew 27:56, is described as "the mother of James and Joses," and in Mark 15:40, "the mother of James the less and of Joses, and Salome." This theory as completely developed points to the three names, James, Judas and Simon found both in the list of the apostles and of the "brethren," and argues that it would be a remarkable coincidence if they referred to different persons, and the two sisters, both named Mary, had found the very same names for their sons. The advocates of this theory argue also that the expression "James the less" shows that there were only two persons of the name James in the circle of those who were most closely connected with Jesus. They say, further, that, after the death of Joseph, Mary became an inmate of the home of her sister, and the families being combined, the presence and attendance of her nephews and nieces upon her can be explained without much difficulty, and the words of the people at Nazareth be understood. But this complicated theory labors under many difficulties. The identity of Clopas and Alpheus cannot be established, resting, as it does, upon obscure philological resemblances of the Aramaic form of the two names (see ALPHAEUS). The most that such argument affords is a mere possibility. Nor is the identity of "Mary the wife of Clopas" with the sister of Mary, the mother of Jesus, established beyond a doubt. John 19:25, upon which it rests, can with equal correctness be interpreted as teaching that four women stood by the cross, of whom "Mary of Clopas" was one, and His mother's sister was another. The decision depends upon the question as to whether "Mary" be in apposition to "sister." If the verse be read so as to present two pairs, it would not be a construction without precedent in the New Testament, and would avoid the difficulty of finding two sisters with the same name-a difficulty greater yet than that of three cousins with the same name. Nor is the identity of "James the less" with the son of Alpheus beyond a doubt. Any argument concerning the comparative "less," as above explained, fails when it is found that in the Greek there is no comparative, but only "James the little," the implication being probably that of his stature as considerably below the average, so as to occasion remark. Nor is the difficulty less when it is proposed to identify three of these brethren of Jesus with apostles of the same name. For the "brethren" and the apostles are repeatedly distinguished. In Matthew 12:49, while the former stood without, the latter are gathered around Jesus. In John 2:12, we read: "his mother, and his brethren, and his disciples." In Acts 1:13 the Eleven, including James the son of Alpheus, and Simon, and Judas of James, and then it is said that they were accompanied by "his brethren." But the crowning difficulty of this hypothesis of Jerome is the record of the unbelief of the brethren and of their derision of His claims in John 7:3-5.

On the other hand, the arguments against regarding them as sons of Mary and Joseph are not formidable. When it is urged that their attempts to interfere with Jesus indicate a superiority which, according to Jewish custom, is inconsistent with the position of younger brothers, it may be answered that those who pursue an unjustifiable course are not models of consistency. When an argument is sought from the fact that Jesus on the cross commended His mother to John, the implication is immediate that she had no sons of her own to whom to turn in her grief and desolation; the answer need not be restricted to the consideration that unknown domestic circumstances may explain the omission of her sons. A more patent explanation is that as they did not understand their brother, they could not understand their mother, whose whole life and interests were bound up in her firstborn. But, on the other hand, no one of the disciples understood Jesus and appreciated His work and treasured up His words as did John. A bond of fellowship had thus been established between John and Mary that was closer than her nearer blood relationship with her own sons, who, up to this time, had regarded the course of Jesus with disapproval, and had no sympathy with His mission. In the home of John she would find consolation for her loss, as the memories of the wonderful life of her son would be recalled, and she would converse with him who had rested on the bosom of Jesus and whom Jesus loved. Even with the conversion of these brethren within a few days into faithful confessors, before the view of Jesus, provision was made for her deeper spiritual communion with her risen and ascended Son through the testimony of Jesus which John treasured in his deeply contemplative spirit. There was much that was alike in the characters of Mary and John. This may have had its ground in relationship, as many regard Salome his mother, the sister of the mother of Jesus mentioned in John 19:25.

Underneath both the stepbrother (Epiphanian) and the cousin (Hieronymian) theories, which coincide in denying that Mary was the actual mother of these brethren, lies the idea of the perpetual virginity of Mary. This theory which has as its watchword the stereotyped expression in liturgy and hymn, "Maria semper Virgo," although without any support from Holy Scripture, pervades theology and the worship of the ancient and the medieval churches. From the Greek and Roman churches it has passed into Protestantism in a modified form. Its plea is that it is repugnant to Christian feeling to think of the womb of Mary, in which the Word, made flesh, had dwelt in a peculiar way, as the habitation of other babes. In this idea there lies the further thought, most prominent in medieval theology, of a sinfulness of the act in itself whereby new human lives come into existence, and of the inclination implanted from the creation, upon which all family ties depend. 1 Timothy 4:3, 4 Hebrews 13:4 are sufficient answer. The taint of sin lies not in marriage, and the use of that which is included in its institution, and which God has blessed (compare Acts 10:15), but in its perversion and abuse. It is by an inconsistency that Protestants have conceded this much to theory of Rome, that celibacy is a holier estate than matrimony, and that virginity in marriage is better than marriage itself. The theory also is connected with the removal of Mary from the sphere of ordinary life and duties as too commonplace for one who is to be surrounded with the halo of a demi-god, and to be idealized in order to be worshipped. The interpretation that they are the Lord's real brethren ennobles and glorifies family life in all its relations and duties, and sanctifies motherhood with all its cares and trials as holier than a selfish isolation from the world, in order to evade the annoyances and humiliations inseparable from fidelity to our callings. Not only Mary, but Jesus with her, knew what it was to grieve over a house divided concerning religion (Matthew 10:35). But that this unbelief and indifference gave way before the clearer light of the resurrection of Jesus is shown by the presence of these brethren in the company of the disciples in Jerusalem (Acts 1:14). The reference to His post-resurrection appearance to James (1 Corinthians 15:7) is probably connected with this change in their attitude. 1 Corinthians 9:5 shows that at least two of these brothers were active as missionaries, undoubtedly within the Holy Land, and to Jews, according to the agreeme nt into which James entered in Galatians 2, and his well-known attitude on questions pertaining to the Gentiles. Zahn regards James as an ascetic and celibate not included in 1 Corinthians 9:5, which is limited then to Jude and Simon. Their marriage indicates "the absence in the Holy Family of that pseudo-asceticism which has so much confused the tradition concerning them" (Alford).

See also JAMES; JUDE.

For fuller discussions, see the extensive arguments of Eadie and Lightfoot, in their commentaries on Galatians, the former in favor of the Helvidian, and the latter, with his exhaustive scholarship, of the Epiphanian views; also, on the side of the former, Mayor, The Epistle of James; Alford, Greek Test.; Farrar, Early Days of Christianity; Zahn, Introduction to the New Testament.

H. E. Jacobs


On the other hand the New Testament idea is pervaded with the elements of hope and joy and victory. In the New Testament it is eminently the day of Christ, the day of His coming in the glory of His father. The very conception of Him as the "Son of Man" points to this day (E. Kuehl, Das Selbstbewusstsein Jesu, 68). John 5:27: "And he gave him authority to execute judgment, because he is a son of man" (compare Matthew 24:27, 30 Luke 12:8). It is true in the New Testament there is a dark background to the bright picture, for it still remains a "day of wrath". (Romans 2:5, 6), a "great day" (Revelation 6:17 Jude 1:6), a "day of God" (2 Peter 3:12), a "day of judgment" (Matthew 10:15 2 Peter 3:7 Romans 2:16).

Sometimes it is called "that day" (Matthew 7:22 1 Thessalonians 5:4 2 Timothy 4:8), and again it is called "the day" without any qualification whatever, as if it were the only day worth counting in all the history of the world and of the race (1 Corinthians 3:13). To the unbeliever, the New Testament depicts it as a day of terror; to the believer, as a day of joy. For on that day Christ will raise the dead, especially His own dead, the bodies of those that believed in Him-"that of all that which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last day" (John 6:39). In that day He comes to His own (Matthew 16:27), and therefore it is called "the day of our Lord Jesus" (2 Corinthians 1:14),"the day of Jesus Christ" or "of Christ" (Philippians 1:6, 10), the day when there "shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven" (Matthew 24:30). All Paulinic literature is especially suffused with this longing for the "parousia," the day of Christ's glorious manifestation. The entire conception of that day centers therefore in Christ and points to the everlasting establishment of the kingdom of heaven, from which sin will be forever eliminated, and in which the antithesis between Nature and grace will be changed into an everlasting synthesis. See also ESCHATOLOGY (OF THE OLD TESTAMENT AND NEW TESTAMENT).

Henry E. Dosker


(en Kurio): A favorite Pauline expression, denoting that intimate union and fellowship of the Christian with the Lord Jesus Christ which supplies the basis of all Christian relations and conduct, and the distinctive element in which the Christian life has its specific character. Compare the synonymous Pauline phrases, "in Christ," "in Christ Jesus," and the Johannine expressions, "being in Christ," "abiding in Christ." "In the Lord" denotes: (1) the motive, quality, or character of a Christian duty or virtue, as based on union with Christ, e.g. "Free to be married to whom she will; only in the Lord" (1 Corinthians 7:39), i.e. provided the marriage be consistent with the Christian life. Compare 1 Corinthians 15:58 Philippians 3:1; Philippians 4:1, 2, 4, 10 Ephesians 6:1, 10 Colossians 3:18, etc.; (2) the ground of Christian unity, fellowship, and brotherly salutation, e.g. Romans 16:2, 8, 22 1 Corinthians 16:19; Colossians 4:7; (3) it is often practically synonymous with "Christian" (noun or adjective), "as Christians" or "as a Christian," e.g. "Salute them of the household of Narcissus, that are in the Lord," i.e. that are Christians (Romans 16:11); "I. the prisoner in the Lord," i.e. the Christian prisoner (Ephesians 4:1); compare Romans 16:13 1 Corinthians 9:1, 2; Ephesians 6:21 ("faithful minister in the Lord" = faithful Christian minister); Colossians 4:17 (see Grimm-Thayer, Lex. of New Testament, en, I, 6).

D. Miall Edwards


A name or title of God frequently used in the Old Testament, always translated "Yahweh of Hosts" (Yahweh tsebha'oth) in the American Standard Revised Version, since Yahweh, never 'Adhonay, is used in this phrase. Evidently the meaning of the title is that all created agencies and forces are under the leadership or dominion of Yahweh, who made and maintains them (Genesis 2:1 Isaiah 45:12). It is used to express Yahweh's great power.



The Aramaic designation, Mare', occurs only in Daniel (e.g. 2:47; 5:23), and the same word refers to a man (4:24).

Of the Greek words, Kurios is freely used of both the Deity and men. Despotes, of men in classic usage, occurs only of God, including the ascended Jesus, and is employed only 5 times. Megistanes (plural) is found once, of men (Mark 6:21). Rabboni (Hebrew in Greek letters) is applied only to the Christ, and is simply transliterated in the Revised Version (British and American), but rendered "Lord" in the King James Version (compare Mark 10:51).

Our English versions distinguish the 3 main uses of the term thus:

(1) "LORD" represents the Hebrew Yahweh, Septuagint Kurios, except where 'Adhonay or 'Adhon is combined with Yahweh (= "Lord God"); the American Standard Revised Version has in these examples employed the name as it is found in the Hebrew, simply transliterated.

