Hear from museum educators and content experts, try hands-on activities, explore museum objects, and gain new resources to develop your teaching practice in our professional development sessions. 

We offer professional development in a variety of formats, from in person trainings, live webinars, and on demand recordings.

Jump to a Section:      Join a Regularly Scheduled Webinar     By Reservation      On Demand

Live Webinars

Join Museum experts live using Zoom to a professional development training in real time. At least two live webinars happen each school year. New programs will be announced each fall.

A dark background with sparking lights.

Stop Motion With Students

Interstellar Animation

March 18, 2025 | 8 - 9:15pm

Unleash your students’ creativity through the medium of stop motion animation and try your hand at your own space-inspired animation. 

By Reservation

Bring professional development into your school with in-person or virtual sessions on a variety of topics. Professional development on demand can be customized for different teacher groups and grade levels. Browse the topics below and fill out our request form to connect with us and start planning.

Session Options

On Demand

Watch recorded professional development sessions anytime on YouTube. 

Most Recent Webinar

The Power of Perspective

We're excited to explore how aerial imagery, close looking, and perspective-taking  can enhance your teaching and inspire new learning opportunities for your students. In this resource  guide, you will find the presentation slide deck, links to additional content, and learning resources for our classroom.


A dark background with sparking lights.

More on YouTube