Privacy Policy

Last mod­i­fied: July 27, 2024

Open Cul­ture, LLC (“Open Cul­ture,” “we” or “us”) knows that you care how infor­ma­tion about you is used and shared.  This Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy explains how Open Cul­ture col­lects and uses infor­ma­tion at its web­site locat­ed at and at oth­er web­sites and mobile ser­vices pro­vid­ed by Open Cul­ture (col­lec­tive­ly the “Net­work Web­sites”).  This Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy also explains how you can con­trol the col­lec­tion, cor­rec­tion and/or dele­tion of cer­tain types of infor­ma­tion that we col­lect.  We will not use or share your infor­ma­tion with any­one except as described in this Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy.  This Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy does not apply to infor­ma­tion we col­lect by oth­er means (includ­ing offline) or from oth­er sources.  Fur­ther, this Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy does not apply to any web­sites, web­pages, blogs, appli­ca­tions, wid­gets or oth­er ser­vices oper­at­ed by any third par­ty, includ­ing our affil­i­ates, adver­tis­ers, providers and part­ners.

1. Infor­ma­tion We Col­lect

A. Per­son­al­ly Iden­ti­fi­able Infor­ma­tion

In gen­er­al, Open Cul­ture does not col­lect per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able infor­ma­tion on the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices, except as set forth below.  For pur­pos­es of this Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy, “per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able infor­ma­tion” is data intend­ed to be used to iden­ti­fy, con­tact or locate a per­son, includ­ing, name, address, tele­phone num­ber or e‑mail address and any oth­er infor­ma­tion (even if non-per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able) pro­vid­ed in com­bi­na­tion with such per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able infor­ma­tion.

You may pro­vide us infor­ma­tion about your­self, such as your name or e‑mail address, when you use or post con­tent on or though the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices, includ­ing reg­is­ter­ing for the use of cer­tain fea­tures such as email RSS feeds.  If you cor­re­spond with us by email, we may retain the con­tent of your email mes­sages, your email address, and our respons­es.  We may also retain any mes­sages or oth­er con­tent you send through or post on the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices.

Cit­i­zens of any coun­try that has pro­mul­gat­ed a data local­iza­tion law may not uti­lize the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices in any way, includ­ing view­ing pages on the Open Cul­ture web­site or sub­scrib­ing to the Open Cul­ture newslet­ter.

The adver­tise­ments we deliv­er may offer the abil­i­ty to inter­act, includ­ing play­ing a game or view­ing a video.  The ad may also give you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pro­vide the adver­tis­er with infor­ma­tion about your­self.  In some instances, if you choose to inter­act with an adver­tise­ment or pro­vide an adver­tis­er with infor­ma­tion about your­self, Open Cul­ture may col­lect infor­ma­tion on behalf of the adver­tis­er.  In that case, the advertiser’s pri­va­cy pol­i­cy would apply to the data col­lect­ed and we will abide by the instruc­tions giv­en to us by the adver­tis­er in our han­dling of the data.  Open Cul­ture will not asso­ciate any infor­ma­tion (non-per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able or per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able) we col­lect for an adver­tis­er with any oth­er infor­ma­tion we may have col­lect­ed about you through the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices.

B. Non-Per­son­al­ly Iden­ti­fi­able Infor­ma­tion

When you vis­it the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices, Open Cul­ture or third par­ties such as adver­tis­ers, third-par­ty adver­tis­ing net­works, and third-par­ty adver­tis­ing serv­ing com­pa­nies may col­lect non-per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able infor­ma­tion.  For pur­pos­es of this Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy, “non-per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able infor­ma­tion” is data that is not per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able. Open Cul­ture and these third par­ties may imple­ment cer­tain tech­nolo­gies to enable the col­lec­tion of such infor­ma­tion.  An expla­na­tion of these tech­nolo­gies is below.