(2) "Lord" corresponds to 'Adhonay, 'Adhon, Mare', also Greek Kurios (see (1)), and Despotes, for which the American Standard Revised Version has always "Master" in either the text or the margin.

(3) "Lord" ("lord") translates all the remaining 8 Hebrew words and the Greek words except Despotes. It is thus seen that Kurios corresponds to all three forms of writing the English term.


William Owen Carver


" 1. Historical Situation

2. The Authorship of Isaiah, Chapters 40-66

3. The Prophet of the Exile

4. The Unity of Isaiah 40-66

5. Principal Ideas of Isaiah 40-66

6. The Servant-Passages

(1) Date of the Servant-Passages

(2) Discussion of the Passages

(3) Whom Did the Prophet Mean by the Servant?

(4) The Psychology of the Prophecy

7. Place of the Servant-Passages in Old Testament Prophecy

8. Large Messianic Significance of the Servant-Passages

1. Historical Situation:

A century and a half had passed since the great days of Isaiah in Jerusalem. The world had vastly changed during those long decades when politicians had planned, armies surged back and forth, and tribes and nations had lost or won in the struggle for existence, place and power. The center of the world had changed-for Assyria had gone to its long home, and the city claiming preeminence was not Nineveh but Babylon.

Nowhere perhaps had time laid a heavier hand than on the city of Jerusalem and the country of Judah. For city and land had come to desolation, and the inhabitants of the country had become familiar with the strange sights and sounds of Babylonia, whither they had been carried by their conquerors. Many had found graves in the land of the exile, and new generations had arisen who had no memory of the hill country of their fathers. It is the situation of these captive Jews in Babylonia which is reflected and they who are addressed at the waning of the long night of captivity by the stirring message recorded in Isaiah 40-66 (leaving out of account here disputed passages in Isaiah 40-66).

2. The Authorship of Isaiah, Chapters 40-66:

The more one studies the problem of the authorship of these chapters, the more unlikely does it seem that their author penned them 150 years before the time with which they are vitally connected. It is obviously impossible to treat that problem in a detailed way here, but one may sum up the arguments by saying that in theological ideas, in style, and use of words they show such differences from the assured productions of Isaiah's pen as to point to a different authorship. And the great argument, the argument which carries the most weight to the author of this article, is that these late chapters are written from the standpoint of the exile. The exile is assumed in what is said. These chapters do not prophesy the exile, do not say it is to come; they all the time speak as though it had come. The message is not that an exile is to be, but beginning with the fact that the exile already is, it foretells deliverance. Now of course it is conceivable that God might inspire a man to put himself forward 150 years, and with a message to people who were to live then, assuming their circumstances as a background of what he said, but it is improbable to the last degree. To put it in plain, almost gruff, English, it is not the way God did things. The prophet's message was always primarily a message to his own age. Then there is no claim in the chapters themselves that Isaiah was their author. And having once been placed so that it was supposed they were by Isaiah-placed so through causes we do not know-the fact that in speaking of passages from these chapters New Testament authors referred to them by a name the people would recognize, is not a valid argument that they meant to teach anything as to their authorship. The problem had not arisen in New Testament times. Isaiah 40-66, as Professor Davidson has suggested, has a parallel in the Book of Job, each the production of a great mind, each from an author we do not know.

Compare ISAIAH.

3. The Prophet of the Exile:

Out of the deep gloom of the exile-when the Jew was a man without a country, when it seemed as if the nation's sins had murdered hope-out of this time comes the voice most full of gladness and abounding hope of all the voices from the Old Testament life. In the midst of the proud, confident civilization of Babylonia, with its teeming wealth and exhaustless splendor, came a man who dared to speak for Yahweh-a man of such power to see reality that to him Babylonia was already doomed, and he could summon the people to prepare for God's deliverance.

4. The Unity of Isaiah 40-66:

In recent criticism, especially in Germany, there has been a strong tendency to assign the last chapters of this section to a different author from the first. The background it is claimed is not Babylonian; the sins rebuked are the sins of the people when at home in Judea, and in at least one passage the temple at Jerusalem seems to be standing. That these chapters present difficulties need not be disputed, but it seems to me that again and again in them one can find the hand of Second Isaiah. Then undoubtedly the author quotes from previous prophecies which we can recognize, and the suggestion that some of the difficult passages may be quotations from other older prophecies which are not preserved to us, I think an exceedingly good one. The quotation of such passages in view of the prospect of return, and the prophet's feeling of the need of the people, would seem to me not at all unnatural. If a later hand is responsible for some utterances in the latter part of the section, it seems to me fairly clear that most of it is from the hand of the great unknown prophet of the exile.

The questions regarding the Servant-passages as affecting the unity of the book will be treated later.

5. Principal Ideas of Isaiah 40-66:

The first part of this section vividly contrasts Yahweh and the idols worshipped with such splendor and ceremony. All the resources of irony and satire are used to give point and effect to the contrast. Cyrus the Median conqueror is already on the horizon, and he is declared to be God's instrument in the deliverance. The idols are described in process of manufacture; they are addressed in scornful apostrophe, they are seen carried away helpless. On the other side Yahweh, with illimitable foresight and indomitable strength, knows and reveals the future. They know and reveal nothing. He brings to pass what He has planned. They do nothing. Not only the idols but Babylonia itself is made the victim of satire-and the prophet hurls a taunt song at the proud but impotent city.

Israel-the people of Yahweh-the elect of God-is given the prophet's message. The past is called up as a witness to Yahweh's dealings. His righteousness-His faithfulness to His people-shall not fail. They are unworthy, but out of His own bounty salvation is provided. And with joy of this salvation from exile and from sin the book rings and rings. The Zion of the restored Israel is pictured with all the play of color and richness of imagery at the prophet's command. And this restored Israel is to have a world-mission. Its light is to fall upon all lands. It is to minister salvation to all races of men.

