
Zenia Irani is a Clinical Audiologist and Speech Language Pathologist  by profession. But her real passion is food  – eating it, cooking it, and writing about it. This blog is a personal diary of sorts – where she documents the food scene, her kitchen experiments, and her travels. In addition, on these pages, you will find random musings that touch her heart.

She started her food writing career in 2011 as a contributor to the Budget Bites section in the Times Food Guide. She is also the recipient of the Runner Up Best General Food Blog at the Indian Food Bloggers Awards, 2015 and the Runner Up Best Lifestyle Blog at the Indian Food Bloggers Awards, 2017.

Feel free to get in touch via email on [email protected] for any collaborations and comments.

Featured in:

Food Bloggers Association of India, SALT e-mag as the Top Bloggers to Watch Out for in 2015 – here.

Fine Dine Love’s Top 10 Food Bloggers Every Foodie Must Follow – here.

iDiva’s Fifteen Indian Food Bloggers You’ve Got To Follow on Instagram – here.

Rediff’s Ten Instagram Foodies You Must Follow – here

Rebates Zone Top 50 Food Blogs in India – here.

Fine Dine Love’s Foodie of the Week – here.

BuzzInTown’s Recommendations for Ramadan eats – here.

Diary Scroll’s Blogger of the Week Series – here

Restaurant Influencer Marketing: How to Engage with Food Bloggers – here.


Times Food Guide 2011 –  Budget Bites Section

Regular contributor to the website Bandra Info. You can read her articles hereherehere, and here.

Regular contributor to the website Little Black Book. You can read her articles herehere and here.

Contributor to the website Express Foodie. You can read her article here.

Contributor to the website Zoroastrians.net. You can read her article here.

Contributor to Tour Radar’s article on Where to Find the Best Food Experiences in Sri Lanka. You can read the article here.