Cook­ies Infor­ma­tion: When you vis­it the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices, we may send one or more cookies—a small text file con­tain­ing a string of alphanu­mer­ic characters—to your com­put­er that unique­ly iden­ti­fies your brows­er and lets Open Cul­ture help you log in faster and enhance your nav­i­ga­tion through the site.  A cook­ie may also con­vey infor­ma­tion about how you browse the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices.  Open Cul­ture uses ses­sion, per­sis­tent, flash and brows­er cook­ies.  The use of cook­ies on the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices is anony­mous and does not allow us to gath­er per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able infor­ma­tion about you.  A per­sis­tent cook­ie remains on your hard dri­ve after you close your brows­er.  Per­sis­tent cook­ies may be used by your brows­er on sub­se­quent vis­its to the site.  Per­sis­tent cook­ies can be removed by fol­low­ing your web browser’s direc­tions.  A ses­sion cook­ie is tem­po­rary and dis­ap­pears after you close your brows­er.  You can set your web brows­er to refuse all cook­ies or to indi­cate when a cook­ie is being sent.  How­ev­er, some fea­tures of the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices may not func­tion prop­er­ly if the abil­i­ty to accept cook­ies is dis­abled.

Device Iden­ti­fiers: When you access the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices by or through a mobile device, we may access, col­lect, mon­i­tor and/or remote­ly store one or more “device iden­ti­fiers.”  Device iden­ti­fiers are small data files or sim­i­lar data struc­tures stored on or asso­ci­at­ed with your mobile device that unique­ly iden­ti­fy your mobile device and are used by Open Cul­ture to enhance your use of the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices.  A device iden­ti­fi­er may be data stored in con­nec­tion with the device hard­ware, data stored in con­nec­tion with the device’s oper­at­ing sys­tem or oth­er soft­ware, or data sent to the device by Open Cul­ture.  A device iden­ti­fi­er may con­vey infor­ma­tion to us about how you browse the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices.  A device iden­ti­fi­er does not col­lect or share any per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able infor­ma­tion about you.  How­ev­er, a device iden­ti­fi­er may be used in con­junc­tion with oth­er infor­ma­tion in a man­ner that may con­sti­tute per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able infor­ma­tion.  A device iden­ti­fi­er may remain per­sis­tent­ly on your device, to help you log in faster and enhance your nav­i­ga­tion through the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices.  Some fea­tures of the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices may not func­tion prop­er­ly if use or avail­abil­i­ty of device iden­ti­fiers are impaired or dis­abled.

Web Bea­con­s/Click-Stream Data: A web bea­con is an elec­tron­ic file that sig­nals when a web­page, adver­tise­ment, video, oth­er con­tent, an email, or a newslet­ter has been viewed.  We may use web bea­cons in our emails and newslet­ters, or on our web­sites and ser­vices.  Open Cul­ture may use web bea­cons in con­junc­tion with cook­ies to col­lect click-stream data that helps us bet­ter under­stand how vis­i­tors move from page to page with­in our web­sites.  As with cook­ies, our use of web bea­cons is anony­mous and does not allow us to gath­er per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able infor­ma­tion about you.

Pas­sive Brows­er Infor­ma­tion: Open Cul­ture col­lects pas­sive brows­er infor­ma­tion though its web servers.  We use the pas­sive brows­er infor­ma­tion to help us under­stand how many vis­i­tors come to our web­sites and where they come from, and ulti­mate­ly to help us make deci­sions about how to orga­nize the web­sites and deliv­er adver­tis­ing.

Log File Infor­ma­tion: Log file infor­ma­tion is auto­mat­i­cal­ly report­ed by your brows­er each time you access a web page.  When you use the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices, our servers auto­mat­i­cal­ly record cer­tain log file infor­ma­tion.  These serv­er logs may include infor­ma­tion such as your web request, Inter­net Pro­to­col (“IP”) address, brows­er type, refer­ring / exit pages and URLs, num­ber of clicks, domain names, land­ing pages, pages viewed, data about how you inter­act with links on the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices, and oth­er such infor­ma­tion.  We may dis­play your IP address to the own­ers or main­tain­ers of cer­tain blogs, groups or com­mu­ni­ties if you post to those blogs, groups or com­mu­ni­ties and the own­er or main­tain­er has enabled func­tion­al­i­ty for this pur­pose.