But back of and under these pictures of great hope is the prophet's sense of his people's sin and their struggle with it. In the latter part of the book, especially Isaiah 59 and 64 this comes out clearly. And the mood of these chapters expresses the feeling out of which some of the deep things of the Servant-passages came. There is no need to insist that the chapters as they stand are in the order in which they were written. We know from other prophecies that this was not always true. But even if a man were convinced that the chapters now occurring after the Servant-passages were all written after them, he could still hold, and I think would be justified in holding, that in places in those chapters the reader finds the record of a state of the prophet's mind before the writing of those passages. The former view would be, I think, the preferable one. At any rate the point of view is logically that out of which some of the deep things in the Servant-passages came.

In profoundness of meaning the climax of the book is reached in these passages where the deliverance from exile and the deliverance from sin are connected with one great figure-the Servant of Yahweh.

6. The Servant-Passages:

The word "servant," as applied to servants of God, is not an unfamiliar one to readers of the Old Testament. It is applied to different individuals and by Jeremiah to the nation (compare Jeremiah 30:10; Jeremiah 46:27); but its message is on the whole so distinct and complete in Second Isaiah that we can study it without any further reference to previous usage.

The "servant" first appears in Isaiah 41:8. Here the reference is undoubtedly to Israel, chosen and called of God and to be upheld by Him. Here Israel is promised victory over its enemies. In vivid picture their destruction and Isracl's future trust and glory in God are portrayed.

There are several incidental references to Israel as Yahweh's servant: created by Yahweh and not to be forgotten (Isaiah 41:8); Cyrus is said to be called for the sake of His servant Jacob (Isaiah 45:4); Yahweh is said to have redeemed His servant Jacob (Isaiah 48:20).

In Isaiah 44:26 "servant" seems to be used with the meaning of prophet. It is said of Yahweh that He "confirmeth the word of his servant, and performeth the counsel of his messengers."

In Isaiah 42:19 we find the failure and inadequacy of Israel presented in the words, "Who is blind, but my servant? or deaf, as my messenger that I send?" This passage is an explanation of the exile. Israel proved unworthy and sinned, hence, its punishment, but even in the exile the lesson had not been taken to heart.

In Isaiah 43:8 ff; Yahweh summons Israel the servant, who in spite of blindness and deafness yet is His witness. It has at least seen enough to be able to witness for Him in the presence of the heathen.

In Isaiah 44:1-5, leaving the unworthiness of the actual Israel, there comes what seems to me a summons in the name of the possible, the ideal. The underlying thought is a call to the high future which God has ready to give.

This covers the reference to the servant outside the great Servant-passages to which we now come. There are four of these: Isaiah 42:1-9; Isaiah 49:1-9 a; 50:4-11; 52:13-53:12; 61:1-4 perhaps represents words of the Servant, but may refer to words of the prophet, and, as at any rate it adds no new features to the picture of the Servant already given in the passages undoubtedly referring to him, we will not discuss it.

(1) Date of the Servant-Passages.

Ewald long ago suggested that the last of the Servant-passages must have been borrowed from an earlier composition, which he assigned to the age of Manasseh. "If we find in the study of the passage reason for its vividness, we shall not need to seek its origin in the description of some past martyrdom."

Duhm quoted by Cheyne thinks the Servant-passages post-exilic. The gentleness and quiet activity of the Servant for one thing, according to Duhm, suggest the age of the scribes, rather than that of the exile. But might not an age of suffering be a time to learn the lesson of gentleness? According to Skinner, Duhm thinks the passages were inserted almost haphazard, but Skinner also refers to Kosters, showing that the passages cannot be lifted without carrying some of the succeeding verses with them. This is particularly significant in view of the recent popularity of other theories which deny the Servant-passages to the hand and time of Second Isaiah. The theory that these passages form by themselves a poem or a set of poems which have been inserted here can boast of distinguished names.

There does not seem much to commend it, however. As to the argument from difference as to rhythm, there is disagreement, and the data are probably not of a sort to warrant much significance being applied to it either way. The fact that the passages are not always a part of connected movement of thought would play great havoc if made a universal principle of discrimination as to authorship in the prophecies of the Old Testament. If we succeed in giving the fundamental ideas of the passages a place in relation to the thought of Deutero-Isaiah, an argument for which cogency might be claimed will be dissipated. But even at its best this argument would not be conclusive. To deny certain ideas to an author simply because he has not expressed them in a certain bit of writing acknowledged to him is perilous business. A message of hope surely does not preclude an appreciation of the dark things.

The truth of the matter is that even by great scholars the temptation to a criticism of knight-errantry is not always resisted. And I think we shall not make any mistake in believing that this is the case with the attempt to throw doubt upon the Deutero-Isaianic authorship of the Servant-passages.

(2) Discussion of the Passages.

Isaiah 42:1-9: In these verses Yahweh Himself is the speaker, describing the Servant as His chosen, in whom His soul delights, upon whom He has put His spirit. He is to bring justice to the Gentiles. His methods are to be quiet and gentle, and the very forlorn hope of goodness He will not quench. He is to set justice in the earth, and remote countries are described as waiting for His law. Then comes a declaration by the prophet that Yahweh, the Creator of all, is the speaker of words declaring the Servant's call in righteousness to be a covenant for the people, a light to the Gentiles, a helper to those in need-the blind and imprisoned. Yahweh's glory is not to be given to other, nor His praise to graven images. Former prophecies have come to pass. New things He now declares. One's attention needs to be called to the distinction of the Servant from Israel in this passage. He is to be a covenant of the people: according to Delitzsch, "he in whom and through whom Yahweh makes a new covenant with His people in place of the old one that has been broken."

