Farmhouse Conf 5
Stories About The Collapse Under an Avocado Tree in Hollywood, California
Farmhouse Conf 5 is the fifth and final show of Hollywood’s best backyard storytelling conference. 1 day / 1 track, 8 speakers (3 men / 5 women), no slides, no projectors. Amazing people telling incredible stories of Collapse.
The event brings together people from a variety of backgrounds and influences. The big vision is to get amazing people together, inspire them, give them time and space to cross pollinate... then watch what great things come from it.
FHC5 will invite back all past speakers and bands to come back and be a part of the reunion / farewell show.
Attendees are welcome to camp in the backyard if you bring your own gear (tent, sleeping bag, etc). All the food and drinks are provided during the day and night. After the day of talks, we party into the night with live music, free booze and tasty treats.
Claire Evans
The Collapse of Love in the Age of Machines

When it comes to love, we might all be Luddites. Wouldn’t we smash the machine that told us precisely where and when our former paramours found someone new? Unfortunately, the global index that contains every gossamer byte of the love letters we're always unwittingly writing as we make contact across the web is quite unsmashable. We are at a fundamental cultural tipping point in how we deal with love, courtship&mdashand inevitably, heartbreak. Is this the collapse of love as we know it? How do we renegotiate intimacy in the Internet age?
Claire L. Evans is a writer and artist working in Los Angeles, California. Her “day job” is as the singer and co-author of the conceptual disco-pop band YACHT. A science journalist and science-fiction critic, she is a regular contributor to Aeon Magazine, Vice, Motherboard, and Grantland, and is the editor-in-chief of OMNI Reboot.
Her writing has been was anthologized in Best Science Writing Online 2012 (Scientific American Books/Farrar, Straus & Giroux), and she regularly participates in panels, conferences, and screenings on the subject of science and culture. She has performed earnestly cosmic presentations at the Kitchen, MoMA PS1, and the Hirshhorn Museum, spoken about extraterrestrial life at the Rubin Museum’s BRAINWAVE series, and co-authored a book on interdisciplinarity in the arts, NA/SA: New Art Science Affinities.
A collected book of her essays, High Frontiers, is now available from Publication Studio.
Richard Heinberg
Near-Term Collapse: Why Industrial Society Is More Vulnerable Than You May Think

Rising energy costs, crushing debt burdens, resource depletion, and climate change are converging to undermine the global economy. Our political system appears incapable of responding. Previous civilizations have collapsed in the face of similar challenges. What does collapse look like? Is it likely within the next two decades? If so, what should we be doing?
Richard Heinberg is the author of ten books including:
- The End of Growth (August 2011)
- The Post Carbon Reader (2010) (editor)
- Blackout: Coal, Climate, and the Last Energy Crisis (2009)
- Peak Everything: Waking Up to the Century of Declines (2007)
- The Oil Depletion Protocol: A Plan to Avert Oil Wars, Terrorism & Economic Collapse (2006)
- Powerdown: Options & Actions for a Post-Carbon World (2004)
- The Party's Over: Oil, War & the Fate of Industrial Societies (2003)
Richard is a Senior Fellow of the Post Carbon Institute and is widely regarded as one of the world’s foremost Peak Oil educators. He has authored scores of essays and articles that have appeared in such journals as Nature, The American Prospect, Public Policy Research, Quarterly Review, The Ecologist, Resurgence, The Futurist, European Business Review, Earth Island Journal, Yes!, and The Sun; and on web sites such as,,,, and
He has been quoted in Time Magazine and has spoken to hundreds of audiences in 14 countries, including members of the European Parliament. He has appeared in many film and television documentaries, including Leonardo DiCaprio’s 11th Hour, is a recipient of the M. King Hubbert Award for Excellence in Energy Education, and in 2012 was appointed to His Majesty the King of Bhutan's International Expert Working Group for the New Development Paradigm initiative.
Richard’s animations Don’t Worry, Drive On, Who Killed Economic Growth? and 300 Years of Fossil Fuels in 300 Minutes (winner of a YouTubes’s/DoGooder Video of the Year Award) have been viewed by 1.5 million people.
Since 2002, he has delivered more than four hundred lectures to a wide variety of audiences — from insurance executives to peace activists, from local and national elected officials to Jesuit volunteers.
Jessica Hische
The Collapse of The Personal/Professional Separation