Scripts:  A script is a short seg­ment of com­put­er code includ­ed in a web page or oth­er con­tent that can be used to set and access a cook­ie on your computer’s hard dri­ve and to record your activ­i­ty on a web­site.  Open Cul­ture may use scripts on the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices, on third-par­ty web­sites, or in our emails and newslet­ters.

C. Third Par­ty Adver­tise­ments

If an adver­tis­er asks Open Cul­ture to show an adver­tise­ment to a cer­tain audi­ence and you respond to that adver­tise­ment, the adver­tis­er or ad serv­er may con­clude that you fit the descrip­tion of the audi­ence they are try­ing to reach.  In addi­tion, third-par­ty adver­tis­ers may use non-per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able infor­ma­tion about your vis­its to the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices in order to pro­vide adver­tise­ments about goods and ser­vices that they believe may be of inter­est to you.  If you would like more infor­ma­tion about this prac­tice and to know your choic­es about not hav­ing this infor­ma­tion used by these com­pa­nies, please see the list pro­vid­ed imme­di­ate­ly below.  This Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy does not apply to, and we can­not con­trol the activ­i­ties of, third-par­ty adver­tis­ers.  Please con­sult the respec­tive pri­va­cy poli­cies of such adver­tis­ers for more infor­ma­tion.

2. How We Use Your Infor­ma­tion

A. Per­son­al­ly Iden­ti­fi­able Infor­ma­tion

We use the per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able infor­ma­tion that we col­lect to oper­ate, main­tain, and pro­vide to you the fea­tures and func­tion­al­i­ty of the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices.

By pro­vid­ing Open Cul­ture with your email address, you con­sent to our use of the email address to send you notices relat­ed to the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices, includ­ing any notices required by law, in lieu of com­mu­ni­ca­tion by postal mail.  We may also con­tact you via email with trans­ac­tion­al or rela­tion­ship mes­sages, such as noti­fi­ca­tions of changes to the terms of ser­vices pro­vid­ed.  By pro­vid­ing your email address, you agree that we may send you noti­fi­ca­tions of activ­i­ty on the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices to that email address, in accor­dance with any applic­a­ble pri­va­cy set­tings.  We may use your email address to send you oth­er mes­sages, such as infor­ma­tion about changes to fea­tures of the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices.  If you do not want to receive such email mes­sages, you may opt out or change your pref­er­ences by send­ing an email to ma**@op*********.com.  Opt­ing out may pre­vent you from receiv­ing email mes­sages regard­ing updates, improve­ments, or offers.  You may not opt out of ser­vice-relat­ed emails or trans­ac­tion­al or rela­tion­ship email mes­sages.

Open Cul­ture may use your per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able infor­ma­tion and user con­tent inter­nal­ly for pur­pos­es such as oper­at­ing or improv­ing its web­sites, deter­min­ing which users have access priv­i­leges to cer­tain con­tent, ser­vices or resources that we offer, diag­nos­ing ser­vice or tech­ni­cal prob­lems, main­tain­ing secu­ri­ty, doing some­thing that you have asked us to do, telling you about Open Cul­ture prod­ucts, ser­vices and mar­ket­ing events that we think may be of inter­est, ana­lyz­ing how the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices are used, and per­son­al­iz­ing con­tent.