Isaiah 49:1-9 a; Here the Servant himself spoaks, telling of his calling from the beginning of his life, of the might of his word, of his shelter in God, of a time of discouragement in which he thought his labor in vain, followed by insistence on his trust in God. Then Yahweh promises him a larger mission than the restoration of Israel, namely, to be a light to the Gentiles. Yahweh speaks of the Servant as one despised, yet to be triumphant so that he will be honored by kings and princes. He is to lead his people forth at their restoration, "to make them inherit the desolate heritages; saying to them that are bound, Go forth; to them that are in darkness, Show yourselves."

Clearly the Servant is distinct from the people Israel in this passage. Yet in Isaiah 49:3 he is addressed as Israel. The word Israel here may be a gloss, which would solve the difficulty, or the Servant may be addressed as Israel because he gathers up in himself the meaning of the ideal Israel. If it is true that the prophet gradually passed from the conception of Israel as a nation to a person through whom its true destiny would be realized, this last suggestion would gain in probability.

One notices here the emphasis on the might of the Servant, and in this passage we come to understand that he is to pass through a time of ignominy. The phrase "a servant of rulers" is a difficult one, which would be clear if the prophet conceived of him as one of the exiles, and typically representing them. The Servant's mission in this passage seems quite bound up with the restoration.

Isaiah 50:4-11: In the first part of this passage the Servant is not mentioned directly, but it seems clear that he is speaking. He is taught of God continually, that he may bring a message to the weary. He has opened his ear so that he may fully understand Yahweh's message. The Servant now describes his sufferings as coming to him because of his obedience. He was not rebellious and did not turn back from his mission. Flint-like he set his face and with confidence in God met the shame which came upon him. After language vivid with a sense of ignominy his assured consciousness of victory and faith in God are expressed,.

In Isaiah 50:10-11, according to Delitzsch, Yahweh speaks, first encouraging those who listen to the Servant, then addressing those who despise his word. Cheyne thinks the Servant mentioned in 50:10 may be the prophet, but I prefer Delitzsch's view.

Isaiah 52:13-53:12: The present division of 52:13-53:12 is unfortunate, for obviously it is all of a piece and ought to stand together in one chapter.

In Isaiah 52:13-15 Yahweh speaks of the humiliation and later of the exaltation of the Servant. He shall deal wisely-the idea here including the success resulting from wisdom-and shall be exalted. Words are piled upon each other here to express his exaltation. But the appearance of the Servant is such as to suggest the very opposite of his dignity, which will astonish nations and kings when they come, to understand it.

Entering upon Isaiah 53 we find the people of Israel speaking confessing their former unbelief, and giving as a reason the repulsive aspect of the Servant-despised, sad, sick with a visage to make men turn from him. He is described as though he had been a leper. They thought all this had come upon him as a stroke from God, but they now see how he went even to death, not for his own transgression but for theirs. Their peace and healing came through his suffering and death. They have been sinful and erring; the result of it all God has caused to light upon him.

They look back in wonder at the way he bore his sufferings-like a lamb led to the slaughter; with a false judicial procedure he was led away, no one considering his death, or its relation to them. His grave even was an evidence of ignominy.

Beginning at Isaiah 53:10 the people cease speaking, according to Delitzsch, and the prophecy becomes the organ of God who acknowledges His Servant. The reference to a trespass offering in 53:10 is remarkable. Nowhere else is prophecy so connected with the sacrificial system (A. B. Davidson). It pleased God to bruise the Servant-his soul having been made a trespass offering; the time of humiliation over, the time of exaltation will come.

By his knowledge we are told-here a momentary reversion to the time of humiliation taking place-by his knowledge he shall justify many and bear their iniquities. Then comes the exaltation-dividing of spoils and greatness-the phrases suggesting kingly glory: all this is to be his because of his suffering. The great fact of Isaiah 53 is vicarious suffering.

(3) Whom Did the Prophet Mean by the Servant?

(a) Obviously not all of Israel always, for the Servant is distinguished from Israel. (b) Not the godly remnant, for he is distinguished from them. Then the godly remnant does not attain to any such proportions as to fit the description of Isaiah 53. (c) And one cannot accept theory that the prophetic order is intended. The whole order is not great enough to exhaust the meaning of one of a half-dozen of the greatest lines in chapter 53.

Professor A. B. Davidson's Old Testament Prophecy contains a brilliant and exceedingly able discussion of the question which he approaches from the stand-point of Biblical rather than simply exegetical theology. His fundamental position is that in the prophet's outlook the restoration is the consummation. In his mind the Servant and his work cannot come after the restoration. The Servant, if a real person, must be one whose work lies in the past or the present, as there is not room in the future for him, for the restoration which is at the door brings felicity, and after that no sufferings of the Servant are conceivable. But there is no actual person in the past and none in the present who could be the Servant. Hence, the Servant cannot be to the prophet's mind a real person.


Of course Davidson relates the result to his larger conception of prophecy in such a way as to secure the Messianic significance of the passages in relation to their fulfillment in our Lord. The ideas they contain are realized in Him.

But coming back to the prophet's mind-if the Servant was not a person to him, what significance did he have? The answer according to Davidson is, He is a great personification of the ideal Israel. "He is Israel according to its idea." To quote more fully, "The prophet has created out of the divine determinations imposed on Israel, election, creation and forming, endowment with the word or spirit of Yahweh, and the divine purpose in these operations, an ideal Being, an inner Israel in the heart of the phenomenal or actual Israel, an indestructible Being having these divine attributes or endowments, present in the outward Israel in all ages, powerful and effectual because really composed, if I can say so, of divine forces, who cannot fail in God's purpose, and who as an inner power within Israel by his operation causes all Israel to become a true servant" (compare Davidson, Old Testament Prophecy, 435-36).

