Showing posts with label Bellemaison. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bellemaison. Show all posts

Friday, January 3, 2014

Princess Lingerie

This is so odd that I just had to post it. Yes, it is a bit out there, but to each their own.

The Japanese, who know their weird lingerie, have come up with a princess-themed line of undergarments. Bellemaison has lingerie for Belle, Cinderella, Aurora (Sleeping Beauty), and Rapunzel. It is so girly that is almost in another dimension of girliness.

Now this might not be appropriate for the little princesses out there, but perhaps some of the older ones will find it amusing.

It's interesting as an oddity, just to see how far some folks take their Disney fix. I know I would be weirded out if I encountered a woman wearing Cinderella underwear, but hey, who am I to judge? If it makes someone feel good, more power to them. And since they make it and sell it, that applies to someone out there.