B. Non-Per­son­al­ly Iden­ti­fi­able Infor­ma­tion

We may use non-per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able infor­ma­tion, includ­ing cook­ies, device iden­ti­fiers, loca­tion data, web bea­con­s/click-stream data, pas­sive brows­er infor­ma­tion, demon­stra­tion data, log file infor­ma­tion, and scripts to: (a) remem­ber infor­ma­tion so that you will not have to re-enter it dur­ing your vis­it or the next time you vis­it the site; (b) pro­vide cus­tom, per­son­al­ized con­tent and infor­ma­tion; © mon­i­tor the effec­tive­ness of our ser­vices; (d) mon­i­tor aggre­gate met­rics such as total num­ber of vis­i­tors, traf­fic, and demo­graph­ic pat­terns; (e) diag­nose or fix tech­nol­o­gy prob­lems report­ed by our users or engi­neers that are asso­ci­at­ed with cer­tain IP address­es; (f) help you effi­cient­ly access your infor­ma­tion after you sign in; (g) mon­i­tor and pre­vent fraud and abuse; (h) iden­ti­fy you as an account hold­er; (i) require you to re-enter your pass­word after a cer­tain peri­od of time has elapsed to pre­vent oth­ers from access­ing your account con­tents; (j) keep track of pref­er­ences you spec­i­fy while you are using Open Cul­ture Ser­vices; (k) con­duct research to improve Open Cul­ture Ser­vices; (l) mon­i­tor adver­tis­ing-relat­ed met­rics, in order to pro­vide you with more help­ful and rel­e­vant adver­tis­ing; (m) admin­is­ter our busi­ness (e.g., to cal­cu­late pay­ments due to our net­work web­sites); and (n) track user con­tent and users to the extent nec­es­sary to com­ply as a ser­vice provider with the Dig­i­tal Mil­len­ni­um Copy­right Act.

Third-par­ty adver­tis­ing net­works and adver­tis­ers may also use non-per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able infor­ma­tion to assist them in deliv­er­ing adver­tis­ing that may be rel­e­vant to your inter­ests.

3. How We Share Your Infor­ma­tion

A. Per­son­al­ly Iden­ti­fi­able Infor­ma­tion

Open Cul­ture will not rent or sell your per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able infor­ma­tion to oth­ers.  Open Cul­ture only shares per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able infor­ma­tion with oth­er com­pa­nies or indi­vid­u­als out­side of the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices as fol­lows: (1) if Open Cul­ture has your con­sent to the shar­ing of per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able infor­ma­tion; (2) to pro­vide Open Culture’s ser­vices to you; (3) to respond to sub­poe­nas, court orders or legal process, to assist gov­ern­ment enforce­ment agen­cies, to estab­lish or exer­cise our legal rights, or to defend against legal claims; (4) if we believe it is nec­es­sary in order to inves­ti­gate, pre­vent, or take action regard­ing third-par­ty claims or alle­ga­tions, ille­gal activ­i­ties, sus­pect­ed fraud, sit­u­a­tions involv­ing poten­tial threats to the safe­ty or prop­er­ty of anoth­er per­son, vio­la­tion of our Terms and Con­di­tions of Ser­vice; or (7) as oth­er­wise required by law.  Open Cul­ture may also store per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able infor­ma­tion and user con­tent in loca­tions out­side the direct con­trol of Open Cul­ture (for instance, on servers or data­bas­es co-locat­ed with host­ing providers).

Any per­son­al infor­ma­tion or con­tent that you vol­un­tar­i­ly dis­close for post­ing to the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices, such as mes­sages, com­ments or oth­er user con­tent, becomes avail­able to the pub­lic.

B. Non-Per­son­al­ly Iden­ti­fi­able Infor­ma­tion

In the event that we use a third par­ty to pro­vide ser­vices or to sup­port aspects of our busi­ness on our behalf, Open Cul­ture may share non-per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able infor­ma­tion with the third par­ty to be used by them only for the pur­pose of pro­vid­ing their ser­vices to Open Cul­ture.

We may share non-per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able infor­ma­tion (such as anony­mous usage data, referring/exit pages and URLs, plat­form types, num­ber of clicks, etc.) with third par­ties to help them under­stand the usage pat­terns for cer­tain Open Cul­ture Ser­vices, and as part of the func­tion of our busi­ness.