Now it seems to me that Davidson is more effective in his destructive than in his constructive work. One must confess that he presents real difficulties in the way of holding to a personal Servant as the prophet's conception. But on the other hand when he tries to replace that by a more adequate conception, I do not think he conspicuously succeeds.

The greatest of the Servant-passages (it seems to me) presents more than can be successfully dealt with under the conception of the Servant as the ideal Israel. The very great emphasis on vicarious suffering in Isaiah 53 simply is not answered by theory. Words would not leap with such a flame of reality in describing the suffering of a personification. The sense of sin back of the passage is not a thing whose problem could be solved by a glittering figure of speech. There it surges-the movement of an aroused conscience-and the answer to it could never be anything less than a real deed by a real person. My own feeling is that if language can express anything it expresses the fact that the prophet had a real personal Servant in view.

But what of the difficulties Davidson suggests? Even if the answer were not easy to find, one could rest on the total impression the passages make. One cannot vaporize a passage for the sake of placing it in an environment in which one believes it belongs. As Cheyne in other days said, "In the sublimest descriptions of the Servant I am unable to resist the impression that we have the presentment of an individual, and venture to think that our general view of the Servant ought to be ruled by those passages in which the enthusiasm of the author is at its height."

The first thing we need to remember in dealing with the difficulties Davidson has brought forth is the timelessness of prophecy, and the resulting fact that every prophet saw the future as if lying just on the horizon of his own time. As prophets saw the day of Yahweh as if at hand, so it seems to me Deutero-Isaiah saw the Servant: each really afar off, yet each really seen in the colors of the present. Then we must remember that the prophets did not relate all their conceptions. They stated truths whose meaning and articulation they did not understand. They were not philosophers with a Hegelian hunger for a total view of life, and when we try to read them from this standpoint we misjudge them. Then we must remember that the prophet may here have been lifted to a height of prophetic receptivehess where he received and uttered what went beyond the limits of his own understanding. To be sure there was a point of contact, but I see no objection to the thought that in a place of unique significance and importance like this, God might use a man to utter words which reached far beyond the limits of his own understanding. In this connection some words of Professor Hermann Schultz are worth quoting: "If it is true anywhere in the history of poetry and prophecy, it is true here that the writer being full of the spirit has said more than he himself meant to say and more than he himself understood."

(4) The Psychology of the Prophecy.

This does not mean that something may. not be said about the connection of the Servant-passages with the prophet's own thought. Using Delitzsch's illustration, we can see how from regarding all Israel as the servant the prophet could narrow down to the godly part of Israel as experience taught him the faithlessness of many, and it ought not to be impossible for us to see how all that Israel really meant at its best could have focused itself in his thought upon one person. Despite Davidson's objection, I can see nothing artificial about this movement in the prophet's mind. There was probably more progression in his thought than Professor Davidson is willing to allow. If it is asked, Where was the person to whom the prophet could ascribe such greatness, conceiving as he did that he was to come at once? surely a similar question would be fair in relation to Isaiah's Messiah. The truth is that even on the threshold of the restoration there was time for a great one suddenly to arise. As John the Baptist on the Jordan watched for the coming One whom he knew not, yet who was alive, so the great prophet of the exile may have watched even day by day for the coming Servant whose work had been revealed to him.

But deep in the psychology of the prophecy is the sense of sin out of which these passages came and indications of which I think are found in the latter part of the book. The great guilt-laden past lay terribly behind the prophet, and as he mused over the sufferings of the righteous, perhaps especially drawn to tim heart-rent Jeremiah, the thought of redemptive suffering may have dawned upon him. And if in its light, and with a personal sense of sin drawn from what experiences we know not, he grapples with the problem, can we not understand, can we not see that God might flash upon him the great conception of a sin-bearer?

7. Place of the Servant-Passages in Old Testament Prophecy:

At last the idea of vicarious suffering had been connected with the deep things of the nation's life, and henceforward was a part of its heritage. To the profoundest souls it would be a part of the nation's forward look. The priestly idea had been deepened and filled with new moral meaning. The Servant was a prophet too-so priest and prophet met in one. And I think Cheyne was right when he suggested that in the Servant's exaltation in Isaiah 53, the idea of the Servant is brought nearer to that of king than we sometimes think. So in suggestion, at least, prophet, priest and king meet in the great figure of the suffering Servant.

A new rich stream had entered into prophecy, full of power to fertilize whatever shores of thought it touched. In the thoughts of these passages prophecy seemed pressing with impatient eagerness to its goal, and though centuries were to pass before that goal was reached, its promise is seen here, full of assurance and of knowledge of the kind of goal it is to be.

8. Larger Messianic Significance of the Servant-Passages:

But whatever our view of the meaning of the prophet, we must agree (compare Matthew 8:17; Matthew 12:18-21; 26:67 John 12:41, et al.) that the conception he so boldly and powerfully put upon his canvas had its realization, its fulfillment in the One who spoke to the world from the cross on Calvary. And in its darkly glorious shadow the Christian, with all the sadness and joy and wonder of it, with a sense of its solving all his problems and meeting the deepest needs and outreaches of his life, can feel a strange companionship with the exilic prophet whose yearning for a sin-bearer and belief in His coming call across the long and slowly moving years. In the light and penetration of that hour he may be trusted to know what the prophet meant. Professor Delitzsch well said of that passage, "Every word is as it were written under the cross at Golgotha."

Lynn Harold Hough






See BIBLE, IV, 1, (1), (b).