Why would you tell 70,000 strangers your every waking thought? What effect does over-sharing have on your career. Does anyone care about your shitty tattoos in the workplace anymore? What would happen if you could just be yourself, unfiltered, all the time?
Jessica Hische is a letterer, illustrator, and self-described “avid internetter”. After graduating with a degree in Graphic and Interactive Design from Tyler School of Art (Temple University) in 2006, she worked for Headcase Design in Philadelphia before taking a position as Senior Designer at Louise Fili Ltd. While working for Louise, she learned most of her skills as a letterer and spent upwards of 16 hours every day working (9 for Louise, 7+ for freelance clients). After two and a half years, Jessica left to further her freelance career and embark on several fun personal projects. Jessica began Daily Drop Cap, a project in which every day she created a new illustrative letter, working through the alphabet a total of twelve times. At its peak, the site had more than 100,000 visitors per month. It culminated with a thirteenth alphabet, each letter crafted by a guest contributor.
Jessica has become as well known for her side projects as she has for her client work. While she doesn’t consider herself a web designer, many of her personal projects are web-centric. She’s created several educational micro-sites including Mom This is How Twitter Works, Should I Work for Free? and Don’t Fear the Internet (with Russ Maschmeyer), each as entertaining as they are helpful. She coined the term “procrastiworking” to describe her tendency to procrastinate on client work by working on personal projects.
Jessica’s clients includes Wes Anderson, Tiffany & Co., The New York Times, Penguin Books, Target, Leo Burnett, American Express, and Wired Magazine. She has also released several commercial typefaces which are available in her store. Jessica has been named a Print Magazine New Visual Artist (20 under 30), one of Forbes 30 under 30 in Art and Design, an ADC Young Gun, a “Person to Watch” by GD USA, and one of 25 Emerging Artists by STEP Magazine. She’s been personally profiled in many magazines including Eye Magazine (UK), Communication Arts, Grafik Magazine (UK), and Novum Magazine (Germany). She is currently serving on the Type Directors Club Board of Directors and divides her time fairly evenly between San Francisco, Brooklyn, and airports en route to design and illustration conferences.
Julie Ann Horvath
Resilience in the Face of Total Collapse

Every end collapse marks a new beginning. But where does momentum to start something new come from? Where does resilence originate?
I want to tell you all my own story of personal resilience and how the best of things can come from the worst of situations. Or, how I learned to take power away from those who thrive on negativity and conflict and use it to create beautfiul movements of empowerment for those of us who deserve a better world.
Julie Ann Horvath is a designer and frontend developer at GitHub. She likes to think of herself as an open source advocate with a big heart for making mockups in markup. She spends a lot of her time speaking at conferences and volunteering to teach (more) women to code.
She’s also the creator and organizer of Passion Projects, a monthly talk series designed to help surface and celebrate the work of incredible women in the tech industry.
Eleanor Saitta
The Collapse of Trust

When we think about collapse, the narrative that comes to mind is that of the massive environmental challenges facing us as a species, as we attempt to recover from variously boiling, acid-bathing, and poisoning ourselves. Just as real, though, is the collapse of trust that's led us to be on such a direct collision path with the end of our future. We have placed a trust in our governments to act in our interests and in our institutions to think on the kind of timescales that lone individuals often fail to, but that trust has completely collapsed. The problem of ecological collapse in the large is really a failure of governance and timescale, an issue of state capture, a failure of fundamental ethics and vision on the part of the super-empowered, a systemic, emergent nightmare.
Let's walk into that nightmare, sit with it for a while, and then see how we can walk back out.
Eleanor Saitta is a hacker, designer, artist, writer, and barbarian. She makes a living and a vocation of understanding how complex, transdisciplinary systems operate and redesigning them to work, or at least fail, better. Among other things, Eleanor is a co-founder of the Trike project and the Constitutional Analysis Support Team, Technical Director at the International Modern Media Institute, Principal Security Engineer at the Open Internet Tools Project, a member of the advisory board at Geeks Without Bounds, a contributor to the Briar project, and a Senior Security Associate with Stach & Liu. She is nomadic and lives mostly in airports and occasionally in New York, London, and Stockholm. She can be found at and on Twitter as @dymaxion.
Nirvan Mullick
Collapse of an Education System Not Designed for Creativity