C. Trans­fer of Data

In the event that Open Cul­ture sells, trans­fers or oth­er­wise relin­quish­es all or part of our assets, busi­ness offer­ings, or ser­vices, includ­ing any of the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices, infor­ma­tion that you have shared with Open Cul­ture or that Open Cul­ture has col­lect­ed, includ­ing both per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able infor­ma­tion and non-per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able infor­ma­tion, may be one of the busi­ness assets that will be trans­ferred.  We may also trans­fer or assign such infor­ma­tion in the course of cor­po­rate divesti­tures, merg­ers, or dis­so­lu­tion.  The trans­ferred infor­ma­tion will remain sub­ject to the terms of this Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy or those of sub­se­quent poli­cies to which you have con­sent­ed.  If Open Cul­ture is involved in a merg­er, acqui­si­tion, or sale of all or a por­tion of its assets, you will be noti­fied via a promi­nent notice on our web­site of any change in own­er­ship or uses of your per­son­al infor­ma­tion, as well as any choic­es you may have regard­ing your per­son­al infor­ma­tion.

4. Con­tent Removal

Open Cul­ture reserves the right, but has no oblig­a­tion, to mon­i­tor the user con­tent you post on any of the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices.  We reserve the right to remove any such infor­ma­tion or mate­r­i­al for any rea­son or no rea­son, includ­ing with­out lim­i­ta­tion if in our sole opin­ion such infor­ma­tion or mate­r­i­al vio­lates, or may vio­late, any law or our Terms and Con­di­tions of Ser­vice, or to pro­tect or defend our rights or prop­er­ty or those of any third par­ty.  Open Cul­ture also reserves the right to remove infor­ma­tion upon the request of any third par­ty.

5. Data Reten­tion

Open Cul­ture may retain and con­tin­ue to use indef­i­nite­ly all infor­ma­tion (includ­ing user con­tent) post­ed to the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices.

Open Cul­ture retains the spe­cif­ic anony­mous data col­lect­ed and tied to your computer’s unique ID as described in this Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy for a peri­od of up to twelve months.  Such data may be aggre­gat­ed and used for ana­lyt­i­cal pur­pos­es indef­i­nite­ly.

6. How We Pro­tect Your Infor­ma­tion

Open Cul­ture cares about the integri­ty and secu­ri­ty of your per­son­al infor­ma­tion.  We can­not, how­ev­er, ensure or war­rant the secu­ri­ty of any infor­ma­tion you trans­mit to Open Cul­ture or guar­an­tee that your infor­ma­tion on the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices may not be accessed, dis­closed, altered, or destroyed by breach of any of our phys­i­cal, tech­ni­cal, or man­age­r­i­al safe­guards.  The trans­mit­tal of infor­ma­tion from you to us is done at your own risk.

7. Com­pro­mise of Per­son­al Infor­ma­tion

In the event that per­son­al infor­ma­tion is com­pro­mised as a result of a breach of secu­ri­ty, Open Cul­ture will prompt­ly noti­fy those per­sons whose per­son­al infor­ma­tion has been com­pro­mised, in accor­dance with the noti­fi­ca­tion pro­ce­dures set forth in this Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy, or as oth­er­wise required by law.

8. Your Choic­es About Your Infor­ma­tion

You may, of course, decline to sub­mit per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able infor­ma­tion through the Ser­vice, in which case Open Cul­ture may not be able to pro­vide cer­tain ser­vices to you.

You can lim­it tar­get­ed adver­tis­ing by con­fig­ur­ing your browser’s set­tings or chang­ing the man­age­ment pan­el of the Adobe Flash Play­er to lim­it your accep­tance of or delete cook­ies.  Because the man­age­ment of cook­ies in var­i­ous browsers dif­fers, you should con­sult the doc­u­men­ta­tion for your brows­er in order to man­age your cook­ies.  In order to lim­it the accep­tance of or dis­able “flash” cook­ies, you must access the man­age­ment pan­el of the Adobe Flash Play­er installed on your com­put­er.  To learn more about the man­age­ment pan­el of the Adobe Flash Play­er and the man­age­ment of “flash” cook­ies, please access the fol­low­ing link:  You can also opt-out of receiv­ing cook­ies from third-par­ty data providers by fol­low­ing the instruc­tions at:  You can opt-out of receiv­ing cook­ies from Tar­gus­in­fo, a spe­cif­ic third-par­ty data provider, by fol­low­ing the instruc­tions at:  Also, because your choic­es are not asso­ci­at­ed with you as a par­tic­u­lar indi­vid­ual, if you change com­put­ers, web browsers or cook­ie set­tings, you will need to re-imple­ment your pref­er­ences as described above.  Note that if you lim­it or dis­able cook­ies, this does not mean that you will not see ads on the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices. Instead, ads will be dis­played that are based on pas­sive brows­er infor­ma­tion or oth­er infor­ma­tion that that may be pro­vid­ed by the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices at the time of your vis­it.