2962. kurios -- lord, master
... lord, master. Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine Transliteration: kurios Phonetic Spelling:
(koo'-ree-os) Short Definition: lord, Lord, master, sir Definition: lord ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/2962.htm - 7k

2960. kuriakos -- of the Lord
... of the Lord. Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: kuriakos Phonetic Spelling:
(koo-ree-ak-os') Short Definition: of the Lord Definition: of the Lord ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/2960.htm - 7k

1203. despotes -- lord, master
... lord, master. Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine Transliteration: despotes Phonetic
Spelling: (des-pot'-ace) Short Definition: a lord, master, or prince Definition ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/1203.htm - 7k

2961. kurieuo -- to be lord of, rule
... to be lord of, rule. Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: kurieuo Phonetic Spelling:
(ko-ree-yoo'-o) Short Definition: I have authority, rule over Definition ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/2961.htm - 7k

3134. marana tha -- (our) Lord, come!
marana tha. 3133, 3134. marana tha. 3135 . (our) Lord, come! Part of Speech:
Aramaic Transliterated Word (Indeclinable) Transliteration ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/3134.htm - 6k

955. Beliar -- "lord of the forest," Beliar, a name of Satan
... 954, 955. Beliar. 956 . "lord of ... Word Origin of uncertain origin Definition
"lord of the forest," Beliar, a name of Satan NASB Word Usage Belial (1). Belial ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/955.htm - 6k

4102. pistis -- faith, faithfulness
... The Lord continuously in the yielded believer so they can know what He prefers,
ie the (1 Jn 5:4). ... gave themselves to the Lord and to us by the (2307) of. ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/4102.htm - 18k

2634. katakurieuo -- to bend down
... 2691 , "exercise lordship") -- properly, exercise control (ward) as an with full
jurisdiction; (passive) to be fully subjected to a master; to lord it over. ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/2634.htm - 6k

40. hagios -- sacred, holy
... holy, sacred. 40 -- properly, (), ( for the believer, 40 () means " with
the Lord" because " from the world.". The fundamental ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/40.htm - 8k

1936. epithesis -- a laying on, an assault
... 1936 (from 2007 , "place upon") -- properly to put, lay on (hands); used of the
Lord conveying supernatural encouragement and revelation by "the laying on of ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/1936.htm - 7k

Strong's Hebrew
4756. mare -- lord
... 4755, 4756. mare. 4757 . lord. Transliteration: mare Phonetic Spelling:
(maw-ray') Short Definition: Lord. Word Origin (Aramaic) from ...
/hebrew/4756.htm - 6k

136. Adonay -- Lord
... 135, 136. Adonay. 137 . Lord. Transliteration: Adonay Phonetic Spelling:
(ad-o-noy') Short Definition: Lord. Word Origin an emphatic ...
/hebrew/136.htm - 6k

113. adon -- lord
... 112b, 113. adon. 114 . lord. Transliteration: adon Phonetic Spelling:
(aw-done') Short Definition: lord. Word Origin from an unused ...
/hebrew/113.htm - 6k

3072. Yhvh Tsidqenu -- "the LORD is our righteousness," a symbolic ...
... "the LORD is our righteousness," a symbolic name for Jer. ... Word Origin from Yhvh and
tsedeq Definition "the LORD is our righteousness," a symbolic name for Jer. ...
/hebrew/3072.htm - 6k

5633. ceren -- tyrant, lord
... 5632, 5633. ceren. 5633a . tyrant, lord. Transliteration: ceren Phonetic
Spelling: (seh'-ren) Short Definition: lord. lord, plate ...
/hebrew/5633.htm - 5k

1376. gebir -- lord
... lord. Transliteration: gebir Phonetic Spelling: (gheb-eer') Short Definition: master.
Word Origin from gabar Definition lord NASB Word Usage master (2). lord. ...
/hebrew/1376.htm - 6k

7261. rabreban -- lord, noble
... 7260, 7261. rabreban. 7262 . lord, noble. Transliteration: rabreban Phonetic
Spelling: (rab-reb-awn') Short Definition: nobles. ... lord, prince. ...
/hebrew/7261.htm - 6k

138. Adoniyyahu -- "my Lord is Yahweh," the name of several ...
... Adoniyyahu. 139 . "my Lord is Yahweh," the name of several Israelites.
Transliteration: Adoniyyahu Phonetic Spelling: (ad-o-nee-yaw') Short Definition: ...
/hebrew/138.htm - 6k

139. Adoni-tsedeq -- "Lord of righteousness," king of Jer.
... 138, 139. Adoni-tsedeq. 140 . "Lord of righteousness," king of Jer. ... Word Origin
from adon and tsedeq Definition "Lord of righteousness," king of Jer. ...
/hebrew/139.htm - 6k

1167. baal -- owner, lord
... 1166, 1167. baal. 1168 . owner, lord. Transliteration: baal Phonetic Spelling:
(bah'-al) Short Definition: owner. Word Origin from ...
/hebrew/1167.htm - 6k


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Our Lord Jesus Christ Anna Catherine Emmerich. Table of Contents. ...
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G. Richardson Table of Contents. Title Page. Preface. Dedication. ...
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Arnot. Produced by Brian Sogard, Laura Wisewell and the ...
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our lord's sermon on the mount
our lord's sermon on the mount. <. our lord's sermon on the mount Saint Augustine.
rev. William Findlay, ma Table of Contents. Title Page. ...
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Lord Teach Us To Pray
Lord Teach Us To Pray. <. Lord Teach Us To Pray Alexander Whyte. Table of
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'It is the Lord!'
... 'IT IS THE LORD!'. 'Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved saith unto
Peter, It is the Lord."John 21:7. It seems a very strange ...
/.../expositions of holy scripture st john chaps xv to xxi/it is the lord.htm

