Hey custom edition textbooks - GFY!
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Hey custom edition textbooks - GFY!
College = Preschool, because naps, mom-missing and general cluelessness.
#CollegeHurts #78: College isn’t too different from preschool. Lots of naps, you miss your mom, and you have no idea what is happening.
(via collegehurts)
#CollegeHurts #38: I’ve got 99 problems and school is 100 of them. The other -1 is the temperature outside.
(via collegehurts)
#CollegeHurts #36: School is stressing me out. Grades are stressing me out. Anxiety is stressing me out. My stress is stressing me out.
(via collegehurts)
#CollegeHurts #30: That moment when you aren’t checking blackboard or your bank account because you already know grades and money are both too low.
(via collegehurts)