9. Children’s Pri­va­cy

Pro­tect­ing the pri­va­cy of young chil­dren is espe­cial­ly impor­tant.  Open Cul­ture and its relat­ed web­sites are not struc­tured to attract chil­dren under 13 years of age.  Open Cul­ture pro­hibits the use of our web­sites or ser­vices by any­one under 13 years of age.  Open Cul­ture does not know­ing­ly col­lect or solic­it per­son­al infor­ma­tion from any­one under the age of 13 or know­ing­ly allow such per­sons to reg­is­ter for any of the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices.  If you are under 13, please do not access the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices or send any infor­ma­tion about your­self to us, includ­ing your name, address, tele­phone num­ber, or email address.  In the event that we learn that we have col­lect­ed per­son­al infor­ma­tion from a child under age 13 with­out ver­i­fi­ca­tion of parental con­sent, we will delete that infor­ma­tion as quick­ly as pos­si­ble.  If you believe that we might have any infor­ma­tion from or about a child under 13, please con­tact us at ma**@op*********.com.

10. Links to Oth­er Web­sites

We are not respon­si­ble for the prac­tices employed by web­sites linked to or from the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices, nor the infor­ma­tion or con­tent con­tained there­in.  Please remem­ber that when you use a link to go from with­in the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices to an out­side web­site, our Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy is no longer in effect.  Your brows­ing and inter­ac­tion on any oth­er web­site, includ­ing those that have a link on the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices, is sub­ject to that website’s own rules and poli­cies. Please read over those rules and poli­cies before pro­ceed­ing.

11. Noti­fi­ca­tion Pro­ce­dures

It is our pol­i­cy to pro­vide noti­fi­ca­tions, whether such noti­fi­ca­tions are required by law or are for mar­ket­ing or oth­er busi­ness relat­ed pur­pos­es, to you via email notice, writ­ten or hard copy notice, or through con­spic­u­ous post­ing of such notice on the applic­a­ble Open Cul­ture web­site or ser­vice, as deter­mined by Open Cul­ture in its sole dis­cre­tion. We reserve the right to deter­mine the form and means of pro­vid­ing noti­fi­ca­tions to you, pro­vid­ed that you may opt out of cer­tain means of noti­fi­ca­tion as described in this Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy.

12. Gov­ern­ing Law

This Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy is gov­erned by the laws of the State of Cal­i­for­nia and the Unit­ed States of Amer­i­ca.

13. Changes to this Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy

Open Cul­ture may mod­i­fy or update this Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy at its sole dis­cre­tion from time to time, and so you should review this Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy peri­od­i­cal­ly.  When we change the pol­i­cy in a mate­r­i­al way, we will noti­fy you by means of a notice on our web­site pri­or to the change becom­ing effec­tive.  Changes to this Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy are effec­tive when they are post­ed on this page.  Your con­tin­ued access to the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices after the Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy has been mod­i­fied and post­ed will sig­ni­fy your accep­tance of such mod­i­fi­ca­tions.

If you have any ques­tions about this Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy, the prac­tices of the Open Cul­ture Ser­vices, or your deal­ings with Open Cul­ture, please con­tact us at ma**@op*********.com.


14. Cal­i­for­nia Con­sumer Pri­va­cy Act (“CCPA”)

Under CCPA, Cal­i­forn­ian res­i­dents have the right to declare their pref­er­ences on the sale of data for adver­tis­ing and mar­ket­ing pur­pos­es. If you wish to change your pref­er­ences, click this link to launch our pref­er­ence por­tal:
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