Where is the Lord?
... Where Is the Lord? A Sermon (No.2258). Intended for Reading on Lord's-Day, May
29th, 1892,. Delivered by. CH SPURGEON,. At the [21]Metropolitan ...
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The Servant-Lord
... VOLUME I: ST. LUKE Chaps. I to XII THE SERVANT-LORD. ... I. Then we have, first
of all, the wonderful revelation of the Servant-Lord. ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture e/the servant-lord.htm

The Lord of Glory.
The Lord of Glory. <. ... The Lord of Glory. 1 Cor. ii:8. OUR ever
blessed Lord, who died for us, to whom we belong, with ...
//christianbookshelf.org/gaebelein/the lord of glory/the lord of glory.htm

Forever with the Lord.
so shall we ever be with the Lord.""1:Thes.4:17. "Wir ...
/.../borthwick/hymns from the land of luther/forever with the lord.htm

Lord'the (1 Occurrence)
Lord'the. Lordships, Lord'the. Loruhamah . Multi-Version Concordance
Lord'the (1 Occurrence). Luke 20:37 But that the ...
/l/lord'the.htm - 6k

And'lord (1 Occurrence)
And'lord. And, And'lord. And'my . Multi-Version Concordance
And'lord (1 Occurrence). John 13:13 You call me,'Teacher ...
/a/and'lord.htm - 6k

Lord (59401 Occurrences)
... There are various Hebrew and Greek words so rendered. (1.) Hebrews Jehovah, has
been rendered in the English Bible LORD, printed in small capitals. ...
/l/lord.htm - 61k

Lord's (548 Occurrences)
...Lord's day. Only once, in Revelation 1:10, was in the early Christian ages used
to denote the first day of the week, which commemorated the Lord's resurrection. ...
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Lord's-day (1 Occurrence)
Lord's-day. Lord's, Lord's-day. Lordship . Multi-Version Concordance
Lord's-day (1 Occurrence). Revelation 1:10 I was ...
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Sea-lands (24 Occurrences)
... families and languages. (BBE). Psalms 97:1 The Lord is King, let the earth
have joy; let all the sea-lands be glad. (BBE). Isaiah 11 ...
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Servant's (29 Occurrences)
... 1 Samuel 1:11 And she made an oath, and said, O Lord of armies, if you will truly
take note of the sorrow of your servant, not turning away from me but keeping ...
/s/servant's.htm - 15k

Visions (43 Occurrences)
... For I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord. ... (See NIV). 1 Samuel
3:1 And the child Samuel ministered unto the LORD before Eli. ...
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Kei'lah (16 Occurrences)
... 1 Samuel 23:2 Therefore David inquired of the LORD, saying: 'Shall I go and smite
these Philistines?' And the LORD said unto David: 'Go, and smite the ...
/k/kei'lah.htm - 10k

Shouts (34 Occurrences)
... 2 Samuel 6:15 So David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of the
LORD with shouting, and with the sound of the horn. (See NIV). ...
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And'lord (1 Occurrence)

Lord (59401 Occurrences)

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Lord's-day (1 Occurrence)

Sea-lands (24 Occurrences)

Servant's (29 Occurrences)

Visions (43 Occurrences)

Kei'lah (16 Occurrences)

Shouts (34 Occurrences)

Vexed (37 Occurrences)

Knelt (20 Occurrences)

Salute (48 Occurrences)

Sabbath-day (23 Occurrences)

Shortly (21 Occurrences)

Sennach'erib (13 Occurrences)

Sis'era (19 Occurrences)

Sorely (23 Occurrences)

Seethe (8 Occurrences)

Zedeki'ah (62 Occurrences)

Soever (24 Occurrences)

Seemeth (36 Occurrences)

Zeloph'ehad (8 Occurrences)

Kadeshbarnea (9 Occurrences)

Kirjathjearim (17 Occurrences)

Spaces (15 Occurrences)

Sojourns (18 Occurrences)

Sinning (59 Occurrences)

Scales (33 Occurrences)

Shouldst (61 Occurrences)

Saveth (36 Occurrences)

Snakes (25 Occurrences)

Selection (71 Occurrences)

Veiled (23 Occurrences)

Vowed (34 Occurrences)

Kir'iath-je'arim (18 Occurrences)

Sakes (35 Occurrences)

Settest (13 Occurrences)

Shim'ei (40 Occurrences)

Squares (25 Occurrences)

Spades (9 Occurrences)

Slaying (21 Occurrences)

Homage (51 Occurrences)

Vail (44 Occurrences)

Somewhat (30 Occurrences)

Vineyard (69 Occurrences)


Quicken (16 Occurrences)

Zidon (25 Occurrences)

Quite (55 Occurrences)

Spite (28 Occurrences)

Shows (42 Occurrences)

Vengeance (63 Occurrences)

Speakest (30 Occurrences)

Sorrowing (33 Occurrences)

Savor (51 Occurrences)

Sounds (64 Occurrences)

Kid (42 Occurrences)

Savior (60 Occurrences)

Seest (52 Occurrences)

Quenched (22 Occurrences)

Questioning (65 Occurrences)

Saving (37 Occurrences)

Voices (76 Occurrences)

Spoiled (69 Occurrences)

Sleeping (69 Occurrences)

Kindred (41 Occurrences)

Splendor (87 Occurrences)

Shouldest (79 Occurrences)

Slow (43 Occurrences)

Vent (8 Occurrences)

Valued (27 Occurrences)

Virgins (33 Occurrences)

Zacchaeus (3 Occurrences)

Zeru'iah (24 Occurrences)

Staggering (7 Occurrences)

Spoilers (19 Occurrences)

Slipping (20 Occurrences)

Scabs (4 Occurrences)

Shemai'ah (38 Occurrences)

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