Help Fund Open Culture

If you would like to sup­port Open Cul­ture and its mis­sion, you can now make con­tri­bu­tions to our site. Your con­tri­bu­tions will help us pay our ded­i­cat­ed staff, and cov­er expen­sive host­ing costs. It will also make us less depen­dent on advertising–something that’s become unre­li­able with the rise of ad block­ers.

The best way to help is with month­ly con­tri­bu­tions. Or you can make a one-time con­tri­bu­tion. We cur­rent­ly accept pay­ments via Pay­Pal. (Please click on the yel­low “Donate” but­tons below.) You don’t need a Pay­Pal account to use Pay­Pal, only a cred­it card.

You can also use Patre­on (click here), Ven­mo (send to @openculture or @openculturedotcom) and now Cryp­tocur­ren­cy (click here). We love bring­ing Open Cul­ture to you. And we thank you for any sup­port you can give in return! Note: we’re not for­mal­ly set up as a non-prof­it. So con­tri­bu­tions aren’t deductible at this time.

Make a One-Time Con­tri­bu­tion to Open Cul­ture:

Make a Recur­ring-Month­ly Con­tri­bu­tion to Open Cul­ture:
