License Search
Permit Search
Underground Utility Incident Report Search
Continuing Education Course Search
Continuing Education Provider Search
Continuing Education Search
Course Search
Provider Search
Customer Service Information
If you need any assistance with this process or have questions about Permits or Licenses, please use the information below to contact us.
Montana Department of Labor & Industry
Business Standards Division
301 S. Park Avenue
PO Box 200513
Helena, MT 59620
(406) 444-6880
[email protected]
Browser Compatibility
If you are having difficulty with searching or performance, try narrowing your search by entering more specific parameters. This site performs best in Chrome or FireFox, but should be compatible with all major internet browsers.
Search Tips
This search tool uses a wildcard search which is built in and there is no need to enter special characters. If "Rob" is entered in the first name, then results will automatically show "Rob","Robby","Robert" etc. Users should enter at the minimum one of the form fields (besides state), to help in narrowing the search. It is advised to narrow down searches to a specific board/program or license type and then the known permit/license holder information fields.
Try not to enter all fields, this may inadvertently eliminate the result being searched for. Conversely, try not to leave the search too broad which will force you to filter the results.
Filtering and Sorting
Each search result page has a built in filtering system to assist you in narrowing your search results. To use this feature enter any key word that is displayed in the visible columns and the results will automatically filter down to results that contain the key word entered.
All columns are enabled for sorting. Default sort is by the record number, but if you wish to sort by last name then just click the column heading for last name and the results will re-sort.
This site is a verification of licensure.
The Montana Department of Labor and Industry, Business Standards Division, presents Licensee Lookup information as a service to the public. The Division relies upon information provided by licensees to be true and correct, as required by statute. It is an act of unprofessional conduct for a licensee knowingly to provide erroneous information to the Division.
This verification is accurate for all disciplinary actions which occurred after July 1, 1996. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of disciplinary actions occurring prior to this date. However, every reasonable effort has been made to provide complete and accurate information.
Please note that some disciplinary actions against licensees may not appear immediately on the website. Appeals, effective dates of orders and other administrative processes may delay posting on the website. Please contact the Compliance Unit directly at 406-841-2300 if you require discipline information that occurred prior to July 1, 1996.