FDLE Information Notification System
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The use of this application is for authorized business purposes that are directly associated with your agency's/entity's user agreement with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) and being authorized by FDLE and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to conduct fingerprint-based, criminal history record checks. The information received from such criminal history record checks, such as criminal history record information (CHRI), personally identifiable information (PII), and (if applicable) subsequent criminal history notification(s) for a retained applicant within the statewide Applicant Fingerprint Retention and Notification Program (AFRNP) and the national retained fingerprint notification program must be protected as Criminal Justice Information (CJI). Any interaction or use of this application will be monitored, recorded, and subject to audit. Deliberate or negligent misuse of this application or of the CJI that the application contains will result in the revocation of access to FDLE resources, disciplinary action, and may subject violators to criminal and/or civil penalties. By selecting "Accept", you are acknowledging that you understand and accept the policies outlined in this notice.
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(850) 410-8161
[email protected]
Florida Department of Law Enforcement