Nirvan discovered a 9 year old kid named Caine who had made an arcade out of cardboard at an auto parts store. Nirvan bought a fun pass and his life was changed. He organized a flash mob to visit Caine's Arcade on one day and changed Caine's life. Nirvan made a short film about the whole experience. And then both of their lives changed. They went from arcade to movie to global movement of kids making amazing things out of cardboard. From there, The Imagination Foundation launched, bringing creativity to classrooms and communities by unplugging for a day to play.
Nirvan is an LA based filmmaker, creative consultant, speaker, and entrepreneur. Nirvan began teaching himself animation while studying philosophy at New College. He went on to earn an MFA in Experimental Animation from CalArts. Nirvan's animated short films have screened in festivals worldwide, winning numerous awards. In 2001, Nirvan began an ongoing collaborative experiment called The 1 Second Film, which became among the first crowdfunded films. In 2012, Nirvan directed Caine's Arcade, an 11-minute short film that became a viral phenomenon, receiving over 8 million views and sparking a global movement of cardoard creativity in kids around the world. After Caine's Arcade, Nirvan founded the non-profit Imagination Foundation to find, foster, and fund creativity and entrepreneurship in kids. Nirvan has received the Dan Eldon Creative Activist Award and the Innovation in Action award. Nirvan is a partner at Interconnected, consults with companies and non-profits, serves on the board of CicLAvia, and tries to keep up with his garden and email.
Barefoot Ted
Gravitational Collapse, Energetic Wheels, Ape Locomotion: a history

A quick look at strategies used by the genus Homo to enhance and extend the joy of mobility past and present. Starting with the evolution of bipedalism and the radical growth of the brain, I will catalog what I see as the most important behaviors, capacities and inventions that propelled humans into the now..., and I will demonstrate where I think we are going next.
Barefoot Ted is an independent athlete committed to re-discovering primal natural human capacities and encouraging others to do the same.
Having spent the last 10 years focused on mastering barefoot long distance running, BFT now focuses on sharing his insights through speaking engagements, social networking and acting as the Spokesmonkey for LUNA, the adventure sandal company he founded in Seattle.
Many have come to know about him through the pages of Christopher McDougall's best-selling book "Born to Run", a book BFT likes to call his quirky PhD. thesis that he didn't have to write.
Ted has been featured in numerous articles and frequently interviewed. He enjoys sharing his philosophy of running and life to audiences large and small.
As "Barefoot Ted", he has played a major role in defining and popularizing the new/old concept of barefoot running and minimalist footwear to a new generation, being an early adopter of the current trend.
Ted's research and adventures have been regularly shared on his popular blog, Barefoot Ted's Adventures on his Facebook Fan Page and on Twitter. He also hosts an online forum dedicated to minimalist/barefoot running.
These days Ted enjoys spreading the news about his favorite sandals and telling stories of his adventures. Projects for 2014 include more Barefoot Ted's Adventures active vacations in Mexico, Turkey and Japan and a LUNA USA TOUR visiting retailers across the country.
Willo O'Brien
The Collapse of Hope & Letting Go of What Could Have Been

Launching our big ideas into the world takes courage & moxy. We dive in, our eyes twinkling with possibility and hope, and if we’re lucky we catalyze collaborators, supportive fans, customers and a community along the way. But what happens when you’ve lost that loving feeling? Or when you realize it’s time to let go of the baby you’ve put your blood, sweat & tears into and move on? Letting go of what could have been may just take more courage & moxy than getting the idea off the ground in the first place.
Willo O’Brien has made a career out of creativity. A prolific artist, tech geek, and creative business consultant/coach for over a decade, she knows what works and what doesn’t in the ever-changing world of startups and innovative small business.
After founding several businesses of her own, and serving as co-founder of two successful startups, she now shares her expertise teaching and coaching other multi-hyphenated professionals (like you) to find that elusive sweet spot.
Well versed in the heart-wrenching art of letting go, she’s made big, bold leaps in her career, many of which took a fierce dedication to her motto of “feel the fear & follow your heart anyway.” Willo can be found at and @WilloLovesYou on every social platform out there… say hello!
Farmhouse Conf 5 Alumni Follow-Up
Musical Guests
Mates of State & The Blue Ribbon Glee Club
Mates of State: @matesofstate, Mates of, Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook
The Blue Ribbon Glee Club: Blue Ribbon Glee, Facebook, MySpace, YouTube